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take heed !!

the last engineer

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something to think about over the weekend,i was sifting through some papers in my office and came across this,havent read it for a while ,still makes sence though.

see what you think.

The Enemy


I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more people than all of the wars of all of nations. I massacre thousands of people every year. I am more deadly than bullets. I steal over $500 million each year. I spare no one and find victims among the rich and poor alike, the young and old, the strong and weak. Widows know me to their everlasting sorrow. I loom up in such proportions that I cast my shadow over every field of labor.


I lurk in unseen places and do most of my work silently. You are warned against me, yet you heed me not. I am relentless, merciless and cruel.

I am everywhere – in the home, on the streets, in the factory, at railroad crossings, on land, in the air and on the sea.


I bring sickness, degradation and death, yet few seek me out to destroy me. I crush, I maim, I will give you nothing and I may rob you of everything you have.


I am your worst enemy-


I am :thumbs:?:lol:?:lol:?:lol:?


Author unknown


the first one with the correct answer i by a beer for next time im in town , id make it a prize but jim neglected to send mine over :P and it would probably be dead anyhow .





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