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Scammed on E-Bay


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A week past Monday I was bidding for a greenhouse on E-bay - brand new - end of line - sent straight from the manufacturers. I lost out on the auction, being beaten at the last minute. Shortly after I got an official E-Bay e-mail offering me a second chance from the seller - because he had ten in total to get rid of. Now I'd checked this guys background as far as possible on E-Bay. been a registered power seller since 2003, on-line shop with lots of other items for sale, feedback was 98.5% positive, good communications, quick delivery and so on - all very positive indeed. Given the greenhouse and the price I was getting it for - I jumped at the chance and bid for it at the price I last bid = lower than the auction winner's price. :lol: When I replied to the 2nd chance offer, I e-mailed the guy and thanked him for the chance and he replied it was no bother.

The receipt from PAYPAL came through shortly after but it was made out to some other geezer??? After a bit of thought about this, I decided as he was selling them for a company who were sending it direct to me - that it was likely they were getting the payment and he would get his cut from them. Fair enough - no problems.


From then - no e-mails or advice about delivery from him. Plenty from me asking what was happening - when was delivery and so on. I even made allowances for the fact it was a bank holiday weekend and kept trying to contact him - no luck. Then, Tuesday morning checks his listing again for the feedback and there is some negative ones and a coupe of very strong ones as well. Result is I've now opened a dispute and still had no contact other than from PAYPAL. Checked his listing and his account was closed on the 12th of MAY -the same day I supposedly bought a greenhouse from him!!!!!


What a ******* this guy is. I also noticed that one of the very positive feedback contributors was the person whom my payment had gone to!!!!


I'm getting really ******** angry just typing this - but as they say - a problem shared etc..................


Anyone able to give some advice or to say what the liklihood is of me getting my money back? I don't need the comments about a visit from the boys or a shooting party in his area etc.


I'll not post his name up just now or the name of the person who got the payment (£350+), but I might later.


One really hacked off Pushkin :good::hmm::hmm::lol::lol::D:D:D

Edited by Pushkin
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DF - it isn't as straight forward as it appears. First you have to open a dispute and then anytime in the next 20 days if you cannot get it sorted with the seller, you can put in a claim. They will then try to get the money back from the person but - if the person has no money - you are kinda goosed I think :hmm:


Pushkin :good:

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Check this - I've just been over and looked at the feedback on him now:-


Beware Do not deal. What are PayPal doing to reclaim lost money? No goods sent


Item never received and no communication dispute opened THIS SELLER IS A CONMAN ! AVOID




paid by bank transfer no goods recieved,no more comms.


Seller having problem with PayPal, asked for cheque. Beware!


2nd chance offer-con! Tried to get us to send cheque or direct payment - AVOID!!


2nd chance offer-conman.Closed day I won.0 goods.No mail, dispute opened. AVOID


dishonest wont accept payment no emails no contact AVOID


BEWARE Seller had paypal A/C problems. Tried to solicit payment by other methods


This person in a CON artist, do not deal with him in anyway, item not received


Item never received and no communication from seller - dissapointed !!!


Looks like he conned quite few folks as most of these purchases were in the £300 to £700 price bracket. Some were for sit on lawn mowers - others ordinary motor mowers and of course the greenhouses.


Okay here is his name from E_BAY


LOSEGIO786 Do not deal with this person - he is a conman!


Payment went to another name that I'll hold onto just now.


Pushkin :good::hmm::hmm::lol::lol::D:D

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my experience of getting paypal to pay up in this situation is they wont. If he has no funds in his account you are onto a looser im affraid. If he had their protection scheme you might be ok, but if its anything like me, i got done for £99, 9 months on, ive not seen a penny of it back.

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Sorry to hear about this mate, im not sure exactly how the claims system works with paypal, did you have you paypal set up with a debit account or a credit account? as with a credit card as im sure you are aware you can claim the money back off them.


Although i would definatly pass all information on to the police, every little detail, there are a lot of genuine good people on ebay although these scum bags seem to get through the net :hmm: and need to be caught.


Police will be able to trace ip address of correspondance, they can do some pretty cool stuff, and will catch him, you may not get your money back although you will know the F*&%$" has been caught!


Good luck all the same :good:

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If you paid throw paypal you can claim the money back from them I think. anything up to £500 but I dont know how it works.




you dont always get full money back and if you do paypall would probably charge you on the transfer/handlingfees as thats all there bothered about

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With this guy having such good previous reputation I'm wondering if its a hacked account?

My mate had it last year, suddenly he couldn't log in - when he did a search for his username, he had about 30 mobile phones for sale! Someone had got into his account and changed all the details.

I hope you get it sorted mate.

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If its a credit card you have registered for your payments ring them straight away

and they can get your cash back from paypal etc,did it last year but barclaycard

asked me to agree to cancel my card details with ebay and paypal after this. :good:

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ok try and e-mail some of the other scammed people. Seems some of the others paid by bank transfer and cheque, these are both traceable and you should be able to get the police interested judging by the amounts involved. It looks to me like its a possible hacked account so I'd not bank on getting anything back, I take it the invoice you received from him which usually has his address on is blank?

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Ive had my money back through paypal before! OPEN A DISPUTE ASAP! Then type reason that you never received payment! Just wait till the time is up and you should get your money back! Also this is illegal, in the scams that say you buy a setee n they send you a dolls house setee that would be your fault, but this isnt your fault.


So contact your local police station and report the crime! Hopefully this P**** will have some bobbies knocking on his door in no time!


Also contact your BANK! They may be able to recall your money within so many days.


TBH Because you didnt buy through EBAY I think its not there fault. If you had bought an auction and been scammed they may have been responsible, but you said you bought through an email ? This could be tricky!

Edited by Bigthug87
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Just to mention again, ive been in this siutation, if the seller did not have their protection and has now moved all of the funds out of his acount, then they will not be able to get yourmoney back. They dont go giving away their money, only giving back yours.


If you bought on card thats your best bet, if you used a debit card like i did then your onto a looser.


The only way ive heard of getting around this is to perform a charge back. However my bank would not allow this.


I was done by a mock buisness along with about 5000 other people, watchdog and the police didnt care about that, so i hold my breath. This is why i dont use ebay or paypal.

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You should be ok if you paid by card.


If not you can invoke the distance selling regulations. You will find these on trading standards website.


Also give tading standards a ring they will take details and give you a claim number and contact the seller.


I bought a cane three piece of an ebay so called power seller got it and it wouldn,t fit in conservertory so i rang them and

they said tough. one phone call from trading standards 3 days later and seller was on the phone to me wetting himself.

Full refund including postage and i have still got the suite !!!!!!.



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open a dispute with paypal and escelate it to a claim STRAIGHT AWAY. then phone paypal, if they are funny with you about getting your money back ask for the address of their legal department so you can take THEM to small claims court for a refund, point out to them that they are an accesory to fraud. technicaly they arent, but it makes them take you a lot more seriously.


ive had to do this with them twice, once was only for about £30 the other time was just over £100. both times i had a refund within about 30 minutes of the phone call.

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If it's a hacked account then whoever it is as done a bunk with over £7000 .The key is the second buyer down who I imagine still has a account .

Has for a hacked account would e-bay or at least the seller contact the scammed buyers by now to explain this was the case . :hmm:

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