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anyone else on here suffer with gout.

had it since last sunday been off work all week started back yesterday

beleive me the pain is unbeleivable got it in my left big toe this time

but had it in hands ankles wrists yes wrists no ( jokes ) please if you have had it before you will understand the constant throbbing pain completely disables the joint turns to crystal form or crystal needles across the joint.

Edited by AIRARMSTX200
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I know how you feel mate. Got it myself a few weeks ago for the first time and it is painful. My doctor gave me indometacin and it worked like a treat and havn't had it since. Apparently tests have just shown that fizzy pop and fructose are really bad for setting it off. But like a few posts have said drinking lots of water helps disolve the crystals that form in your joints that give you the pain(uric acid). Got a few tablets left if you want some sending down

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The old port and stilton is a bit of an old wives tail, but certain foods don't help at all. Apparently it's a build up of uric acid(something to do with your urine) that solidifies into crystals around your joints, basically it's like having broken glass under your skin. I just woke up with it one morning and it felt like someone had walloped my big toe with a lump hammer. It really is that painful.

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Presription Alipurinol (?spelling) - take it every day (gout or not), the gout gets worse before it gets better at first then stabilises and you're sorted. My old man had it. Think this drug can be bad for your kidneys but if you can't walk what use are your kidneys...?


Trip to the GP.



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I get occassional twinges in the large toes on my left foot that have been diagnosed as gout, but they only last a matter of minutes, so I can deal with that.

Being a prolific producer of kidney stones it apparently makes me an almost dead cert for gout.

My doctor said its all to do with uric acids ( or something like that), one thing I make sure to do is drink lots of water.

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Not sure whether opioids would be prescribed at first by your doc for treating gout pain but; They should greatly ease the pain but wont actually ease the inflamation however; alongside anti-inflamatory treatment they should help at lot in the mornings and at night. The last thing you want is pain keeping you awake; believe me I know how nasty that can be.


Most commonly scripted opioids (Tramadol, dihydrocodeine etc) have a fairly low risk level if taken properly. Though you may find they will make you too drowsy to drive/shoot if you mix them with alcohol, so it's best to avoid the drink if you go onto them.


If conventional NSAID's (Ibprofen etc) are not working; then you doc might give you a shot of cortizone to directly ease the inflamation. NSAID's also carry the risk of burning holes in your stomach lining if you take them for a period of time so; it's important you see your GP about it and keep him/her updated of how it is progressing.



Edited by mr_colt
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I've had it on and off for the past 2 years now. Ibuprofen doesn't touch it, but Diclofenac does. I walk 40 miles a week (at least) with the dogs, and pretty much watch what I eat (still fat tho!). Found that I get it after drinking more than 2 bottles of Budweiser, or if I have any rich gravies at all.


Definitely stay away from all offal - it'll cripple you for weeks :yes:

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All I can advise is to get medical treatment asap. See your GP if it's that bad they he should be getting u to see a specialist ASAP. Tell your GP how bad the pain is and say you really like something to ease it.


It's no fun suffering in silence, the sooner you get a proper treatment regime the better. Best to stop this gout worsening now as it would be a great shame if it kept you out of the field for a prolonged period of time.


I saw what gout (among other things) did to my grandfather because he simply didn't actively pursue medical treatment. He ended up horribly crippled because he just tried t grit his teeth and carry on until it was really too late. I'm sure your GP is a good doc but you have to be the one actively communicating with these people if you want to get the right treatment. If it spreads or gets any worse then you really need to make an appointment or goto an emergency surgery asap.


Best Wishes,



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All I can advise is to get medical treatment asap. See your GP if it's that bad they he should be getting u to see a specialist ASAP. Tell your GP how bad the pain is and say you really like something to ease it.


It's no fun suffering in silence, the sooner you get a proper treatment regime the better. Best to stop this gout worsening now as it would be a great shame if it kept you out of the field for a prolonged period of time.


I saw what gout (among other things) did to my grandfather because he simply didn't actively pursue medical treatment. He ended up horribly crippled because he just tried t grit his teeth and carry on until it was really too late. I'm sure your GP is a good doc but you have to be the one actively communicating with these people if you want to get the right treatment. If it spreads or gets any worse then you really need to make an appointment or goto an emergency surgery asap.


Best Wishes,





thank you all for your imput i have been docs and been prescribed naproxen 500mg tablets been taking three a day now for over a week and nearly cleared up had a blood test just waiting for test results to see how mutch uric acid im producing then take it from there. also my dad down with it at mo got it in his right knee thanks dad.

he can blame his dad.havn't had a drink for nearly two weeks and watching what i eat any way thanks again now im better i can go airgunning saturday

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All I can advise is to get medical treatment asap. See your GP if it's that bad they he should be getting u to see a specialist ASAP. Tell your GP how bad the pain is and say you really like something to ease it.


It's no fun suffering in silence, the sooner you get a proper treatment regime the better. Best to stop this gout worsening now as it would be a great shame if it kept you out of the field for a prolonged period of time.


I saw what gout (among other things) did to my grandfather because he simply didn't actively pursue medical treatment. He ended up horribly crippled because he just tried t grit his teeth and carry on until it was really too late. I'm sure your GP is a good doc but you have to be the one actively communicating with these people if you want to get the right treatment. If it spreads or gets any worse then you really need to make an appointment or goto an emergency surgery asap.


Best Wishes,





thank you all for your imput i have been docs and been prescribed naproxen 500mg tablets been taking three a day now for over a week and nearly cleared up had a blood test just waiting for test results to see how mutch uric acid im producing then take it from there. also my dad down with it at mo got it in his right knee thanks dad.

he can blame his dad.havn't had a drink for nearly two weeks and watching what i eat any way thanks again now im better i can go airgunning saturday


I'm glad to hear it's getting better for you, good to hear you will be air gunning tomorrow: Any longer and I fear the bunnies will be thinking they can get away with murder.



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I've had gout for 5/6 years now. Unfortunately i don't like popping pills on a daily basis so.....


I have allopurinol which i take on an ad-hoc basis, as soon as i feel any slight stiffmess at all in any joint i get on it. I can usually predict and head off an attack this way. If i have let it get a tad too far and it looks like going pete I hit the naproxen. If I have really ****** up i have a small stash of indomethacin that i have ,erm, borrowed from a fellow sufferer that does the trick quickly.


It is absolutely no fun at all if you let it get a proper hold and try and ride it out. Not being able to walk is not an option and it is a very serious side effect of acute gout. I can't bear to even try and put a sock on let alone put my foot on the floor and i consider that i have a fairly high pain threshold.


As for ibuprofen pffft, gout just laughs in it's face.

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