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CPSA are diversifying


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As said, an item in the news section would be enough.


There is nothing wrong with them getting rid of unwanted equipment, but there are more appropriate channels that could have been exploited.


I think it is refreshingly positive however that they have taken on board members concerns and taken it off. :hmm:

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I totally agree! this is the second time recently when a supposed professional organisation has done something without thinking it through properly

at least the cpsa have rectified the mistake quickly (or maybe the car sold quickly who knows? :hmm: ) but I have to say they have acted quickly and done something about it unlike basc who have just carried on regardless to build their new air traffic control centre :P

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I totally agree! this is the second time recently when a supposed professional organisation has done something without thinking it through properly

at least the cpsa have rectified the mistake quickly (or maybe the car sold quickly who knows? :hmm: ) but I have to say they have acted quickly and done something about it unlike basc who have just carried on regardless to build their new air traffic control centre :P


I dont think moving an advert from one page to another is really in the same league as BASC abandoning their communications centre project, however that is a can of worms that does not need opening again!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had quite an interesting phone call with Terry Bobbett the chairman of the CPSA on thursday about this. (Like the name dropping Cat?)


He was the one who told them to put it back on and I told him that it didn't look very good as someone looking to find out info on clay shooting looks at their site and realises that they are all second hand car dealers like Del Boy after all.


I also tackled him over the birds/target issue and he never gave me a straight answer. Still never mind, it really does prove that they don't listen.

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I had quite an interesting phone call with Terry Bobbett the chairman of the CPSA on thursday about this. (Like the name dropping Cat?)


He was the one who told them to put it back on and I told him that it didn't look very good as someone looking to find out info on clay shooting looks at their site and realises that they are all second hand car dealers like Del Boy after all.


I also tackled him over the birds/target issue and he never gave me a straight answer. Still never mind, it really does prove that they don't listen.


That attitude stinks. ''To hell with what they think, put the advert back on the front page'' :good:


There was no problem with the car being linked to another page but they'd rather people visiting their site see a car before anything. Says a lot about those running our sport to me.


The membership don't want to see the car? Stuff 'em. The membership want pigeons not targets? Stuff 'em.

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That attitude stinks. ''To hell with what they think, put the advert back on the front page'' :good:


There was no problem with the car being linked to another page but they'd rather people visiting their site see a car before anything. Says a lot about those running our sport to me.


The membership don't want to see the car? Stuff 'em. The membership want pigeons not targets? Stuff 'em.



In fairness I believe that Cat owes MC an apology.


MC was big enough to apologise when it appeared the CPSA were listening. Time has told that they weren't.


Advertising a car (CPSA property or not) on the homepage of the CPSA website shows a massive lack of Judgment.

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I emailed the CPSA when the car went back up informing them of my thoughts. (Del Boy stylee)


I did receive a response, which said that I, along with ONE other, were the only two members that had

complained about the car being on the site.


I guess they are quite happy to openly lie to their members as well. (Ex member, I will not be rejoining)

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I can't be ***** with it all either. It has the hallmarks of an organisation that has really lost its way but knows that it will always be sniped at from its members and this has hardened their "**** you" attitude. The "targets" and "birds" shambles was the crystalisation.


As someone who shoots every weekend without fail I still feel that the CPSA has nothing to offer me and nothing in common with my clay shooting. I and many like me should however be their target market.


For the handful of registered shoots I have shot this year it's really not worth it. Besides, more good shoots e.g. Essex Masters and the Mays of London shoot don't require CPSA membership and this appears to be becoming more common.


My money is on the CPSA merging with A N Other organisation and sliding into obscurity (in its own right).

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My firm has an old Rico photocopier and two HP printers to get rid of, would I put them on our website? :good:


Seriously, when do you see any organisation touting second stuff on their homepage?


Anyone here own or in an organisation that would do this?

According to Private Eye, The Daily Express is using their ex-sales reps' cars as prizes in a raffle.

Is this car-booting by another name?

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I'm glad MC's spoken with Terry Bobbet, I've never met the guy as he's a tarp shooter and I only shoot Sporting, however he has been elected as Chairman and I do know he is well aware of the current level of disatisfaction within the ranks from people like Mungler, who don't shoot many Registered events, and may well ask, "What's in it for me?"


Terry has been in post for about 8 months, I'm told by those in the know that changes are on the way, we'll see..??


As I've said before a number of times on this forum, I've found the CPSA do listen to a properly structured argument put to them through the proper channels, I raised concerns in writing with them a couple of years ago about the way the British Open Sporting was being run, I received a reply direct from Phil Boakes, he didn't agree with everything I said, but at least we had the debate and changes were made as a direct result of my suggestions.


The Clay Pigeon / Clay Target debate has already been done to death, every member was asked to vote, and out of a total membership of about 23,000, I think a total of only 350 votes were cast, (one of those being mine :good: ). You would not believe the hype that had been put about prior to the AGM about this vote, the word on the street was that many coachloads of disgruntled members were going to gatecrash the AGM, a gallows would be erected outside for a public hanging, it was amazing how much venom was being generated.


In the event, it was a complete damp squib, many of the so called objectors obviously couldn't be bothered to vote, complete apathy prevailed, more hot air has been generated by the proposed sale of an unwanted CPSA asset, how strange is that..?? :D



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The new CPSA website is up.


Strangely, the website heading is "Clay Pigeon Association" with sub text "The National Governing Body for Clay Target Shooting in England".


Then not two inches down the page the page heading is "Clay Pigeon Association" with sub text "The National Governing Body for Clay Pigeon Shooting in England".


Bizarro eh?


The second hand motor is now off the front page, so I guess that's what we can call progress :good:

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You obviously know me better than I know myself. :good:


I generally only shoot Registered comps, don't do re-entry's, simply can't be bothered any more with Essex style "I won JJ's with a 32 ex 50"..Wow :) . :)


Now........you've got me guessing about the shoot on the 13th..........could it be the Xmas Headlice Challenge..??


If so, I've got the approval of my Manager to shoot it, albeit he considers it's a very lacklustre & low grade field of entries, he's reluctantly given me a qualified OK to shoot it, so we'll see what happens on the day..?? :lol:


See you there..??



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Cat is going to win some headlice :yes:


Fancy only being able to manage a 32/50 at JJ's Cat :hmm: I would have though a man of your age would have been able to get more than that at a haybale.




There's a Helice (ZZ's to the uninitiated) shoot at the A1 SG on Saturday 13th, with loads of Christmas prizes. Most of the hotshot's from the Claysporting.com forum are going, at least one CPSA Director will also be there.


It's good fun to shoot, but hellish expensive, so bring plenty of dosh, (practice targets cost £1.50 each, that'll deter the Essex boys.. :yes::yes: )


You will also need to book in by phone in advance.


There's also ESP practice on the day with those awful thieving Claymate counters, so it should be a good day.


Hope to see you there, as I may have to cry off the Ironman at Northampton on 21st. :good:


Oh, I nearly forgot, MC, I think I may have shot JJ's many years back when I used to be a gypsy every Sunday travelling to 2 or 3 biff shoots and upsetting the locals. It wasn't called JJ's then, some bird used to run it..??





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