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Liz Jones...


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Hi all


This morning I happened upon a copy of "You" magazine, which comes free with the Mail on Sunday. The mag is mostly womans stuff, but there is a regular column at the back by a woman by the name of "Liz Jones". She is an uber-anti and townie of epic proportions, who surprise surprise has moved to the country and now complains a lot about people shooting etc.


Anyway, I specifically stopped reading the Mail/MOS (my parents copy, I wouldnt pay money for the rag) on the basis that this mong was given column space. Sadly today I fell off the rage wagon and had a look to see what drivel she was spouting this time.


Essentially, she has bought a large farmhouse on Exmoor and uses it to look after rescue animals (no complaints from me on this issue). It would appear that she has recently "rescued" an abandoned sheepdog. Again, no problems from me on this.


Until that is I read that she has taken this dog, which she does not know into the countryside without a muzzle or a lead, and it has run off and killed livestock. You would think she would be horrified about this, but justifies it by saying that the lamb would have been "slaughtered soon anyway", and that she felt much better about the whole thing when the dog won a prize at a local show, which apparently made her feel like a character out of Sex and the City :good: (I dont get why that is either).




She wants reporting to the police.





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and why do they always come to devon :good:

Trust me flash, you have not got them all in Devon. At least once a year I get verbally abused by a local anti, who is usually walking her rescue dogs on my shoot, where she has no permission to be, and her dogs are hunting the hedges out, totally out of control.

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The article is here... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/you/article-103...n-old-life.html. Including a comments section.


I wonder what action if any has been or will be taken against this vile creature. I know where my money will be.


A worrying part of the story is this.


I have to admit that I am finding all this carnage off putting. Every day seems to be a re-enactment of the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.


What on earth is she and her dogs doing every day?


On the bright-side there's a piece about Charlotte Kerwood, accompanied by this fantastic picture.



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I have added a comment, which are pre Moderated, so they are unlikely to appear until tomorrow.

They will probably not appear at all if obscene language, or threats are used.


It might be worth referring this article to BASC, NFU, or someone similar for their comments.

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Incredible, she sounds a like a hateful, sour old witch with too many cats (must have recently given negative feedback on eBay :good:). She is trying to hype everything up in her 'story' to a level that might make her bland ramblings interesting to whoever buys that tripe. "Sex with my husband was boring and repetitive", well you dozy lesbian, try locating your imagination, undoing the shrink wrap and ******* using it.

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I have added a comment, which are pre Moderated, so they are unlikely to appear until tomorrow.

They will probably not appear at all if obscene language, or threats are used.


It might be worth referring this article to BASC, NFU, or someone similar for their comments.


Not a bad idea, I have done both.



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Here is another pearl of wisdom from the straw haired old harridan:


"There are so many aspects of the countryside that I find deeply upsetting and unnecessary, such as the shooting of the beautiful deer on the moor. Honestly, every Saturday you can hardly move for Land Rovers parked alongside the lanes, their cloth-capped owners disembarking with guns and dogs."


Honestly, she super-heats the contents of my bladder!!!!



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Just posted this on the web site in response - "I am truly appalled about the way she casually dismisses the killing of a lamb. This comment is plainly stupid -" the lamb is probably due to be slaughtered in the not-too-distant future anyway". It demonstrates an arrogance and ignorance that beggars belief. I trust she reported the matter to the Police before rushing to the dog show".

Edited by Gordon R
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Words fail me......

but actions.... :no:

Bl--dy Media hens, clucking about what they really have no real knowlage on.

Still, what real affect will her words have on the day to day running of farms etc?

Same as the RSPB attacks on Gamekeepers....waste of C02


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Hi all


Until that is I read that she has taken this dog, which she does not know into the countryside without a muzzle or a lead, and it has run off and killed livestock. You would think she would be horrified about this, but justifies it by saying that the lamb would have been "slaughtered soon anyway", and that she felt much better about the whole thing when the dog won a prize at a local show, which apparently made her feel like a character out of Sex and the City :good: (I dont get why that is either).




She wants reporting to the police.


:no::good::):yes::yes: :blink: :hmm::hmm::mad:





I read it and was sickened by it.

I have left a comment and told them so.



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What a great article, thank you for reminding me why I stopped buying the Daily Mail and started buying the Telegraph instead. Ms. Jones appears to be a single lady who prefers the company of rescue animals and cats to that of other human beings. Just what the Countryside needs, another London trendy without a clue.

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This is a very strange article.


I could be wrong- but I thought that under the Dogs Act 1906, if you find a stray dog you have to return it to the owner or the police. Just because you find a ‘stray’ dog does not mean you can keep it.


Under Section 1 of the Dogs (Protection of livestock) Act 1953 the owner of a dog that allows that dog to worry sheep on agricultural land commits a criminal offence.


The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 extended the definition of worrying to include situations where a dog is at large i.e. not on a lead or under close control in an enclosure in which there were sheep.


Section 9 (1) of the 1971 Animals Act provides protection for civil claims to the owner of the sheep for killing a dog worrying his sheep if they can satisfy the court they killed the dog to protect their livestock, and that they informed the police that they had killed the dog within 48 hrs.


Also the lady in question has failed to keep proper control of the dog, and as a result someone else’s property – the lamb- has been damaged. The statement that the lamb would have been slaughtered soon anyway is not a defence. She is liable to pay the owner of the lamb compensation.


To be so brazen about doing this is beyond belief – I could not imagine a similar article appearing in any shooting magazine along the same lines- i.e. letter to the editor: Sir, ‘ I have recently taken up gundog training, went to the local farm lost control of the dog and it killed a sheep’ - ed ‘ no worries mate the lamb was going to die anyway – to make yourself feel better enter the dog in a show!’


Come on – the like of this lady would have been all over a story like that saying how terrible shooting is an how awful gundog owners are!




PS I am off to the CLA Game Fair later today to set up the BASC stand so wont be able to add more for a while, sorry.

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David BASC I hope BASC are making comment on this to the rag concerned and hopefully to the wider media. It's about time we hit back at EVERY slight on our sporting heritage and matters countryside.


With a bit of luck the locals will make her about as welcome as a **** in a spacesuit and she'll be off back to the smoke soon! Or maybe once the rag stops publishing her twaddle she'll have to go get a real job!

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David BASC I hope BASC are making comment on this to the rag concerned and hopefully to the wider media. It's about time we hit back at EVERY slight on our sporting heritage and matters countryside.


With a bit of luck the locals will make her about as welcome as a **** in a spacesuit and she'll be off back to the smoke soon! Or maybe once the rag stops publishing her twaddle she'll have to go get a real job!





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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember her from when I used to buy the MOS (another ex-reader). Wasn't she the one who used to whinge every week (in a newspaper column, God help us) about her useless husband / boyfriend?


He sits around all day eating crisps in her house, drinking her booze, spending her money, fornicating with anybody who'd loosen their knickers, continued ad nauseam.


Total and utter chump.


It's an interesting form of reasoning - x will happen anyway, therefore I will bring it about now.


This could solve a lot of problems. Take the NHS for example. Patients will die anyway at some point, so surely there is nothing wrong with simply turning them away. Hey presto, no more NHS crisis!


Or we could stop fretting about knife crime. Sure, people are getting stabbed, but they would die one day anyway. Now everyone could relax.


Car crime? Well, you might be a bit miffed if I stole your car. But have you considered that you will probably get rid of it at some point? Just bringing the day forward, so stop griping.



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