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The price of vegetable oil.


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Following on from " The price of petrol and diesel" thread, has anyone else noticed the increases in the price of vegetable oil ?


My Toyota can run on a mix of diesel and vegetable oil and I had located Pura Rape Oil at Tesco, selling at 56p a litre.

They limited store purchases to 10 bottles, but they allow you to bulk purchase and I was ordering 200 litres (in 1 litre bottles :blush: ) at a time.


Last week the price increased to £1.08 per litre. :D


Now I know thats cheaper than the £1.20 per litre diesel is averaging, but it is some increase.


Has anyone found any nice cheap vegetable oil anywhere ?

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yep it used to be 47pence a litre at the shops near me but has shot up to over a quid

thats just in a few months aswell

like the fuel it just keeps going up and up no coming back down

i think its beacuse they know a lot of people are starting to use it in their cars wish my car would run on the stuff as id be round the chippys getting the used oil

i dare say my skoda would run on it

but just a matter of getting it the same viscosity as deisel as i did try to run my skoda on veg oil was ok for a couple of weeks then the deisel pump packed up i was lucky to get another pump second hand

but my old peoguot 309 i had loved veg oil it ran on it neat no mixing wish i still had it

Edited by radio1ham
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Didn't see it mentioned in the budget...another tax GB has slipped in by the back door maybe. Hear he was likened to porridge the other day...it's scottish and thick :blush: My take on him is that like all Scottish MPs in OUR parliament they're getting their own back on us for 500 years of English rule!

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There you go, Jeremy Clarkson shows how to run your motor on diesel at 3p per litre;



Now watch the price of white spirit hit the roof :blush:


Lidle were charging 84p/ltr for rape oil and I havnt been for awhile so Im in for a shock then?


:hmm: D2D


Update 1/5, Lidle now charging 95p/ltr. :D

Edited by dusk2dawn
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So my Mazda 6 2.0 2004 plate. would be ok if i was to save a few pennies as its costing me £72 a full tank ?


If i was to full up 25 litres of garage diesel and then 25 litres of rapeseed oil from Tesco ?

That works out at 50/50 by my reckoning.

Any vegetable cooking oil will work, not just rapeseed.

You will of course inform the Excise authorities and pay the tax due on it? :good::good:

Edited by bob300w
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just check your fuel pump is ok to use it as spending a grand to save a tenner is an expensive mistake

As well as the above, most newer CDi models don't like veg oil either. Over time the injectors clog up and need a full service or replacing. I can't run my CDi Vito on it at all.


Old transits with Lucas pumps suffer if run on it too.


Be careful advising people they can just stick some in and run it. If their vehicle develops a fault due to using it then it could turn quite awkward for whoever said it was fine.


On a positive note, if you are using it then in winter use more diesel than veg oil unless you have an inline heater to bring the oil up to a suitable temp. Only run 50/50 in the height of summer.



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Yeah everything is going up in price milk has gone up by 15pence where I am, I no doupt its something to do with the rising cost of fuel.


I'm not sure that you should be putting milk in your diesel. :good:



If in doubt whether your diesel motor can run on a % of vegetable oil, check with the Main Dealer.

Also be careful with used oil, as I am advised it has to be strained very thoroughly before you can use it, which means a lot more than once through a muslin cloth.


I just wait until my tank is half full, then pour in some vegetable oil and when its half full again, I top up with diesel.

It doesn't smell too bad, but my Wife has started to refer to it as the mobile burger van. :good:

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Yeah everything is going up in price milk has gone up by 15pence where I am, I no doupt its something to do with the rising cost of fuel.


I'm not sure that you should be putting milk in your diesel. :good:



If in doubt whether your diesel motor can run on a % of vegetable oil, check with the Main Dealer.

Also be careful with used oil, as I am advised it has to be strained very thoroughly before you can use it, which means a lot more than once through a muslin cloth.


I just wait until my tank is half full, then pour in some vegetable oil and when its half full again, I top up with diesel.

It doesn't smell too bad, but my Wife has started to refer to it as the mobile burger van. :good:


Is it half full or half empty?


I was thinking of the rising fuel costs would cost more to transport the milk and in turn they have to put the prices up.



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So my Mazda 6 2.0 2004 plate. would be ok if i was to save a few pennies as its costing me £72 a full tank ?


If i was to full up 25 litres of garage diesel and then 25 litres of rapeseed oil from Tesco ?

Probably not ( not raw anyway?), but check this site out



Tax implications





Buy up some methanol and get producing, 200lts for £77.00 + couple quid for other chemicals + chipy used oil = 1000+ lts BIO DIESEL, now thats cheap!, be interesting to see if the central heating works off it too with regards to cold / winter? :good:

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