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why dont we hang


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The trouble is they dont see it as doing wrong and thinks its just a bit of fun for them to video on thier mobiles and with the way the law and courts are these days, the punishment wont fit the crime either - they will get a nice holiday out of it in spain or somewhere

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Because criminals thrive under liberalism. They would say it is "barbaric" to execute lowlife scum, and that they are just missunderstood or harmless. Wont be long untill people will carry out a risk assessment before leaving their fortress like homes to see if its worth the risk of being kicked to death just to get a loaf of bread.

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If guilty ( I accept one has pleaded) I would hang them both, but it is unlikely to happen in my lifetime. I trust they will have a nice time in prison and meet lots of new friends. I then hope they rot in hell. I would throw the book at the mother as well.

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It's the way things are going in our country today. What I can't work out is why anyone would want to do such a cruel thing?


What really gets to me though is that if you witness something like this happening there is very little you can do. You could step in using "reasonable force" and risk getting killed yourself, or send a barrel of BBs at the little scumbag and risk going to prison for it. The result is the public are scared to step in, and who can blame us? If it was someone I cared for being attacked I can say that without a second thought my reaction would be the latter of the two mentioned, but where would that get me? I'd almost certainly be locked up for longer than these lads will be. It's pathetic :rolleyes:

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It's the way things are going in our country today. What I can't work out is why anyone would want to do such a cruel thing?


What really gets to me though is that if you witness something like this happening there is very little you can do. You could step in using "reasonable force" and risk getting killed yourself, or send a barrel of BBs at the little scumbag and risk going to prison for it. The result is the public are scared to step in, and who can blame us? If it was someone I cared for being attacked I can say that without a second thought my reaction would be the latter of the two mentioned, but where would that get me? I'd almost certainly be locked up for longer than these lads will be. It's pathetic :rolleyes:


well said. it takes a trully evil mind to do this to a helpless person. They should never be let out or better still let me play with them

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well said. it takes a trully evil mind to do this to a helpless person. They should never be let out or better still let me play with them



The trouble is they will be let out and given new identities probably.Look at the Jamie Bulgar case a few years back, they stoned to death a 4 year boy and what did they get - a couple of years in a prison ( sorry holiday camp), then let out early with new identities and a new job and new houses and cars and etc, etc.


The justice system in this country is a shambles :rolleyes:

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I agree with all the above .....But I carn't help wandering how long it wiil be before the public has enough of the softlt, softly approach and resorts to MOB RULE because the police "CARNT" do anything and the Juges "WONT" impose a sentance to fit the crime......At the end of the day 20 burley guys kick the living **** out of the little scum WHO landed the fatal blow?:rolleyes:.... (isn't that what their deffence is!?!)

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Among all the news stories of recent months, I have found this story to be the most sickening. The agony that poor lad must have gone through before he died must have been horrendous. And for what? There aren't many people I would wish death upon, but the scum that killed him are not fit to breath the same air as the rest of us. I hope they burn in hell. :rolleyes:

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This country is too soft, I must admit I am afraid of going out in town at night cause you dont know who's round the corner.


If I was PM I would make jails so they took your privacy away where people can see you sleep and shower together make the beds uncomftable, give them food that taste's rank with the odd maggot in it, no heating, that will make them think before they commit a crime.


But there human rights come into effect dont they,

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wont it be harsh enough that they get sent to prison have a nice telly and a playstation! and a better gym than we could use and if their really good they get taught a trade!!,now i think thats bad enough without the hanging :lol::lol:



A friend of mine is a Prison Officer and assures me that people like this DO NOT have a very good time in prison and the animosity comes from the other inmates not the staff. Even villains have their basic level of behaviour and apparently this goes WAY beyond it. I for one will not lose any sleep over anything that is going to happen to them and I am told that being segregated for their own safety is NOT a right but can be requested when first entering the prison. However the Governer does not have to grant that request and it would be unlikely to stop anything nasty that is likely to happen to them anyway - fortunately.


As an addendum if thought any child of mine had behaved in such an unspeakable manner I would march them to the Police Station myself and disown them on the spot and quite frankly I hope they lock his mother up as well for trying to cover for the despicable little wretch. :rolleyes:<_<:lol:

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I agree with all the above .....But I carn't help wandering how long it wiil be before the public has enough of the softlt, softly approach and resorts to MOB RULE because the police "CARNT" do anything and the Juges "WONT" impose a sentance to fit the crime......At the end of the day 20 burley guys kick the living **** out of the little scum WHO landed the fatal blow?:).... (isn't that what their deffence is!?!)



Hell yes!!! i like your style!


There should be 2 standardised forms of death sentence:-


A: Leg and a wing pull them in half whilst holding them over a fire


B: Strapping them up to a heart monitor and beating & torturing them to within an inch of theyre excuse for lives stopping each time just before they die

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I agree with all the above .....But I carn't help wandering how long it wiil be before the public has enough of the softlt, softly approach and resorts to MOB RULE because the police "CARNT" do anything and the Juges "WONT" impose a sentance to fit the crime......At the end of the day 20 burley guys kick the living **** out of the little scum WHO landed the fatal blow?:).... (isn't that what their deffence is!?!)



Hell yes!!! i like your style!


There should be 2 standardised forms of death sentence:-


A: Leg and a wing pull them in half whilst holding them over a fire


B: Strapping them up to a heart monitor and beating & torturing them to within an inch of theyre excuse for lives stopping each time just before they die



The only trouble I have with vigilante actions and hanging for that matter is - what happens if the 'culprit' is found to be innocent of the offence at a later date. I am reminded of the actions of two 'gentlemen' who took it open themsleves (somewhere in Wales I believe) to inflict what turned out to be a fatal beating to man who had been in a police station being interviewed over an offnce against a child. It was only after these guys had been lauded as 'heroes' that is transpired that the victim was being interviewed as a witness to help the police over the incident and was not the culprit! Anyone that urges any such action or even condones it is sending out messages to those people who are most likely to be influenced by those opinions, that it is OK to behave in that manner. Not so long ago there was a thread on another shooting forum that opined that paedophiles should be shot, and that from someone with the best interests of the shooting sport at heart? Just what sort of message does that send out to the anti-gun lobby. Fortunately the thread was pulled pretty quickly before too much damage was done. The law must be seen to take it's course; but whether the punishment is enough or even consistent in each case another matter altogether.

Edited by Biffo1262
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