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the price of fuel ( petrol and deisel)


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Got told in science today that there is less than 40 years of crude oil and gas supplies left at current usage. And we are using more and more all the time.


FM :blush:


My teachers said that there's only 40 years of oil and gas 10 years ago so is it only 30 years supply or are they guessing?


I dont think you can estimate how much fuel is left in the world, its scientist guessing again so they get put in the paper.


cost of the crud oil reseovoirs in the north sea have not been found and are being tapped. Once the source of oil is located, its fairly easy to measure the volume of the resovoir, and estimate how long it can supply for.


It really is running out. Nothing lasts forever.

Edited by Hunter
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Ok Hunter, as you suggest I will not drive to 30 different sites tomorrow. I will instead try to help develop a new fuel, and feel so much better for not actually earning money.

If pumping pollutants into the atmosphere bothers you stop using lead. Priceless that you say dont know the price of fuel as you have a fuel card, unfortunately we cant all walk or cycle or use the bus.

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Getting the kids to school 5 miles away, tow them on the bike should I, hunter?


I've got an idea make them walk, they are 2 and 5 after all.


Love these people with great ideas who dont have a family to support :blush:


You go on about changing with the planet, well you are using electricity aren't you? Where do you think that comes from and what effect on the environment do you think that has?


You cant blame the oil companies, if you took the tax off we would still be paying about 40p per litre, its the government greed I'm afraid, but if they don't tax this then what will they?


My money is on Oxygen next :D

Edited by BSA Shaun
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Getting the kids to school 5 miles away, tow them on the bike should I, hunter?


I've got an idea make them walk, they are 2 and 5 after all.


Love these people with great ideas who dont have a family to support :blush:


You go on about changing with the planet, well you are using electricity aren't you? Where do you think that comes from and what effect on the environment do you think that has?


You cant blame the oil companies, if you took the tax off we would still be paying about 40p per litre, its the government greed I'm afraid, but if they don't tax this then what will they?


My money is on Oxygen next :D


NAH WHEELIE BINS THEY ALLREADY HAVE WHEELS AND STAND ON THE ROAD (oops have I said too much any gov officials on here) :hmm:

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Ok Hunter, as you suggest I will not drive to 30 different sites tomorrow. I will instead try to help develop a new fuel, and feel so much better for not actually earning money.

If pumping pollutants into the atmosphere bothers you stop using lead. Priceless that you say dont know the price of fuel as you have a fuel card, unfortunately we cant all walk or cycle or use the bus.


Im not having a 'dig' at you :D for driving, im having a dig at thoes who complain about it and do nothing. :lol:


IMO what needs controlling is short pointless trips.. Picking up a pack of fags from a shop 5 miles away is pointless in my opinion when thats all you drive for.


We shop once a month and load the car up rather then doing many short trips, or bring the recycling stuff to the center once a month rather then weekly. Things like this do a lot to help preserve fuel :yes:


But hey theres hardly any point when the Americans are driving 5liter cars to the 'mall', and the Chinese are using more fuel then half the world for their economy boom :hmm: so unless EVEYRONE makes a change then we are in simple words, doomed. :lol:

Enjoy it while it lasts. :blush:

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Guys don't delude yourselves this is nothing to do with saving the world, its about profit!! Shell have just revealed that it and its partners have made 7 billion pounds in 3 months!!! They are taking the p--s!!!The government is taking its pound of flesh as it has to pay for its ill conceived wars over non existent weopens of mass destruction!! It now has to pay for its error of judgement by using the motorist as a cash cow, nothing new there! Thousands of firms will go bust if they don't see the light! Familys are all ready suffering!

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Dusty fox

If we all stop buying fuel where is the government gonna get the money from the tax they put on it? This country will be crippled if we stop buying fuel.


Dusty - that is all and well but - do you expect us to get up at 3 and walk to pit 30 odd miles away? Geographically I think we all live quite far from our work bases nowadays.


Sorry lads - meant to add this earlier Unleaded £1:06/litre at Morrisons near me - also. on the TV tonight they were saying if you pay £1:10/Litre then the Government take 65p of that for tax - who's being greedy now then?


Pushkin :blush:

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south mimms services £1.24.9 per ltr ......... i have personal use on my company van and i get taxed nearly £4k for the privelige of advertising their name, and with three kids to feed and two jobs i am still feeling the pinch, we are ruled by greedy, egotistical, morons who have got silver spoons stuck up their *****, but we voted them in so bend over and take it and stop complaining, or vote.

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south mimms services £1.24.9 per ltr ......... i have personal use on my company van and i get taxed nearly £4k for the privelige of advertising their name, and with three kids to feed and two jobs i am still feeling the pinch, we are ruled by greedy, egotistical, morons who have got silver spoons stuck up their *****, but we voted them in so bend over and take it and stop complaining, or vote.



well said somebody voted them in

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There is no petrol "shortage" or world crisis.






Plus in 1969 (which is a long while ago) when I started work at Vauxhall Motors in Luton my father (who worked in the experimental department) told me that General Motors had an engine that runs on hydrogen - but it will never be introduced until ALL of the oild runs out. Too many jobs involved in oil and too many Countries dependent on oil / petrol taxation for their income.


We are being conned.

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There is no petrol "shortage" or world crisis.





Plus in 1969 (which is a long while ago) when I started work at Vauxhall Motors in Luton my father (who worked in the experimental department) told me that General Motors had an engine that runs on hydrogen - but it will never be introduced until ALL of the oild runs out. Too many jobs involved in oil and too many Countries dependent on oil / petrol taxation for their income.


We are being conned.



nail on the head there mate. governmental greed, thats all. if we found out how much a barrel of oil really costs, we would see the truth.

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For the privelige of working we have to run 2 cars.Unfortunately the oil companies have racked up the prices. Doubly unfortunate is the fact the Government has become addicted to the tax it shafts us for from all essentials like fuel. Not just this Government but the Tories too before them who started the Fuel Escalator. Gone is any stupid pretence that its to cut congestion and all that ****. Greedy politicians and oil companies.

I really enjoyed it when the fuel strikes really kicked their ***,despite my job letting me go to the front of the queue. If they want me to continue to work any more though,keep my house and family fed they had just better lift the jackboot that is on our throats.

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Until the USA, China & India start to limit thier emissions, anything we do in this country is like trying to put out the great fire of London by getting a sozzled tramp to wee on it. It is also somewhat ironic that our "dear Gordy" in his time as chancellor :hmm: and PM :hmm: has introduced a raft of "green taxes" when the moron supports 4 of the most polluting and environmentally damaging schemes in the World :):good::lol::lol:

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Why are motorists so angry at the oil companies :lol: The government have kept very quiet while the media berate the oil companies for making large profits. Yet roughly 70% of what we pay for our fuel goes to the government in taxes :) Plus they are adding on 2p more fuel duty per litre in October :good: The large oil companies make something like 1% of thier profits from petrol retailing in the UK. The problem is the government taxes, not the oil companies :lol: BROWN OUT BROWN OUT BROWN OUT

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Why are motorists so angry at the oil companies ??? The government have kept very quiet while the media berate the oil companies for making large profits. Yet roughly 70% of what we pay for our fuel goes to the government in taxes :sly: Plus they are adding on 2p more fuel duty per litre in October :lol: The large oil companies make something like 1% of thier profits from petrol retailing in the UK. The problem is the government taxes, not the oil companies ??? BROWN OUT BROWN OUT BROWN OUT

:lol:?????? stu you are bang on with that m8 BROWN OUT

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