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What will the gun market do?

Peter De La Mare

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My guess is people will start to look at what frippery they can get rid of. If you have a gun in a cabinet and it was a year since you last fired it, then it's likely to go on the car boot sale list.


We are going to have a look at a new house tomorrow. A year ago it would have been unaffordable and I can barely afford it now, but if it's a goer then I will be selling everything including a kidney to get it.

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Looking at the higher end shoots, even they are starting to feel the pinch, with many Guns cancelling places.

I cannot see why the Gun market should differ from any other market, folk that already have guns may choose to stick with old equipment rather than upgrading, new shooters may look to the cheaper end of the market, but as stated, dealers could start to offer some great deals in order to encourage sales.

Its going to be a tough time for many people, lets hope it does`nt last too long eh :wub:



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I am not sure about the gun market, but the price of lead and copper has collapsed in recent weeks. Perhaps ammunition may become more affordable? I nearly choked at having to pay £28 per box of 20 .243 Norma 100g.


I know that Deutsche Bank has cancelled £960,000 of shooting booked for this season, with several other banks pulling the rug out from under many sporting agents to a similar degree.

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My guess is people will start to look at what frippery they can get rid of. If you have a gun in a cabinet and it was a year since you last fired it, then it's likely to go on the car boot sale list.


We are going to have a look at a new house tomorrow. A year ago it would have been unaffordable and I can barely afford it now, but if it's a goer then I will be selling everything including a kidney to get it.


Does that mean you are going to sell that silver pigeon you bought a couple of weeks ago if so first dibs lol :good:

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buy what you want now as when the time comes you simply may not afford the gun you want, i can see the sales of cz,tikka,bailkal and some of the cheaper american guns becoming more popular. what i would like to see is our economy bring our jobs back to the west instead of off shore garbage, i realy care not for globalization its to fragile, i hope the UK does not adopt the euro and i hope a canada,us mexico dollar never happens it puts to much power into the hands of fewer it's a new world order and absolute power corrupts absolutley so say F the UN & the euro and global gun bans etc it's not right :)

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  • 3 months later...

Raw material prices have plunged in recent weeks due to the fall in global demand, therefore ammo prices should soon reflect these changes.


Most businesses rely on credit in one form or another to operate and banks look hard pushed to be offering money about due to the financial collapse and too much bad dept. So its inevitable that businesses will get squeezed.


The general slow down will probabley take a while longer to reach the wider economy once the initial panic is over. But on the bright side there should be plenty of bargins to be had and let hope not too many closing down sales!


You never know the once great British gun making business might rise like out like a pheonix from the flames......



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last August in Richmond, Va., we had a huge gun show, and i was amazed at how low some of these gun makers had gone? A good example was the S & W .500 magnum.. This wheel gun usually sells for around $ 1,100 (8" barrel) depending on the options of course.. At this last show they were moving them at $ 699.00. That all changed as we inched closer to the inoguration of Obama.. The cost of the above handgun has shot through the roof..

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Can I have first dibs on you kidney? I have a nice piece of steak and it will go nicely in some suet pastry.


Seriously though,


My flight ponds are on Radcliffes shooting ground in colchester and I shoot with Robert radcliffe, I asked him if he had a busy run up to christmas and he said he had just had his busiest november and december in a long time.


The city boys may have lost their bonuses(Not a bad thing) but the doctors and solicitors etc are still earning plenty.

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Well, here's the news from my two local gunsmiths...


A letter was sent to all major distributers of CZ rifles, some 3 weeks ago. They were informed that the prices of all their new rifles will be increasing by 20 percent.


Another letter from Beretta stated that new shotguns will be increasing by 17 percent, and I think I am right in saying that the same increase will be affecting Rizzini's too.


There has been no news on increases from either Browning or Miroku as yet.


So, if you're hunting for something new, now's perhaps the best time to buy.

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I agree Peter,im in the market for a gun as soon as my license comes thru the door,ive Emailed half a dozen dealers and none seem willing to move on their prices,this staggers me as im knocking 10% minimum of all my building quotes and ive just flogged a sports car for half of what i would have got for it last year.The gun market seems to be bucking the trend in fact prices are rumoured to be going up! Im not at all wanting any gun dealers to bite the dust and go bankrupt,weve all got a living to make ,but they seem oblivious to the present market conditions or they may not be effected by them....lucky ****!


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We are going to have a look at a new house tomorrow. A year ago it would have been unaffordable and I can barely afford it now, but if it's a goer then I will be selling everything including a kidney to get it.




Are you sure? Dont fall into the trap of getting what is a bargin at the min that might be a lot cheaper in 6 months - we haven't really felt the fall out of the ressession yet! having just been anounced the great unwashed and uninformed will panic and that goes for individuals as well as companies and it could get worse (good for you) before it gets any better.



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As a general comment to the post,


Dont be listening to everything gunshops have to say about all the increases etc. at the end of the day with expendable income reducing in the average household - demand will fall and so should prices in all aspects of our sports - whilst they might increase in line with the strength of the Euro, will gun makers / distributers of affilitated goods not be pricing themselves out of the market left by the recession?.



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