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BNP names on web

jonno 357

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I respect the logic of your argument as it relates to police officers but you seem fixated by the presumed moral dilemma encountered by a white police officer who is a member of the BNP.


Do you hold the same views in respect of devout Muslim officers? Should they be allowed to continue to serve or should they too "not have joined the police service in the first place"?


Kill the haslet!!



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I respect the logic of your argument as it relates to police officers but you seem fixated by the presumed moral dilemma encountered by a white police officer who is a member of the BNP.


Do you hold the same views in respect of devout Muslim officers? Should they be allowed to continue to serve or should they too "not have joined the police service in the first place"?


Kill the haslet!!




There's no place in the Police for anyone who holds racist views, whatever their colour or background.


I do not hold the view that devout muslims should not serve in the police for the reason that devout muslims are not racist, no more than devout Christians are racist. However, if they were a member of a racist political group then they too should not be serving in the police. It's a race/colour free issue. The police can't have personal agendas at odds with what the majority of people want.


I'm amazed that some people (not saying you) are arguing that it's OK to be racist and be a police officer. It's not OK to hate and discriminate against someone who they have never met because they are a member of a particular group - muslims, catholics, french, irish, jews, scots, teenager, shooters, whoever - we're all citizens of the world.


Some of the other posts don't even warrant a reply.

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There's no place in the Police for anyone who holds racist views, whatever their colour or background.


I do not hold the view that devout muslims should not serve in the police for the reason that devout muslims are not racist, no more than devout Christians are racist. However, if they were a member of a racist political group then they too should not be serving in the police. It's a race/colour free issue. The police can't have personal agendas at odds with what the majority of people want.


I'm amazed that some people (not saying you) are arguing that it's OK to be racist and be a police officer. It's not OK to hate and discriminate against someone who they have never met because they are a member of a particular group - muslims, catholics, french, irish, jews, scots, teenager, shooters, whoever - we're all citizens of the world.


Some of the other posts don't even warrant a reply.


I think the problem with your argument is that, once you latch onto one thing that the police are not allowed to believe in, it's very hard to know where to draw the line. You've latched onto polictics, specifically racist politics, but how about other forms of politics. If a policeman is a staunch Tory and he pulls over a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain for speeding, isn't there a worry that he might throw the book at him :lol:


He might be anti field sports and look extra hard at what one of us is doing to try and catch us out. He might hate fat people, people with curly hair or long hair. If he were found guilty of victimising a fat, long-haired ferreter, presumably he would be reprimanded, but there's no up front legislation or bans involved.


The bottom line is that you shouldn't bar the police from being BNP members, UNLESS you make the BNP an illegal organisation. After all they're not OFFICIALLY racist. You say they're racist, but if they were officially racist, I think you'd find they'd be banned and until such time as they are banned, I don't see how anybody can be told they can't be a member. :)

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This is where I draw the line - there are lots of things I think are incompatible with being a police officer, and that includes anything illegal - of which racism is just one example.


I would also include anything which involves victimising anyone for any unfair reason. Had the subject of todays debate been about whether it's appropriate for the police to hate fat people I'd say it wasn't, on the same grounds - it's not appropriate for them to hate any partiuclar group (bar villains!).


The police are very powerful, they enforce the will of the goverment so they have to have respect for all other people at the centre of what they do.

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This is where I draw the line - there are lots of things I think are incompatible with being a police officer, and that includes anything illegal - of which racism is just one example.


I would also include anything which involves victimising anyone for any unfair reason. Had the subject of todays debate been about whether it's appropriate for the police to hate fat people I'd say it wasn't, on the same grounds - it's not appropriate for them to hate any partiuclar group (bar villains!).


The police are very powerful, they enforce the will of the goverment so they have to have respect for all other people at the centre of what they do.


I can certainly see where you're coming from, but interestingly, you've hit on another interesting point in that post :lol: . You more or less say that the police should be expected to hate villains. However, there could be occasions where a villain could get "fitted up" for a crime he didn't commit, which can't be legally right (although it must be hellishly tempting :) ).


The way I see it is that, theoretically, if the BNP wanted to sue someone for accusing them of racism, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that they could succeed, after all they could argue that their policies are for controlling immigration, which in itself is not racist. I bet they could have the overtly racist actions of some of their membership dismissed as being beyond their control and nothing to do with them, it's quite possible that, as a party, they could not be held responsible for the actions of a "fringe minority" of extremists. The law is that daft at times and they're probably not behind the door when it comes to knowing what they can and can't get away with. :lol:

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Racist NO, Realist and Nationalist YES


What is racist about returning discipline to schools?

What is racist about putting more police on the streets and reclaiming them from the crooks?

What is racist about closing the doors on immigration because the country is full to bursting point?

What is racist about giving the pensioners of this country a good standard of living?

What is racist about pulling out of the corrupt EU?It is gobblong up billions of our taxes each year.It’s accounts haven’t been sanctioned for twelve years.

What is racist about rebuilding British industry?

What is racist about saving the environment with well thought out plans, not the woolly headed ideas coming from the LibLabCon?

What is racist about looking after our armed forces and giving them the equipment and respect that they deserve?

What is racist about making the punishment fit the crime,doing away with soft prison terms and making the criminals pay a price?

Finally what is racist about loving your own country?


You may be surprised to find that all these are priorities for the BNP.


I wonder how many of you are aware of what izlamification means to The UK, in time we could be ruled under sharia law and without The BNP fighting our corner, all would be lost already.


Don't expect the liebour PC party to sort it out, they don't give a chuff for you and I, it's the votes they are concerened about.


Proud to be BNP

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Police probe fire


Has it started


They will be some people out there who will want to get them for it.


Just look at 9/11 the did not care who died there kids and all.


Every one should vote BMP to make people listen.


But our asian friends here in sunny luton can hand out leaflets on how to join al-qaeda and the police say there is nothing they can do to stop them!!!!!

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Did we all forget this A doctor accused of bombing London and Glasgow


Was it ok for him to be a doctor :lol:


And lets all face it do you think that people put al-qaeda bomber on job application.


I think not so It's not fair for people to tell anybody what they can be leave in :) or what job they can do just because they BMP

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Police probe fire


Has it started


They will be some people out there who will want to get them for it.


Just look at 9/11 the did not care who died there kids and all.


Every one should vote BMP to make people listen.


But our asian friends here in sunny luton can hand out leaflets on how to join al-qaeda and the police say there is nothing they can do to stop them!!!!!



Liversedge is just down the road, only a couple of miles from Batley and Dewsbury. Both have very high population of asains living there . Oh and that is where shannon matthews mother lives (bately that is )- another dirty breed :lol:



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Be very, very careful what you say on this thread.


You can bet your bottom dollar that every police force in the country is currently checking that BNP list against its register of SGC and FAC holders and that they will soon be getting a visit to remove their guns.


Some forces obviously also monitor this forum for views that might indicate that the writers are not well balanced, reasonable individuals. So this is one place where, if you share any part of the BNP's repugnant views, it might be better to stay silent or delete your posts if you have already made any such comments.


Unfortunately free speech and a safe society do not always go hand in hand.

Edited by Jimbo57
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You don't work for the tabloids do you?


Nothing like a bit of random speculation to fire things up. Since when was it illegal to own guns and be a member of a political party?


I am quite sure that the police have got better things to do than sit there reading this forum. The are millions of forums on t'internet and good as this one is I don't suppose it is anywhere near the top of the list.

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Part of the FAC check is who you associate with. Labour were saying lots of people on the list were convicted criminals.


If they are throwing people out of the police and trade unions for being members you can bet that the issue of whether you are a fit and proper person to hold a FAC/SGC will be raised. The police are touchy about being branded as racist, so they'll want to be seen to be acting on this, and not only in their own ranks either.


Doesn't matter what you post here, if your name's on the list then you'll be on the radar.

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Be very, very careful what you say on this thread.


You can bet your bottom dollar that every police force in the country is currently checking that BNP list against its register of SGC and FAC holders and that they will soon be getting a visit to remove their guns.


Some forces obviously also monitor this forum for views that might indicate that the writers are not well balanced, reasonable individuals. So this is one place where, if you share any part of the BNP's repugnant views, it might be better to stay silent or delete your posts if you have already made any such comments.


Unfortunately free speech and a safe society do not always go hand in hand.

:yes::lol: :lol: :):lol::stupid:

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I vote in whoever I want in the government whether people find them racist or not, what matters is that you vote for the party that you believe in. I just want a better life for me and my future family and if our money is going to Europe and handouts to people who dont work well I dont see my future being any brighter.


This country is soft on the criminals and hard on the law abiding and its this that people will not stand up and say what they want to say.



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