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Back at work after 10 days off


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Life is a routine whichever way you slice and dice it.


Work has always been the frog and the frying pan - stick a frog in a hot frying pan and it jumps out, but stick a frog in a frying pan and turn the heat up on it slowly and it will stay there and get cooked.


A holiday is a break from the routine, you relax, switch off and enjoy. When it's over, it's back to the hot frying pan and catching up on 10 days works that has sat and festered.


Deep joy.

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Coming back to work used to be, people sitting arround a bit admiring your tan (if you had one) looking at your holiday photos and listening to any stories you had to tell.


Now it just seems to be, 'all this happened when you were away enjoying yourself' and by the way you have 650 emails to plough through some need answers, some don't, you will have work out which ones are which - oh and welcome back . .

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Life is a routine whichever way you slice and dice it.


Work has always been the frog and the frying pan - stick a frog in a hot frying pan and it jumps out, but stick a frog in a frying pan and turn the heat up on it slowly and it will stay there and get cooked.


A holiday is a break from the routine, you relax, switch off and enjoy. When it's over, it's back to the hot frying pan and catching up on 10 days works that has sat and festered.

Deep joy.


You are not alone. Almost no point in going away, for that very reason.


Sigh, indeed.



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Oh Mung, I feel for you mate ! :)


I am in Spain at the moment. It is 36 degrees over here with little breeze. Just been down to the beach bar...plenty to see down there...if you catch my drift.


I am still reading my emails on my Blackberry but in this heat I am struggling to even hit the "delete" button.

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Oh Mung, I feel for you mate ! :)


I am in Spain at the moment. It is 36 degrees over here with little breeze. Just been down to the beach bar...plenty to see down there...if you catch my drift.


I am still reading my emails on my Blackberry but in this heat I am struggling to even hit the "delete" button.


Two words for you LV, that cannot be repeated on a public forum such as this. ;)



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Now it just seems to be, 'all this happened when you were away enjoying yourself' and by the way you have 650 emails to plough through some need answers, some don't, you will have work out which ones are which - oh and welcome back . .


Spot on, I actually dread powering up the PC when I get back from a holiday :)

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You should all consider yourselves lucky, I don't get any holidays at all, not even bank holidays, you just don't appreciate the stress involved, it's hell having to go out every day with the dog and a gun, sometimes twice a day, or three if I go foxing at night. Tomorrow it will be on the rape, Wednesday clay shooting, Thursday on laid wheat, Friday rifle on rabbits or fox, I just don't know how much more that I can take. :)

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You should all consider yourselves lucky, I don't get any holidays at all, not even bank holidays, you just don't appreciate the stress involved, it's hell having to go out every day with the dog and a gun, sometimes twice a day, or three if I go foxing at night. Tomorrow it will be on the rape, Wednesday clay shooting, Thursday on laid wheat, Friday rifle on rabbits or fox, I just don't know how much more that I can take. :blink:



Bob your a **** , in a nice way but still a **** :)


Ps , google Bob300w ;)

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Sun stroke

Runny bottom

Lost luggage

Rowdy locals

Weak pound

Strong Euro

PG Tips



Worry not, you'll be back to work soon enough :)



Try -


Topless Bathers

Bikini Babes

Cheap Beer

Duty Free

Summer Sun

Business Trip

No Rain

Marbella GunClub (OK three words!)

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