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webber - an announcement.


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Thanks for the kind thoughts lads. I'm making progress, my problem burn on my left ankle is now showing good signs of healing following minor surgery a couple of weeks ago. My speach is still marginally affected, although a brain scan has not revealed any problems. Doctor still advises no driving, although I am no longer on pain killers, cold turkey is no joke, I just wish that I had been warned.


I've been going on the shoot on Sundays, as they are doing working parties. I get around on my quad, Martin modified the gear change so that I can use my hand. I look forward to Sundays, as it gets me out of the house for a few hours other than attending the hospital.


I am hopeing that Martin will be able to take myself and mrs. webber to our holiday home in the lakes, he will be able to drop us off. I will take a shot gun and rifle, and hope to get some practice in. I may also get some fishing in, dependant on the tides and availability of transport..


Zapp, I never did manage to recieve the drawing. I bought the Anschutz 410 off Dollseyes, and now have a Hushpower moderator waiting for me at Bamfords, but can't get there.


McF is on his way to pick me up, so must sign off and get ready.



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Hi chaps, just an update.


I've been up to our holiday home in the lakes for a few days, and just returned. I feel much better in myself, especially after I went to Lupton on Saturday, and had a shoot. I wasn't sure that I would be able to handle the bang, so only loaded one cartridge for the first few clays. Fortunatley I managed ok. I even managed to hit far more than I missed, but stayed down at the bottom bit, I took one look at that hill, and had no wish to hobble up the hill, and then down again. The nice man has said that I can take my quad next time, so that will do me.


Its been good to meet friends that I've not seen for months, and allay my fear that I may have lost my bottle to shoot. One things for sure, webbers on his way back. The ankle burns may well have some serious healing to do, but my head is well on the mend!



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Thanks for the advise. The burns unit advised that I should stay out of the sun for 2 years, right!, and that I should use total block. I've also bought a Tilley hat, which I have used on the shoot work parties. It does exactly what it says on the tin.


Caeser has kindly offered to pick me up tomorrow and take me to Sealand to bust some clays. The goodwill of PW members continues to amaze me.



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Caeser and I have have had a brilliant afternoon at North Wales Shooting School Sealand, we bust some, we missed some, but the banter was first class, and the company excellent.


Many thanks for an excellent outing, first class PW in action.



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Caeser and I have have had a brilliant afternoon at North Wales Shooting School Sealand, we bust some, we missed some, but the banter was first class, and the company excellent.


Many thanks for an excellent outing, first class PW in action.



Missed some, Thats the understatement of the year. That ******* high tower. I might sneak a few practises before we go again.

It was really quiet, just how we like it. Enjoyed the afternoon, we'll have to go again soon. :good:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been a while since I posted on here, but I'm pleased to report that its good news.


Firstly my ankle continues to heal, albeit slowly. The walking stick is now only necessary on rough ground.


Secondly, I'm driving again. Thanks to McF and another friend who have accompanied me on several journeys, I now have the confidence to drive alone. Both have given me the green light, which is fortunate as I am on holiday from Thursday, and would have found it difficult without the car.


I'm still having trouble with my short term memory and mental maths. Speech is slightly affected.


I'm not back at work yet, but have been calling in for an hour or so a few days a week for the last couple of weeks, mainly to get a few jobs done on the quad and its trailer, but its been good to meet a few customers and sort the odd queery.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Its been some time since I posted on this subject, but I am pleased to report that a milestone was reached on Friday when I attended the burns dressings clinic at the hospital. After virtually 6 months the major burn above my ankle has finally healed. The skin is very thin, and its sore, but the wound is closed and no longer needs dressing.


I still need physiotherapy on my ankle to increase mobility, and it looks like I will have a permanent limp, but thats a small price to pay. I'm still not back at work as my short term memory is poor, and I'm still having disturbed nights, but I am making progress slowly.


I'm looking forward to November when we start to shoot on our syndicate, it looks like we may have our best season yet!


Many thanks to all the PW members who gave me their support in various ways, your actions and generosity was much appreciated, and shall not be forgotten.



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