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Shotgun Certificate Problems

Mike Kirkbride

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I have previously held a Shotgun Certificate for a number of years, which i gave up in 1997, but have now returned to Beating and so as this gives me the opportunity of some shooting have applied to get my certificate again but have come across a problem for which i would appreciate some advice.

Since giving up my certificate, i suffered a seizure, just one on 28th October 2001, and nothing since.

As the application proces asks the question re Epilepsy, i supplied the information and gave the details of my GP so that he could varify the facts.

All was going well, the local firearms officer, Norman, had been in touch by phone and my inspection visit was arranged for the 7th February, but 2 hrs prior to the visit i received a call from Norman to say that my G.P. has refused to supply any information, as on a moral and ethical stance he refuses to have anything to do with firearms applications.

I am not asking him to act as countersignatory for me, my local councellor who is also a Justice of the Peace has gladly done this for me.

I approached my G.P. surgery to ask if another in the practice would supply the information, and the receptionist was very helpful, taking my details and checking that the paperwork was still available within the surgery for a colleague to complete, and even confirm to me that the request for information is in relation to 3 points;

Confirming that i suffered a Seizure as disclosed.

Have i suffered any further Seizures.

Does this have any impact on my suitability to posess a Shotgun.

To my dismay, all of the G.P's in the surgery have taken the same moral and ethical stance, so will not say i am fit or un fit, just wont respond! This results in my application being stuck!!

I have approached another 2 local surgeries to find one which occupies the same moral high ground, and another which says they would have no problem completing the information for me if i were a patient, but as i am not, and as they can't accept any local transfers, yet again stuck!!


Any advice?

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What a problem, has the FEO offered any advice, what if you contacted a private specialist such as a BUPA doctor who could obtain sight of your records and make a judgement, it will cost you though I would of thought, worth asking the FEO what he thinks is the next acceptable step to a quick and satisfactory completion, they must odf come across it before, good luck and dont give up.

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I have got Epilepsy mate, but I stopped taking medication when I was 13 yrs old, that was ten years ago now. So dont let some Doctors put you off.


I say if you drive a car what is wrong with attaining a SGC.


I am about to apply for my SGC so it will be interesting to find out what your result is.

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Just an idea.


You could suggest to the FEO that he requests the police surgeon to contact your GP, and request sight of, or copies of your medical records.

You could also write to the BMA, explaining your situation. Is there a reason why the local doctor who is sympathetic can not accept a local transfer.

Maybe a letter to your local NHS Trust panel.


AS I say, just ideas, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.



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As has been said, if you pay the copying charges you are entitled to a set of your medical notes.


I advise my clients to get copies and attach them to insurance application forms - we see so many insurance policies repudiated because people forget some health issue back in the dim and distant past which the insurancers deem to be relevant and therefore a material non disclosure - also putting "please feel free to contact my doctor" on the form is not good disclosure.... anyhows, I digress with a top tip.....


You also might want to think about changing doctors - out of interest, does your doctor have a beard and sandals or has he / she fled a dictatorship or war torn region e.g. Uganda?

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Sorry no advice but I wanted to give you my support,


AND express my total disgust at these so called professionals,


After all they work for us we pay there wages, you dont seek or care about their personal opinion, but are entitled (by virtue of paying in) to the NHS to their professional opinion.


Unfortunately certain profession seam to develop an unrealistic view of there own importance, unfortunately its others who suffer


maybe you should post this doctors address so we can all send him polite letters disapproving of his personal views encroaching into his professional duties


I myself dont like to kill anything I'm not going to eat, but I don't pass judgment on those who do......... further more how dose he quack no your not only going to shoot clays


all the above is just my opinion, yours may differ and thats your right

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Your doctors a cock. I would change on principle. However i dont think he is entitled to denie the police access to your records if you have given permission. You dont require a reference as you say. They are custodians of your records while you are a patient, not arbitrary owners with a right to say who they can be released to.

Edited by chunk
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What a nightmare situation and, as has been said, very unprofessional. I took the quote below from the BMA site and it's not good news.


Objections to signing firearms certificates

The BMA has received inquiries in the past from doctors who do not wish, on grounds of conscience, to sign firearms certificates. Doctors are under no obligation to sign these certificates and the BMA would support any doctor who refuses such a request.


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What a nightmare situation and, as has been said, very unprofessional. I took the quote below from the BMA site and it's not good news.


Objections to signing firearms certificates

The BMA has received inquiries in the past from doctors who do not wish, on grounds of conscience, to sign firearms certificates. Doctors are under no obligation to sign these certificates and the BMA would support any doctor who refuses such a request.



This is about signing the certificat not providing an oppinion on weather an aplicant is fit

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I had a car accident a few years ago and asked for copies of my medical records. Paid for the copying which amounted to 25 quid or so but i got the lot no problem, and they cant deny them to you. Forward the relevant parts to firearms if they are happy with that. Its quite an eye opener seeing everything from being an egg to an adult, but it may help you out.

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Your doctor is absolutely in the wrong- He is allowing his personal judgement to come in the way of his job- At the end of the day all you want is your medical records full stop.


Take it to the highest level you can- and get him spanked into next week. I will admit I had my renewals signed by my doctor who was the my family's GP for over 30 years, he used to sign all of my families certs.


When he retired and all the new sandal shaggers came in the practice changed and they all refused to sign off firearms certs. I had words about it in the surgery and changed doctors straight away.

Edited by starlight32
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What a nightmare situation and, as has been said, very unprofessional. I took the quote below from the BMA site and it's not good news.


Objections to signing firearms certificates

The BMA has received inquiries in the past from doctors who do not wish, on grounds of conscience, to sign firearms certificates. Doctors are under no obligation to sign these certificates and the BMA would support any doctor who refuses such a request.



This is about signing the certificat not providing an oppinion on weather an aplicant is fit

Quite right!!


Sounds like your docs practice is getting mixed up, may be they have practice rules about signing SGC's, but are getting that confused with replying to the law with the necessary info, which if you have signed a release form ( it's on the sgc application) they should do.


Ask again stating that you do not require them to counter sign, just confirm your medical records with the police, if they refuse ask them why they are refusing to do their job, ethical grounds are no reason.

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