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Something stupid tonight


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Found that my age and BMI (body mass index) is now wey too closely aligned, so thought I'd start going a little jogging, again. How hard can it be? I used to very fit and ran a lot, I used to be able to drink all night, have a few ciggies for breakfast and knock out a 8 & 1/2 minute BFT (mile and a half run) - no problem!


Part jogged and part staggered round three miles in 33 minutes tonight. Got home on the couch near the point of collasp, coughing out years of **** and sweating like a rapist. I've downed about 5 pints (of water) since I got back and am just starting to feel Ok - if you ignore all the tightening muscles and tendons etc. Age may only be a number, but I'm chinstraped! Prehaps I should consider a different competitive sport, like crown green bowles or bridge.


ps. Thanks to a recent event, I all ready knew my blood pressure was OK - so is my prostate but that's a different story...

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:lol: Itll be a whole year before you really feel the benefits. I like my exercise a bit more sedate, i walked 12-13 miles today....around the entire perimeter of one of my permissions, shirt and jumper was drenched when i got home!!!! :lol:


Yeah, That happened to me on Sunday. :blush:



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I know the feeling! I don't know how anyone can run for miles, I've always been **** at it. I can walk all day up anything and carrying whatever, but once I start running I'm a mess in a few hundred yards. I need to lose some weight I think. I'm plenty strong enough with a good six pack, although you have to press hard to find it :blush:

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I know the feeling! I don't know how anyone can run for miles, I've always been **** at it. I can walk all day up anything and carrying whatever, but once I start running I'm a mess in a few hundred yards. I need to lose some weight I think. I'm plenty strong enough with a good six pack, although you have to press hard to find it :lol:



:blush::lol: Only six pack I have is in the fridge :lol::lol:



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As has been said first 4-5 days are hardest, I should know I've tried and failed on numerous times, I'm a bloody pro at it now.


Some may remember I tried back in July and lasted a few months then fell off the wagon again so tried again at new year and so far so good. I have the odd relapse when I visit old school friends in Manchester and we get hammered but for the most part it's all good, I really don't miss those first thing in the morning fags and walking behind someone on the way to work who is smoking makes me gag a bit (sorry to all those people I blew smoke over in the mornings in the past).


Go for it.


as for exercise, I'm taking it one step at a time (walking to the train)

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Lefty I take it you used to be in the Mob? BFT :blush:


I think its alot easier when your in the mob to keep fit as its the general thing thats done going to the gym most days etc, but as you have posted 4 days off now. I assume your a civvi now and not so lucky to be able to go to the gym pretty much as & when. You will get there again buddy just build up to it slowly, I layed off the running for some time and then started again recently and had a shock. After a bit of conditioning had it back to 9 Mins for a mile & a half. Which for my age. (Youngster) 26 Isnt bad.


Must admit running isnt my strong point though never really liked running.

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Mungler's been on the Lighter Life diet and taking exercise.


Booked in at 19 stone 8 lbs, now clocked in at 17 stone 12 lbs. That's after 2 weeks.


It is flipping miserable - but needs must when the devil drives eh?


Doing alright there Mung. I'm on the "Don't Be Such a Greedy *******" Diet. Booked in at 17 stone - now clocking in at 16 stone 10lb, and that's in about 2 months :blush::lol: :lol: :D


I quit smoking over 2 years ago. I breathe better now, but I put on over 3 stone, so I still can't run any distance :lol:


Keep at it, all you giver-uppers, I'm sure it must be worth it in the end :D:lol:

Edited by Chard
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Mungler's been on the Lighter Life diet and taking exercise.


Booked in at 19 stone 8 lbs, now clocked in at 17 stone 12 lbs. That's after 2 weeks.

I know 2 people who have been on that and dumped 5 and 7 stone respectively in no time flat.

The hard bit seems to be when you come off the shakes and go back to eating normally.

From then on it all about lifestyle changing.

Neither of the 2 did any excercise at all BTW.

Good luck with it and watch out for stretch marks :blush:

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Running sucks. I can walk all day, but ask me to run and I just fade out after a while. Mind you, I have to improve at it and probably very soon. I need to be able to run a mile and a half inside 12 minutes in the next six months.


Should be easy enough buddy, 12 mins is quite alot when you pace it you will find that well easy. :blush: Why do you need to do that? Entrance test for the forces?

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The main problem with diets that involve strange shakes and other supplements, is that you have to eventually return to a normal life.

Far better to enrol in something like Slimming World, or Weightwatchers, which have systems based on normal food choices.

The weekly weigh-ins are also a great motivational point, due to the peer pressure.


Also, rather than go out running hard to begin with, long walks at varying paces are far better for the joints, tendons and muscles.


I have been on a relaxed, easy to cope with, Slimming World regime for 7 weeks and lost 17 pounds.

Although I cheat, as I don't weigh food, don't count "sins", but I do take notice of what is "free food" and I have stayed away from what is obviously the wrong things to be eating (doughnuts, cream cakes, full ice cream, sausage rolls, etc).

I'm never hungry, my arthritis has improved and I feel a lot fitter and relaxed.

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Soooooo shall we have a sponsored slim in for those going to Bisley ?? We can go to a local weigh bridge and get weighed.





I used to run long distance, thats going to shock a few people who have seen me, and I gave it up as I was getting a few niggles in my knees and I also had a mild form of "Plantar fasciitis" (sp) . I decided that I needed to have good legs for the next , hopefully, 40 or so years and as a result of not running between 30 and 100 miles a week I have put on 4 stone and ideally I could do with losing 1 1/2 - 2 stone, but I think it will be by walking and portion control(snigger) than anything else.

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Lefty I take it you used to be in the Mob? BFT :blush:


Was in for 6, been out for 14. Last serious running I did was 1994 Belfast Half Marithon in just sub 90 mins. Managed to stay quite fit and slim through gym, jogging and squash, until 1998 when, my work-life balance went to Rat's ****! The last ten years have added 6" to waist size and 4 stone to weight.

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Having seen the affects of the Lighter Life diet I think it is great, AS LONG AS the person on understands what comes at the end.


It's all about permenant lifestyle changes and undertsanding that you can't drink 10 pints a night and eat 3 kebabs afterwards any more when you hit certain age


I also feel the rapid weight loss gives the person something positive to cling to, if the weight is coming off in ounces here and there they won't be motivated to carry on.


And the goods news is once you have hit target weight you can flog your shakes on ebay and double your money :blush:

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Lefty I take it you used to be in the Mob? BFT :blush:


Was in for 6, been out for 14. Last serious running I did was 1994 Belfast Half Marithon in just sub 90 mins. Managed to stay quite fit and slim through gym, jogging and squash, until 1998 when, my work-life balance went to Rat's ****! The last ten years have added 6" to waist size and 4 stone to weight.



I know how that works.


In 12 years of sitting behind a desk, about 6 stone has creeped on.


Sounds a lot, but it works out to 1/2 stone a year (7 lbs) or 1/2 a pound (9 oz) a month.


9oz is *-all and works out to a net gain of a large Big Mac Meal a month.


Frightening how it creeps on.

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It's all about permenant lifestyle changes and undertsanding that you can't drink 10 pints a night and eat 3 kebabs afterwards any more when you hit certain age.


Could you please tell me what age that is and whether at 33 I am still young enough to enjoy?

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