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todays bag


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I shot the large field on a new permission for the second time today having last shot it about 4 weeks ago and believe it or not ended up with exactly the same number, 73, please excuse the scruffy fat bloke in the picture.


there wasnt much wind today so i deployed the coys in 2 large oval patches with a 15m gap between them about 35 yds in front of the hide, the magnet was about 25 yds from the hide in front of the front patch of coys and the 3 floaters were positioned to the outside of the edge of both patches, my hide can be seen in the picture which for a change they didnt notice and coyed well all day.





Edited by mikee
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Nice shooting Mikee, I can only wish we got numbers like that around here in Lancashire......



there were thousands about today, i dont know where they had all come from, they havnt been there in that amount this year so far on this farm, had i known what to expect i would have flagged of the fields on the other side of the road (not my permission) as after about 11 oclock most of the birds in the area sat where i could see them but not get at them only when the banger went off a few would fly my way,


i have heard people say "i couldn't get the gun loaded quick enough" but until today i have never had this problem, only for about 5 minutes there were 3000+ birds circling the other end of my field with little groups breaking of and heading to my coys and in that short spell i shot about 25, they were suicidal for them few moments, never seen anything like it



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Thats a nice bag there mikee, nice shooting! And the hide looks good too.


I'm interested in your decoy setup. My understanding is you set out two horse shoe patterns about 35 yards out; Where they set up one to left and one to right looking out from your hide? I'm also presuming you could shoot into the centre of both patterns.


Did you use this decoy pattern because of the large flocks and to give more choice for landing woodies?

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this is how i set up today, the hide is in the top edge of the pit with 50ft trees around, the hedge leading to the pit is quite sparse and only about 10ft tall,




I hope this comes out well enough


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Mikee's given some good advice, I think the most important lesson is not to put the magnet too far from the hide.


I've watched loads of newbies place their magnet at the back of their pattern, net result is that birds are coming in to land behind the magnet, (as they usually do), about 60 yards out, so they end up taking a shot at a going away bird about 75 yards away, no wonder they don't kill many..!!



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I always keep the magnet well away from the area i want to pigeons to aim for and mostly between the coys and the hide, i cant see that they will want to land with that thing whirling around their heads, i use it to get movement in the pattern to attract distant birds and then let the deeks and the big landing zone be the main draw, that's the theory anyway



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I always keep the magnet well away from the area i want to pigeons to aim for and mostly between the coys and the hide, i cant see that they will want to land with that thing whirling around their heads, i use it to get movement in the pattern to attract distant birds and then let the deeks and the big landing zone be the main draw, that's the theory anyway





Funny that always found that where ever i put the magnet is where the pigeons aim for :yes:

Always place the magnet 25 yrds from the hide :hmm:

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I always put the magnet well in front of the landing area and nearer to the hide, the birds don't generally want to land within 20yds of a hedge, they fly at the magnet and mostly drop for the clear area behind the magnet or carry on to settle in the trees by which time its too late as soon as they are over the landing area 35ish yds out BANG BANG hopefully THUD THUD, I never put the magnet directly between the hide and the clear landing area either since i shot a previous one aiming at a low incomer.



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