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Forums like this need the sanity of good men like Bob .If Bob has left then it is a crying shame . Bob always came up with a difinitive answer to most peoples shooting problems . If some body has upset him that much, than an apology is proberbly in order . Come back Bob you are proberbly the most respected member of P.W. Harnser .

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Bob, is a witty, knowledgeable and generous man and will be much missed on PW.


Rise above it Bobster.


Follow in the footsteps of Mrs Sweepy and Dusty (no gun) Fox, throw your toys out of the pram then come back bigger and better than ever.

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I read yesterday that Bob had left the forum due to an argument? Anybody know if this is true?



Its a bit of a longshot but anyone thought that some ill has befallen Bob, he suddenly dissappeared maybe hospitalised, I dont know but a possibility.


Is anyone able to contact him via email or phone? It would clear up the rumours if nothing else.


I wish him all the best anyway :good:


:good: D2D

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I read yesterday that Bob had left the forum due to an argument? Anybody know if this is true?



Its a bit of a longshot but anyone thought that some ill has befallen Bob, he suddenly dissappeared maybe hospitalised, I dont know but a possibility.


Is anyone able to contact him via email or phone? It would clear up the rumours if nothing else.


I wish him all the best anyway :good:


:good: D2D


He may just be sunning himself on the Algarve or something.


I can email him. He was kind enough to advise me at length by email on a recent purchase. He knows you lot much better than he knows me though.

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I am sure Bob is just fine and is one of the lucky ones that has actualy managed to pull himself aware from the forum long enough to get some shooting in. If you look at his profile he was on two days ago, I am sure that those who are close to him would report otherwise if needed. :good:


Its good to get away every now and then.

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poor ole bob... he used to make dam fine slow brandy as well.


PUSC, I'm sure he still does mate, he hasn't died :good:


Bob hasn't stated the dreaded words 'I ain't coming back' so unlike those that do say it and then return hours later he can return with his head held high.


The forum isn't the same without him and I hope he returns when he's good and ready.

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