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greatest embarrasment

Paul in North Lincs.

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I have just been in a meeting at an empty warehouse with my client (the vendor) and potential investors.


Now these 3 were your sterio typical snobby types, and one very well groomed lady in her 30's with a look of Chatherine Zita Jones...... absolutely drop dead!......turned up in a new Bently of all things....................you can picture the sort


All was going well.......until I dropped my pen.


I bent down to pick it up, and accidently blew out a f*rt, that was loud enough rival concords sonic boom...... clearly last nights Valentines squid and sea weed starter was the cause.


Naturally this resinated throughout the empty warhouse making it 10 times louder........and that was the moment when I wished I could turn into an ant an scurry away.


I said nothing...and could feel my cheeks buring with ebarrasment.....as the pinstripes blankly started at me .....with Catherine Zita looking on in discust........... did I feel a **** or what


Anyway I've since recovered from this horrific ordeal...and wondered what your embarrasing moments were......


Im man enough to talk about em....are you?:lol:

Edited by Paul in North Lincs.
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Yeah, if that was me I'd want them to be gagging so at least we all suffered.


I've not done anything like that but I've been on the flip side of someone's embarrassment.

I had a new female boss, slightly older than me, fairly attractive but cool. During our first 'one-to-one' weekly meeting we were both sat in tall chairs facing each other beside a low table. She put a document on the table and leaned lightly on it to point to a line on the document. The table was unstable and flipped over, causing her to fall between my legs, face first into my crotch. She couldn't get her arms placed to lift herself back for what seemed like an eternity. As an added bonus, as she was sprawled there struggling, her skirt rode up revealing a flash of her bare thighs above the tops of her stockings (hold-ups I think). She turned scarlet, I was unavoidably grinning. It was all I could do to stop myself saying 'While you're down there...'

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Relax!! That guff probably sealed the deal as research has PROVEN that bowel gas contains pheromones.So a female might outwardly show disgust,and may even gag if its a real potent one,but inwardly she wants IT. I made more than one conquest by dropping the odd subtle squeaker. You should be applauded. :lol:

Personally though, I was told by a very attractive girl I,d worked with I,d done an 8 hr shift with a bogie on my face.Ended up going out with her though. Women like pigs.

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Nothing to rival that, but I did put my foot in it when we were given free air show tickets years ago.

Cellnet gave mrs stuartp 4 free tickets that included free lunch with guests.

We sat down to our meal and a bloke in red boiler suit asked if he could join us.

I asked if he was a mechanic, and he said "no, I am Red One, the lead pilot with the Red Arrows" :good:

Turned out Cellnet sponsored them at the time, and part of the deal they had to mingle with the general public at these shows :good::angry:

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Relax!! That guff probably sealed the deal as research has PROVEN that bowel gas contains pheromones.So a female might outwardly show disgust,and may even gag if its a real potent one,but inwardly she wants IT. I made more than one conquest by dropping the odd subtle squeaker. You should be applauded. :good:

Personally though, I was told by a very attractive girl I,d worked with I,d done an 8 hr shift with a bogie on my face.Ended up going out with her though. Women like pigs.



Now where did you learn that one? :lol:





I am quite a shy person, and it doesn not take much to turn me into a tomato face. I hate it, even suprisingly meeting someone can set it off? huh? :good:

I find it a real problem when I have to do talks/presentations etc.. but im getting better. So technicly I have one embarassing moment every couple of days, and they are never nice :lol: but im slowly learning to just not care about it, and if somone makes a comment I just be honest about it, instead of trying to cover it up (only gets worse).


I have this due to growing up alone, running about hunting in the woods alone/building camps alone etc.. so I geuss I just dont (in my mind) know how to deal with certain people situations, and blush up. Anoying, and has put me off dates/giving presentations and is currently the only thing holding me back from wanting to join the police, as I know I will be in many confrontations. :lol:


Still though, I have had some geuine embarrasing moments, doing a solo trumpet conceart with my fly undone and only finding out after my white undies where very visible, recently in Romania, I was carrying a small Christmas tree through a park, and the foot paths were covered in ice. So I was sliding along with the tree under my arm, and land on my behind after trying to look smart :angry:


Always horrible at the time and you want to crawl under a rock, but always a great laugh when its all passed :D

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Its not only proven fact but etched in poetic folklore..

" Where,ere you May be

Let youre Winde go free

In Church or Chapel

Let it rattle,Better let it Out In Shame

Than Keepe it in and Make you Lame"


Theres the proof.I rest my case.A certain Frenchman made a good living out of it.

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So I have had many embarassing moments, and not afriad to telly you lot and make a fool of myself.


A few years ago, myself and the no Mrs AdamC went food shopping after work on a Friday. I hate food shopping and find it a struggle to keep my temper, so would try and make it a bit more fun. I use to walk forward and support my weight with my arms and roll forward.... childish? Yes! But is gets worse. On this one Friday, they had changed the trollys and the centre of gravity must have been different.


The Mrs had gone wandering off, so I got a lick of speed up and went to support my weight. At that moment, it became immediatly obvious that was not going to happen. The back of the trolly dipped as I started to head southwards. After a few awkward steps trying to rectify the situation, down I went! There I was sliding along the floor on my stomach, still holding the trollly.... I slid right past the wife. What a ***! I jumped to my feet fearing the worst, but to my amazement I got away without being seen... the wife asked what I was doing, like there was any doubt, but she thought I was dancing!


I still worry that I am going to see myself on a security video at some point!


I have more, most not suitable for public airing.

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So I have had many embarassing moments, and not afriad to telly you lot and make a fool of myself.


A few years ago, myself and the no Mrs AdamC went food shopping after work on a Friday. I hate food shopping and find it a struggle to keep my temper, so would try and make it a bit more fun. I use to walk forward and support my weight with my arms and roll forward.... childish? Yes! But is gets worse. On this one Friday, they had changed the trollys and the centre of gravity must have been different.


The Mrs had gone wandering off, so I got a lick of speed up and went to support my weight. At that moment, it became immediatly obvious that was not going to happen. The back of the trolly dipped as I started to head southwards. After a few awkward steps trying to rectify the situation, down I went! There I was sliding along the floor on my stomach, still holding the trollly.... I slid right past the wife. What a ***! I jumped to my feet fearing the worst, but to my amazement I got away without being seen... the wife asked what I was doing, like there was any doubt, but she thought I was dancing!


I still worry that I am going to see myself on a security video at some point!


I have more, most not suitable for public airing.


aww man i was gutting myself when i just read that.. :good: the security guards must of had a laugh,

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On holiday a friend of mine ran out of the sea up the

beach towards two girls sunbathing near us.

He had been eyeing one of them up for a few hours

and plucking up the courage to speak to her he used

coming out of the sea as an excuss to walk past her.


He walks up to her but unknowingly he had a nose

and face full of snot (from being in the sea) without

realising what he was doing he wiped his nose and

face and as he got to where the girl was, in one

clean motion he brought his hand down from his face

flicking a hand full of wet snot onto the girls belly.


For about ten seconds he stood mortified at what he

had just done, looking at this girl who was equaly

as shocked at what had happend.


He regained his composure and with all the grace he

could muster he said "the names Bond, James Bond"

and walked off.


As he walked passed me, I was in hysterics

he promptly walked to the beach bar never to venture

onto the sand again that day.




Edited by taz24
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