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live rabbits


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hi all can anyone help me out with some live rabbits to use as breeding stock,unfortunatly i only have guns to catch them :good: so if you can help me i would be realy greatful :lol:

i am in blackburn lancs so please p.m me for any further details you may have or requirement you need for the rabbits transport or cost.

please dont p.m saying you feel this my be illeagal as i have checked with b.a.s.c and it is fine for my requirements, and the moderators removed my post until i confirmed what i allready thought,but better to be safe than sorry eh !! :good:


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as webber quite correctly stated for re stocking, a peice of my own land and another site were hit badly with mixy about 18 months back and has never realy got back on its feet,and as such other parts of the food chain have sufferd,even though i am a vermin shooter aswell as a stalker ,the land in question holds no livestock farming wise. so the re introduction to the weak strain will enable the land to flurish once more and again present meny long spent summer evening shooting,and give the quite mangey looking foxes that i often come accros some,extra food i might shoot em but i dont like to see por quality almost starved looking animals.to wich my bullet,i am sure is often welcome :good: so if you can help great if not thanks for taking the time to read my topic.


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I'm pretty surprised if this is legal, if nothing else you run the risk of moving disease about there are a few other diseases that wild populations can get and moving them from one area to another means you can move infected ones to areas with no resistance etc. As well as what your neighbours think assuming you own the land about releasing vermin.

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L&L is refering to the following:



There is no specific offence for re-locating rabbit, although they are a pest. However, there are 2 things you need to be mindful of.


1. If the rabbit has myxy, it is ILLEGAL to move it to other land.

2. As rabbits are pests, the land owner has a duty to control them, if he does not then he is liable for damage they cause / damage prevention, so why anyone would want to add rabbit to their land and thus risk getting a bill god only knows!


Maybe L&L is qualified to certify the rabbits that he moves are myxy free.


Maybe he has bottomless pockets


I cant say that I support his proposal, but can understand his quest for sport.



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Under Section 12 of the Pests Act 1954, it is an offence to knowingly spread myxomatosis to uninfected rabbits. The Specified Animal Pathogens Order 1998 prohibits the introduction into an animal of the live virus causing viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD) of rabbits, except where such introduction is undertaken under the authority of a licence. These prohibitions mean that the deliberate spreading of myxomatosis or VHD cannot be used as a legal method of controlling rabbits. and VHD has no signs on the rabbit when carrying it.

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they can't FM but don't be surprised at the post, the more I see the more I think Pins conspiracy theory on the poster being a re-incarnation of a certain person who got banned recently ;)

if you are refering to me i aint no reincarnation of anyone ,and if you read what i said i think that is how the story went not 100% sure so :birthday:

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It seems a little strange to me that anyone would want to re introduce a pest species back into an area after finally eradicating the original problem?

I know over the years many local hunters who have been offered anything up to £10 each per live rabbit for "training lurchers" and other running dogs when infact the rabbits are being used for bet days with the travellers!

Im not saying that this is your purpose so dont get me wrong on this but I just wanted to make people aware incase they where unknowingly pulled into illegal activity

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It seems a little strange to me that anyone would want to re introduce a pest species back into an area after finally eradicating the original problem?

I know over the years many local hunters who have been offered anything up to £10 each per live rabbit for "training lurchers" and other running dogs when infact the rabbits are being used for bet days with the travellers!

Im not saying that this is your purpose so dont get me wrong on this but I just wanted to make people aware incase they where unknowingly pulled into illegal activity

Sounds more like organised coursing events that you speak of? :blink:


FM ;)

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