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Defrosting the car


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I Like many others just scrap it and have the heater blowing.


A few years back I used to have one of the alarm systems (Clifford Concept 50 I think) as described by COSD.


It was fantastic, press the remote button and the car would start up automatically up to about 150 yards away, all I did was the night before leave the heater on full when I switched the car off and hey presto in 5 minutes it would be defrosted.


Used to do the same thing in summer at work, as the car had leather seat it would get stupidly hot inside so used to leave the Air Con on when I locked the car up then just before I needed to go would start it up remotely and it would be nice and cool by the time I got to it.


The car in question was a manual transmission NOT an AUTO as mentioned by Cosd, not sure if the law's have changed, but basically you had to leave the car running in neutral, (with heater or aircon on desired setting) press a button on the remote control, take the keys out of the ignition (car would still run) get out of the car, press another button to lock and turn off the car and there you had it.


I got the system in the first place for the Turbo Timer facility whereby I could leave it running while locked for 2 minutes while the turbo cooled down.


One of the best gadgets I ever bought.!!! Talk about make people stare.


Only one problem if you pressed the wrong button you could lock the car and leave it running constantly, I never did this but my Ex used the car one day, shut it down as instructed, walked away, came back 2 hours later and it was still running.!!! :lol:



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Credit card for me, because I'm not a mincer :lol:


I don't bother with the rear screen, because I'm not that fussed about what's behind me and the rear screen heater is pretty quick. If the locks are frozen, it's a kettle of boiling water :drinks::lol::lol:


It was a biatch this morning. It had rained in the night, then frozen on thick. The credit card struggled a bit with that :lol:

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Credit Card for me too,

I pay a little man to clear the ice, front and back, inside and out. I don't know what he uses but when he knocks on the door to ask if I want the inside just warm or absolutely roasting I have noticed his fingertips are always dripping blood. Come to think of it I'll sack him for bleeding on the job, there will be plenty of redundant merchant bankers looking for a bit of seasonal work.


Mr Potter

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ha hah ha.... so im the only one who sets off each morning peering through a port hole of semi defrosted/ half misted up glass, with my wiper blades making the most awful noise as they grate painfully over the screen..... add to that the condensation and smoke from my compulsory drive to work fag.....

some times a jug full of hot water if i have time, but as im ALWAYS late for work, i very often drive off with my head cocked out the side window like a dog with its tongue out !!! ha ha ha :good:

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ha hah ha.... so im the only one who sets off each morning peering through a port hole of semi defrosted/ half misted up glass, with my wiper blades making the most awful noise as they grate painfully over the screen..... add to that the condensation and smoke from my compulsory drive to work fag.....

some times a jug full of hot water if i have time, but as im ALWAYS late for work, i very often drive off with my head cocked out the side window like a dog with its tongue out !!! ha ha ha :good:



I trust the above post is supposed to be a joke? if not please read on ......


My wife was hit by a car driver with a frosted windscreen. She was knocked back 6 feet and now faces some operations on her knee-caps to try and rectify the daily pain she suffers. The driver was not going fast as she just started th engine and pulled away without knowing pedestrians were crossing.

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I trust the above post is supposed to be a joke? if not please read on ......


My wife was hit by a car driver with a frosted windscreen. She was knocked back 6 feet and now faces some operations on her knee-caps to try and rectify the daily pain she suffers. The driver was not going fast as she just started th engine and pulled away without knowing pedestrians were crossing.



Hence - why I did my original post in the first place.


My method ensures a frost-free screen that stays frost-free until the car heater kicks in, and you're not polluting the atmosphere nor wearing your engine with excessive idling

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I trust the above post is supposed to be a joke? if not please read on ......


My wife was hit by a car driver with a frosted windscreen. She was knocked back 6 feet and now faces some operations on her knee-caps to try and rectify the daily pain she suffers. The driver was not going fast as she just started th engine and pulled away without knowing pedestrians were crossing.


twas a joke. im a warm water man... as for he windscreen, it belongs to work..... :blink:

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That remote thing sounds nifty, although one time I left my car running a coppa approached me n asked If I knew it was a offence to leave a car running with nobody inside :blink: I think he said it was classed as ditching :good:


Hand him your ice scraper then and tell him to get busy, he's a public servant, you're the public :)


I do the warm water thing as living by the sea it rarely gets bad enough for me to remember/bother about getting deicer or scrapers.

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