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Diesel engine car? Then read this .


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I've just bought 500ml of 2 stroke oil for 99p at my local Morrisons and added half to the tankfull of diesel in my Fabia vRS. Couldn't detect any difference - but then it is already a smooth engine.


I still do add a teaspoon of Castrol R to the tank of my Rickman Weslake, purely for the smell

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I'm still sceptical until I see a properly peer reviewed atricle in an engineering journal :-)



Don't forget that modern diesels have catalytic convertors that aren't cheap. I just had to replace

the one on our V70, the main delaer quoted £700 supplied and fitted, the local place

did it for £340.


The amount of lead in leaded fuel in miniscule but destroys cats, what damage are you

going to be doing by adding two stroke oil and whever additives are in it?


This might be the best engineering advancement in diesel engines ever, but I'm happy

to let you lot experiment and wait a couple of years to see if there's any downside.






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try it if you want it won't do any harm, except to the wallet. From experience my brothers laguna ran well on sump oil when the turbo seal failed :good:


Personally with veg oil and diesel being about the same cost these days think I'll stick to the proper stuff

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Adding an additive to your car fuel is not a new idea and has been going on for years . years ago we used to add redex to the petrol to help lubricate the upper cyclinders and to help cut down the carbon build up on the pistons and the internals of the engine .They were the days when you had to strip down your engine every 20,000 miles and give it a decoke . Modern day fuels and oils seem to have eleveated this problem . Unfortunately over the last few years fuel suppliers have been made to remove most of the additives from their fuel by the government because of the pressure from the green lobby .Therefore your modern day fuels lack a lubricant to lube your fuel pump and injector pump . As well as lubing your fuel pumps the twostroke oil will help to remove carbon build up in your engine ,act as an upper cylinder lubricant and clean out your injectors ,making for a smoother running engine. Its not rocket science and has been going on for years . Harnser .

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I was going to put in some stihl 2 stroke oil I have in the shed.

Then I realised it is red and if I got pulled over and my tank dipped by customs & excise they would probably think I was running red diesel as it would colour the fuel red.

I better get some green 2 stroke oil before I try it.

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  • 1 year later...

This 2-stroke in diesel idea has been floating around Landrover Forums for ages, I think I first read it when I was in the Discovery Owners Club and thereby had access to their web site. The German Scientist's name is familiar though I cannot be certain.


Perhaps a trawl through some 4x4 forums would shed more light.

Edited by john_r
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harnser i`m not trying to see fault in your idea but surely if it was a good thing the oil companies would be adding it before it gets to the fore courts?



What makes you think oil companies are remotely interested in good ideas, fuel economy and the longevity of your engine? This information has been around for a long time now, and I have been using it if I fill up in the UK anyone who travels abroad wil already be aware that their engine is smoother quiter and has a tad more power due to Johnny Foreigner getting different fuel to us

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Probably alright on older diesels without a particulate filter but I would definitely research further before suggesting it's use on a new vehicle with the filter fitted. Could be interesting when the thing goes into regeneration mode. Anybody know for sure?



Nonsense if you own a diesel car you will see on the log book as fuel type it says heavy oil, adding more oil will not harm, and certainly not at the levels of mixing advocated

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I was going to put in some stihl 2 stroke oil I have in the shed.

Then I realised it is red and if I got pulled over and my tank dipped by customs & excise they would probably think I was running red diesel as it would colour the fuel red.

I better get some green 2 stroke oil before I try it.


These days you are not tested for red diesel by dipping, but by the insertion of a probe up the exhaust pipe, therefore your red 2 stroke oil is fine

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These days you are not tested for red diesel by dipping, but by the insertion of a probe up the exhaust pipe, therefore your red 2 stroke oil is fine


I live about a mile from a VOSA testing station and they definately DO dip the tank to test for red diesel. Speaking from very recent experience.

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