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I aquired a new permission today which i've been trying to get hold of for ages, and my efforts have finally payed off! I live right next to a field (About 200 acers) of rape which is constantly being hit by hundreds of pigeons daily, but when i've asked the farmer before he's always said no, and even said i'd have to pay HIM to shoot his pests! So I forgot about it. I always wanted it because it's so convinient and theres alot of sport available there.


Anyway I've just come home from university for christmas and noticed the field has almost been completely consumed by pigeons, there are bangers going off every 10 seconds and scarecrows all over the place! (i thought 'serves him bloody right!) so i thought this would be the best time to give him another call. So i ring him, say i've noticed he's having abit of trouble with the pigeons and asked if he wanted any help. Did he accept? Did he ****! So i was reet ****** off and though well I hope he gets what he deserves!

The next day my mums walking the dog and she bumps into the farmer. ''Your lad gave me a ring the other day about shooting...can you get him to give me another call back please?''. Looks like hes seen the light and swallowed his pride finally! I could have turned it down cause hes such a miserable one, but i thought....RESULT! It is literally 20 seconds from my house and for a lad who doesn't drive yet, cant get much better really! Poppin over tomorrow morning to give it a bash, cant wait!

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Where possible have the odd good morning chat, get friendly in other words, he may have other fields, rats in his barns, well you never know.

Even if you have bad days keep going.

Fought hard for it.

Keep the permission, look after it, good or bad times.

Well done, next question will be Pigeon recipies ?

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