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I dont think there are any good 17hmrs...


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I have a slot for a 17HMR. I was originally going to get a Quad, but after extensively testing one for a few days I decided not to go for it. Primarily this is because I found that if you held it by the end of the barrel and shake it, then it will lose zero. Otherwise it's a good gun, but I can't help but think the interchangeable barrels are a gimick - I bet they won't be on the next version from Sako.


I don't like the anschutz as a hunting tool. It's a nice gun, but the safety is ridiculous in the field, and more of a problem, I think anything less than a 10 shot (or 9 shot) mag is pointless for bunny bashing, at least where we are - it runs out in seconds. Ditto the Brno, which AFAIK doesn't have big mags either?


Are there any other guns available in 17HMR that people can recommend? Or any on the horizon?

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smart alec!!


i know that will never happen but that's not the point. The point is that you can shift the point of aim by knocking the barrel. I don't want to have to treat the gun like a baby i want to be able to throw it on the back seat of the car without worrying about it, like i can with all my other guns. ones which dont have barrels which unscrew...!

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Having just got one, would recommend a cheap CZ.


Cheap enough that you won't wince when you bash it, yet accurate and quite handy.


Just get a pocketful of 5 shot mags.


That's exactly what I did, the CZ is a great rifle for the money, I havent made any modification to mine and it shoots 1" groups at 100yds out of the box, and won't loose zero when you knock it.


you will love shooting .17HMR, it's an awesome round and 99% of the time you aren't worrying about ricochet, but AFAIK there is no high cap mag in this calibre.

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I have the Anschutz. I agree that the 4 shot mag is limiting, and therefore bought a second mag. Not cheap, but it solved the problem. Unlike shooting the .22 with subs, where repeat shots are possible, I have not so far been in a position with the .17HMR of being able to a quire a second bunny quickly enough, this is probably due to the racket created. I have however found that by positioning myself to be able to shoot 2 or 3 berries from the same location some steady shooting can be obtained, as the noise does not seem to affect the bunnies on a neighbouring burry.



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Can't live with the 5 shot mags

Are there really no other guns beside the quad that have 10 shot mags?

How hard is it to swap a mag over?

Do you have 6 or more shots you need to take right away or something? :good:


our farm is a bunny magnet, I went out on thursday, only 4 fields have been cut, and we got just over sixty in an hour and a bit. There are plenty of times when you need to have at least three shots ready to go, often more. With a 5 shot mag, it's OK if it is fully loaded, but if you have already fired off a few rounds then there will only be 2/3 left in there, which isn't enough. The way around this is to reload each time theres a small break, but that's a real pain.


I've just heard that ruger make a 10 shot mag for the 77/17 - but I've never heard any mention of this rifle before, does anyone here have one?

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I rate the quad. One tip I have though, is not to hold it by the barrel and shake it :)







I love the Quad, must admit have had a zero problem but apparently due to old scope which is being replaced, there is next to no recoil even with the synthetic stock, the only bug bear for me being patch cleaning, so far I have not found a good jag that fits my rod to allow for a push through as I do with the .223

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I think the 77/17 (magnum) and 10/22 (magnum) magazines are interchangable. That would give you 9-shot mags.





Personally, I just carried 4 magazines with my savage. I've had opportunies where I've shot out a full magazine, flip the mag release and let the mag drop on the ground, slide the next one in (all while prone). Repeat as necessary. I usually kept one mag in my shirt pocket and two in either trousers or jacket pockets for easy access. If you get a break in the action, swap the magazine while you're thinking about it so that you have 5+1 ready to go in the gun. Reload when convenient.




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Sounds to me as though you'll never find a rifle to suit you, especially with the names you have turned down so far.


I've never had a problem with my Quad loosing its zero because the barrel was knocked. Short of swinging it furiously from the muzzle, I can only imagine that the gun you tested wasn't tightened properly.


Don't forget that any rifle can be chambered before the mag is inserted. So a five shot becomes a 6 shot etc.


But if you need a longer range round that offers multiple rapid shots, why not get a 10/22 with an extended magazine and run supersonic ammo.


Just a thought.

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I'm with Axe the HMR isn't the tool for you get a 10/22 and be done with it, Personally I've had 100 bunny nights and not had a problem you have to reload any gun so its not an issue with extra mags but then we do usually have 2 shooters on the truck so plenty of time to take turns.

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Hi all,


I might have some encouraging news regarding a 10 shot mag for a 17HMR. Ive just picked up another 10 shot mag for my .22 CZ Style and gloated to a friend of mine who only has a 5 shot mag with his HMR :yes: . Hes pretty keen to find a 10 shot for his HMR so i spoke to my local dealer who said No, there isnt such a thing, but he said i should try Edgar Brothers (who only supply to trade), so i e mailed them on Monday this week and had two responses directly from Derek Edgar the M.D who stated the following which i have cut from his e mail for you; He starts by saying i am correct, as i said in my e mail to him, "I understand there isnt a 10 shot mag available for a 17HMR"


Hi Gary,


You are correct. We have placed an order with CZ for a substantial quantity as the carrot and they have told us it is the file for their R&D department to look at it. Now we have to wait until it gets to the top of the file!


Thanks & regards,


Derek Edgar


Managing Director



Nice helpful guys at Edgar Bros., so i reckon the 10 Shot mag might be in production by the end of the year. Good luck.





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I shot 98 bunnies out of the truck on Monday night with my CZ .17HMR and three 5-shot mags, in about 90 minutes. Great fun. I keep two beakers full of loose rounds in the cup holder in my Disco, enabling me to reload very quickly. The low-cap mags aren't really a problem. I prefer the little and often strategy, to reloading a couple of 10-shot mags.

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Nice helpful guys at Edgar Bros., so i reckon the 10 Shot mag might be in production by the end of the year. Good luck.






So this is how rumours come about!! :yes: Don't hold your breath Gaz, things work a little slower than that...but you can always live in hope! :P

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What do you find ridiculous about the Anschutz safety? Ive got one and I find it does all that

I ask of it. Yes the mag limitations are a bit annoying but get a spare one.

Failing that then yes theres the ruger 77/17, Ive not shot one so cant comment but its got the

mag capacity you want.

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The safety on the anschutz works as a safety, but it's terrible to use in the field. Compare it to a Quad or a 10/22 which you can flick on and off subconsciously, it's a real pain. I know of at least one person (who will probably read this) who doesn't use the safety on his one when he is out in the field, for precisely this reason!


I am considering the 77/17, but they seem to be pretty rare, and I can't get much of a feel for what they are like...

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