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Daylight robbery it is,


This is getting ridiculous. Gonna be 1.50 before the end of this year.


Do you think this is gonna end up with rebellion?:good:?:good:?:hmm:?:hmm:?:yay:???


I don't know how people commute over any distance to work with these costs.


Criminal it really is


I'M being serious as well (for a change)

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It's really going to take a very well thought out strategy and careful planning by someone or some group to make our point to the Governmet. It will also - I think - need the general motoring population to take a stand on this matter either through non compliance or peaceful protest to make the Government realise we are no longer going to just bend over, smile and say thank you after they have used us - yet again.


We are the solution, yet the Government realise we all need our motors or the buses, trains etc, to get around, they helped create the culture of living away from your work or having to travel to your work by supporting all the big conglomerates moving to huge out of town factories etc. They are seen to be doing their bit by tokenism, telling us they want to save the environment and that we should car share etc. I'm no stuck up or whatever, but I travel 60 miles round trip every day and I really don't want anyone in the car with me during that time, I just want to chill and take my time wakening up to the day and listen to my music and only talk to the radio if at all.


Why is this Government so keen on stiffing the working man through such heavy taxation?:good:?


Pushkin :good:

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Well why dont everybody only pay half the money that they owe and say thats how much it should be ask the government to pay the rest. If everyone does this the police cant arrest everybody and probably the petrol stations will have to close down and be forced to reduce prices.


May sound stupid but at least you still get your tank of fuel.


We do need to fight against the rising costs of fuel, and I think it is about time that the government starts to reduce tax on fuel as when the oil reserves are low we wont be crippled as much. And instead of building great big turbines and ruin the countryside why dont they invest more money into that invention where that car is powered by water or hydrogen.


Its about time we storm parliment and demand answers and show them that we had enough of stuff that comes out of a bulls ***.



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DF - I think you have the right sentiments but perhaps you need to moderate your approach?


Its about time we storm parliment


If we only pay half the price the poor retailers are the ones who end up having to close because the Government would insist the retailers paid the full wack of tax due. Remember it isn't retailers who are increasing the price - it is the Government and their tax take that does it. Anyway - even if the retailers did close down, it would mean the Government opening up fueling stations and then they would really have us where they want us!


No, what we need is something that gets the message across to Government that we will no longer play their game and keep on subsidising all their easy living lifestyle and continued botch up of the British Isles.


Pushkin :good:

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Well why dont everybody only pay half the money that they owe and say thats how much it should be ask the government to pay the rest. If everyone does this the police cant arrest everybody and probably the petrol stations will have to close down and be forced to reduce prices.


May sound stupid but at least you still get your tank of fuel.


You heart is in the right place would be my diplomatic reply to that. My food bill is getting a lot higher than i want it to be. You can't load up a trolly of food and only pay what you want for it. House prices, 150k luv? Nah i'll give you 70k becuase that's what i think it's worth, now get out of my house, i'm moving in. :good:


House prices, utility bills, fuel, food. Everything you use on a daily basis seems to be a rather steep increase. I don't know what the answer is.


I might try eating less, that'll teach Gordon brown......arrgggg i'm hungry.

Edited by Markio
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Tell you what, this means inflation and interest rates going up.


Then we are proper ******.


Dunno what the answer is. I was going to get rid of one of my gas guzzlers for a turbo diesel - don't think I'll bother now. The plain truth is petrol isn't getting any cheaper and the only way to pay less at the pumps is:


1. get a boot load of moody number plates and drive off each time

2. drive and economical car (hateful things that they all are)

3. drive with a much lighter right foot

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fuel prices will keep going up until its all gone. even if the gov lower the tax it will be up again in the next few years!

bio fuel int a long term soloution becasue to crow enough crop for it would mean no food and allot of fertiliser.

hydrogen cars aren't the answer becasue it takes to much energy to make the hydrogen.

the only thing that can save us now is nuclear fusion!so everyone get there thinking caps on! :good:


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I can remember when diesel was significantly cheaper than petrol, then it became a "green" fuel, plus you normally got more mpg for your money, which made diesel engined vehicles more attractive.


The slow change round in the price differential I have always blamed on the oil companies, taking advantage of the new popularity for diesel engined vehicles.

Now the difference is as much as 15p per litre I read that its being blamed on China and India's increasing need for fuel, the majority of which is diesel.


Whatever the prices are at the pumps, there is no getting away from the fact that around 75% of the cost of a litre of fuel goes to the British Government.

If they weren't wasting so much of this money on useless ideas , expensive consultants, Quangos, etc., etc., I might not feel so bad about it.

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I can remember when diesel was significantly cheaper than petrol, then it became a "green" fuel, plus you normally got more mpg for your money, which made diesel engined vehicles more attractive.


The slow change round in the price differential I have always blamed on the oil companies, taking advantage of the new popularity for diesel engined vehicles.

Now the difference is as much as 15p per litre I read that its being blamed on China and India's increasing need for fuel, the majority of which is diesel.


Whatever the prices are at the pumps, there is no getting away from the fact that around 75% of the cost of a litre of fuel goes to the British Government.

If they weren't wasting so much of this money on useless ideas , expensive consultants, Quangos, etc., etc., I might not feel so bad about it.

to right mate . :good::good:
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It's not just the price of white diesel that's shot up - any farmers on here will be wincing at the prospect of ordering more red diesel. It'll be 70p per litre by harvest (that's a 100% increase since last year).


Do I fill an 8000-litre tank at today's prices and risk it being drained by some enterprising ******?

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As predicted fuel prices, have risen and will continue to rise, FACT nothing we can really do about it, we could try to organise a national strike, where everybody just doesnt go to work for a day and just stays home, this would brink the country to a standstill, and cost Billions! However i dont feel im up to this organisational task so pretend i didnt say that :good:


The problem is, everything is rising in price around us, petrol and diesel have risen in cost by up to 60% in some places in the last year alone, with projected costs at the end of the year at £1.80 / litre, that is a massive 120% increase from the same time last year, house prices are continuing to rise like no mans business, until a so called fear of a recession is created and then people stop spending as much in fear of a resession comming, which in turn forces house prices back down, as you can see this is starting to happen at the moment, but a recession is really only a fear and will only his people who have been foolish enough to struggle to get a mortgage which they can barely afford, then as soon as interest rates increase, kaput! they fold!


And you guessed it, i bet everything i have that your salaries, have not increased by anywhere near that much have they?


My solution is, if every employer in the country, increased it's prices at the same rate that the government increased fuel prices, and then passed on the same in pay rises to the workforce, then technically the country would stay at a stable economic ballance forever, dont think that FAT **** Gordon Brown would be too impressed, but then again i aint too impressed with him either :good:

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The government is spouting off about climate change and global warming and blaming mostly on the motorist and trying to price us off the roads. Why then have they fully supported the increase in the size of Heathrow , Gatwick and many other airports?Aircraft generate huge amounts of CO2 , massively more than motor cars. They are hypocrites whose only real interests are the revenues involved!! :good:

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Its all ********, there is adequate oil coming out of the ground to meet needs, a lot of this is being done by commodity traders who have been buying oil in massive amounts driving up prices, the government must be loving it as its helping get them out of some serious **** over spending wise and they are the biggest gainers from it.


Funnily enough i've just had a driver interviewed by the BBC about it and he put accross his opinions on it :lol:

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It would be nice to think that our Government(who by the way - Govern on our behalf because we vote them in - remember that at the next election please) are taking progressive steps towards the whole issue of saving the planet and so on but the reality is they are taking oppressive steps to do this - and why? I think it is so they can capture some of the - small though it be - green party voters votes. Labour have always targeted the core membership and any other smaller groups who can be influenced by them.


Over in America, I think they are taking far more progressive action in that there has been increases in the cost of fuel but nothing as drastic as over here - we are now officially the 4rth most taxed country on the planet both in terms of the number of taxes we pay and also in the amount of tax/income capita.


I would be okay with that if I was able to see the results of where that money was going - either by seeing solid infrastructures being put in place or by the end products of some of the billions this Government has spent. This Government has plundered every possible source of income available to it - including the National Lottery fund itself - therefore taxing us once on the payment we give for our ticket and then indirectly through using the fiscal amounts available from the proceeds. Surely there is something morally if not legally wrong with a Government doing this? The only avenue they don't yet seem to have explored is my kids piggy banks!


I don't really know where we stand in this current day with our politicians and their parties. At least in the past politicians were usually a character of some kind or another and were wholly tied to their politics and their party. With the defeat of Thatcher and the new labour image though, all parties seem to have taken on a greyness about them that no longer inspires any of us. Oh you do get the odd character like Boris who raises some hope at least but all the old school ones are either dead or retiring. Maybe we should encourage LV or some of the others on this site to stand for one of the parties :lol:


Pushkin B)

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Seriously we need to do something, the government is laughing at us. We need to clamp there cars so they cant get to work or something. They are not feeling the pinch they have second homes paid for them by us.


For a so called politician today money comes first then there family then their country. I think they should get paid on a performance pay, there basic salary is like £25000 a year and for everything they get right they get an increase, no second homes if they want a second home they can pay for it like we do by a mortgage. This way only the real ones who want to run the country will get in. The ones who think about money first wont bother.


This is the time to make a start on it, I am getting fed up with all this taxation,



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Pick a day, lets just say a Monday in September.


Let the government know that you won't be using your car that day, and will instead be using the bus or train to get to and from work. After all it's what they want us to do isn't it.

Then watch as the whole public transport system crashes under the extra load. Let's be honest it can hardly cope as it is! By making the protest date public it gives the powers that be time to organise all the extra buses/trains etc. needed to cope.

The country would lose billions in lost business,

Kids wouldn't be able to go to school,

Millions of workers would be late for work, if they got there at all,

Hauliers wouldn't be delivering goods, food etc. to the shops,

Pensioners wouldn't be able to get out,

I could go on but you get the idea, the whole country would grind to a halt, and all because for one day we all do as we're told, and use public transport.

Maybe then Gordon Brown & Co. may just realise that people NEED there cars.






Mind you i wouldn't hold my breath :lol: B)

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