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BASC New Centre Appeal


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Suffolk Shooter,


I can share with you that this project, since its inception, has been under the personal supervision of the current BASC Council Chairman, Robert Irvine, who is, like you, a Quantity Surveyor. Robert has given a lot of his time to overseeing the development of the project and doing everything to ensure "best value for money". He is an exceptionally approachable guy and would, I am certain, be very happy to discuss with you any aspect of the design and build issues.


BASC has recently taken steps to make elected Council members even more accessible to the membership and there is now a dedicated e-mail address for contacting them. If you do want to discuss the project with Robert, e-mail him at council@basc.org.uk




Thanks very much for that, I will send him something shortly. I'm not doubting that anyone isn't looking at best value, but people fail to understand the simple concept that beautiful is not cheap. Having an architect design a "modern" building means yes it looks nice, but the cost outweighs the functionality.


IMO a media centre is a great idea and can only benefit BASC and the Shooting community as a whole, but trouble is when you are close to the project, you (The Client), want an all singing and dancing building that looks fantastic for as little money as possible, who wouldn't!!


Go for simple building lines rather than the various angles/radii that I have seen on plans and straight away you reduce the cost of Structural costings whilst still maintaining functionality.



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Have BASC thought about asking for some goverment funding? If you tell em it will be "mosque" shape, you might get it paid for.


Is there really a need for a new HQ? im sure the old one has served well in the past, why not continue to use it?

Even though im not a member, in my opinion, its a bit bare faced to ask subscribers to pay for something they cannot directly use. I know you will say they will benefit from the building in the long run, but i cant see a nice shiney office making the bods in the ivory towers think any better of you.


Just my two bobs worth.

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While I agree completely with Suffolk Shooter over ways to reduce the cost I do not see why you would want to. You could build a square brick structure with a gable ended roof and while doing the same job and costing less the client would not be happy with it. Image is afterall everything.


If BASC believe they can raise the money, and I do not see why they shouldn't as there is several ways they seem to be covering this. Cartridge sales and gun draw etc.


From a designers point of view I believe that the building looks right, and from what I can see of the adjacent building it will be inkeeping with the looks of it. Yes modern energy saving construction methods are not cheap but then again what is? Everything costs money and in one of davids earlier posts he mentioned that there will not be cheaper time to build and I have to agree with him.


This is not because building companies are desperate for work, it is because of the economy. Everyone is tightening their belts and reducing margins etc to win the work, and with a competent team on board who can act rather than react there is no reason why this project should not be completed on time and on budget. If they can do it at Terminal 5 they can do it at Marford Mill.

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Have BASC thought about asking for some goverment funding? If you tell em it will be "mosque" shape, you might get it paid for.


Is there really a need for a new HQ? im sure the old one has served well in the past, why not continue to use it?


I like the bit about mosque funding!


But it is not a "new HQ", it is merely a small extension to relieve overcrowding.


On the design question, I have some sympathy with Suffolk Shooter - mainly because I don't like the arrogance of some architects I have dealt with in the past. At one stage in my working life I was responsible for commissioning the building of four new residential homes for the elderly, each costing in today's money, over £3-million each. As I had provided an identical design brief for all four, it seemed to me that we could save a fortune in architect's fees (plus all the other fees for QS, structural engineer, etc. etc) if we built all four to the same set of plans. But architects apparently have got "professional pride" that means that they have to design every building individually to "suit" the location (and allow them to enter their masterpieces for awards in the architectural journals, I suspect.)


But that is fairly irrelevant. The plan for the Communications Centre is not really over-the-top and, when building in the grounds of a listed building (as we are) there are fairly severe planning restrictions upon what you can and cannot build. A concrete box would not be approved. Just another observation - sometimes apparently avant-garde features like skewed roof pitches can be deliberate to aid energy conservation and one of the equations that anyone commissioning a building design has to take account of is the balance between capital costs and ongoing revenue costs.

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Good to see you are out of step with your fellow countrymen!


I suggest you take time to read some of the other posts I made here too.


If BASC needs to be knocked then they should be knocked as should all the other organisations if they step out of line.


Maybe you subscribe to Pinkfoot's policy of BASC or no shotgun permit. Sorry that does not work for me and many others in Ireland.


The fact that people like me have the strength to speak the way we do says more about us than those who follow blindly Indeed, also about the administrators of this forum who allow free speach.


I expect you are a shooter on Strangford Lough. When the BASC monopoly is broken there, as it will be, and clubs there have a choice we will see which way they go.


I would suggest it will be to either CAI or SACS.




PS Note that my vocabulary is large enough to allow me to leave out the "F" word. We would not want the readers here to think all Irishmen are loutish!

Edited by becassier
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A lovely post Becassier , full of passion and wit as always and of course pushing the virtues of SACS and CANI that I know is so dear to you.


I would, if it were me, cut out the personal jibes you seem to like to put into some of your posts, I am sure that a well educated and literate person such as you will realize that such jibes are almost bound to evoke an emotive response from the reader, as they want / need to defend them selves against your statements – which can lead to more distraction on the thread.


Of course, as you area in the business of using words for a living as I understand it, a literary based debate will often be balanced in your favor – of course I guess you know that.


Perhaps you should start a dedicated BASC bashing thread of your own and get it all off you chest in one go - that way you can stop posting sidetracking posts on other debates, which I think will be better for all of us. :good:


Now lets move on, and keep to the point of this thread please.



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A lovely post Becassier , full of passion and wit as always and of course pushing the virtues of SACS and CANI that I know is so dear to you.


I would, if it were me, cut out the personal jibes you seem to like to put into some of your posts, I am sure that a well educated and literate person such as you will realize that such jibes are almost bound to evoke an emotive response from the reader, as they want / need to defend them selves against your statements – which can lead to more distraction on the thread.


Of course, as you area in the business of using words for a living as I understand it, a literary based debate will often be balanced in your favor – of course I guess you know that.


Perhaps you should start a dedicated BASC bashing thread of your own and get it all off you chest in one go - that way you can stop posting sidetracking posts on other debates, which I think will be better for all of us. :good:


Now lets move on, and keep to the point of this thread please.




Sorry David, you're not as near the button as Dazza! ???

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Good to see you are out of step with your fellow countrymen!


I suggest you take time to read some of the other posts I made here too.


If BASC needs to be knocked then they should be knocked as should all the other organisations if they step out of line.


Maybe you subscribe to Pinkfoot's policy of BASC or no shotgun permit. Sorry that does not work for me and many others in Ireland.


The fact that people like me have the strength to speak the way we do says more about us than those who follow blindly Indeed, also about the administrators of this forum who allow free speach.


I expect you are a shooter on Strangford Lough. When the BASC monopoly is broken there, as it will be, and clubs there have a choice we will see which way they go.


I would suggest it will be to either CAI or SACS.




PS Note that my vocabulary is large enough to allow me to leave out the "F" word. We would not want the readers here to think all Irishmen are loutish!


What on earth is all this useless rant about?


He'll be dismissing Daily Mail readers as too right wing in a minute :good:???


This was a post about a £40 donation I believe



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BASC the biggest, the best and IMO the only organisation for shooting types...if you want to retain the sport! No other has the clout, the expertise and the profile to make governments and the like sit up and take notice. Sure they don't get it right every time but overall they are there when we need them.

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I can't ever remember rambling on for a page.


Maybe you are getting me confused with someone north of another border?


David BASC....thanks for your words of encouragement but life is far too short to spend it all bashing BASC. They are very capable of doing that themselves and don't need me to do it for them.





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A shame this got a bit sidetracked ,but there you go, happens sometimes. Best to ignore the personal jibes and emotive fluff and concentrate on the real issues that come up.


For those that have kindly taken the time to express their views in a constructive and informative way thank you, as I have said before it is very helpful to have this feedback and I always enjoy discussing issues on this forum with you members and non members, who for the most part keep the passion but do not let this spill over and let emotion or prejudice take over.


Best wishes :welcomeani:



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Im new to shooting(I mean just got SGC) but was a member of the BASC for years when I did falconry and even whe n I just took my dogs for walks in the country.The reason for this is that even though I have always lived in the town I have always supported country sports, all of them and have even argued with my own family and friends for it. Im not sure I support Hunt masters that think they are being victomised by antis and cry and moan about it because they get arrested because they have been filmed doing things that maybe they shouldnt have. Im not anti fox hunting but the law is the law and at the moment you cant do it so they deserve to have the hunt fined and be sentanced.


Anyway the BASC is there to stop us shooters new and old having to go through what hunting has gone through. They promote shooting, for anyone and everyone and all types. and by many means. Every company and big organisation has to have a managment structure and a staff that works towards the companies mission statement which im sure you all know what that is because thats why most people joined in the first place.

As for the £40 donation if you dont want to pay it , hay dont. If its to much but you would like to give something give what you think is reasonable or what you can afford. Its your hard earned money. But some of the comments ive read well talk about cake an eat it and bite your nose of to spite your face bla bla bla....

Just remember

You can get insured to shoot anywhere else But the BASC ensures you can shoot anywhere. ( Thats copyright now G. CLARKE 2008 BASC can use it for free membership)

Thats my view anyway

gundawg 66

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I believe it is common practise for organisations such as RSPCA, RSPB, etc. to send out fund raising letters when they need to raise cash for particular projects. I sent BASC £20 and I received a letter of thanks this morning.


A couple of years ago I attended a 'GCT grey partridge evening' at a large country house hosted by one of the local landed gentry. It quickly became apparent that it was basically a fund raising event for the various partridge research projects the Game Conservanct trust were running. Anyway, at the end of the evening after a couple of speeches they passed round envelopes for our contributions, and added 'helpfully' that the average donation so far was £1000!!!

Edited by scolopax
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I think the point is being missed,i have been with BASC for 8 years i have no problem with fundraising at all.What i do object to is that they the bad manners to name an amount.I have now decided to join Sacs and never again will i subscibe to BASC


Your jacking them in because they wrote a begging letter with an amount specified / suggested, notwithstanding that you have otherwise been with them happily for 8 years?




Interestingly bizarre.

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Sorry if the letter offended you, obviously this was not the intent. It is a shame that one letter has severed 8 years of membership but so be it, I respect your decision.


I hope SACS gives you the support and backing that you and shooting need, but please remember that BASC will always be here doing our bit and if you want to come back at any time in the future you will be most welcome. :hmm:


Not withstanding the issues that have been raised about the latest mailing, it is in fact the second such mailing we have sent this year, the first one caused no such negative feedback, maybe this is a factor of timing?


Best wishes to all



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I think the point is being missed,i have been with BASC for 8 years i have no problem with fundraising at all.What i do object to is that they the bad manners to name an amount.I have now decided to join Sacs and never again will i subscibe to BASC


Seems a very peculiar and petty decision, but your choice.


I am delighted that the BASC have the balls to take on the enemies of our sport and wasn't it the BASC who were (one of the) first in to complain to Barnado's yesterday about that ridiculous promotional anti-shooting video and got an apology?

May well have been inspired by communications from the Gun Control Network or similar organisation and we have to ensure that our organisation is equally equipped to fight our corner at the PR/Communications level.

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Ive just been on SACS website and they state they they are there to help Scottish and NI interests. Lets face it ,everyone thats ran to them because of a letter are for £40 donation are rather downsizing dont you think. Wake up, put your toys back in your prams and smell the bacon. BASC is the best known and most popular organisation in the UK. We all need cloat behind us like that.

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