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Sat Nav


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The garmin sat nav's are a great job are really easy to use and very accuratly display speed i have used a tom-tom but found the garmin ones better the garmin one i used was small enough around 250 i think my mate paid for it we used it to go to most of the stages of the recent world rally when it was here and it had the smallest back roads mapped 100% :lol:

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After I saw Dunganick's Navman in use, a couple of months later, I went and got one myself. Despite what Garmin chaps say about the Navmans, its a great unit, and has NEVER let me down on big motorways and country lanes. Thumbs up for that one :lol: Much cheaper then a Garmin, so a good starting point.


I use the Garmin handheld GPS units for adventuring though :lol: cant beat them if its in your price range.

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Im a long distance truck driver and a Yorkshireman, so inherently "careful" with money, and a Luddite to boot. Our lass got me a tom tom one for Xmas and I wish I'd got one years ago its the mutts. I've looked into it a bit now and I Want, need must have a tom tom 920 t.


People will tel you sat navs show you driving through fields, but die they get lost??a paper map is out of date before its printed, just keep connecting the unit to the pc its a doddle, I dont take a map in the truck now, just the tom tom

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I purchased a Trumpion off ebay at xmas for £100...excelent little toy.

I use to say that i would never get one then i got stuck at night coming out of southampton.....this little toy is excellent does all european stuff as well.


I just listen to the posh bird and do what she says.....god she does nag sometimes..and i go a different way just to show her who is the BOSS :lol:


Would not be without it now to be honest....just makes it easier then trying to read signs and maps in the dark



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PDA GPS then you can use it for more than just travelling in the car. I, and my folks, all have Acer N35s, you can run the same software as the TomTom if you wish,or any other GPS software for that matter. I also upload all the 1:25K maps of the UK and use it when out walking/shooting. Plus being a PDA you can do a whole host of other things on it too...plus the processor is way faster than the car based equiviants. :lol:

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I use the TomTom One XL, does as it says on the box, great piece of kit. Has speed camera's on there as well, and the latest V3 version has mapshare, this basically means when people go to an unnamed road or the map is wrong because a new road is built, they can update the system; You then have a choice to download 'verified maps' or 'non verified' updates.


A good deal though and also a nice piece of kit, is the Harmon Kardon, it was £350 when it came out but a new model is about to be released and theres someone on Ebay who's got 500 of them at £100 each. Friend at work bought one and it is very good. It also comes with European maps and speed camera's. Has all the accessories included that you have to buy seperately with Tom Tom.

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