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Do you have young kids?


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My boys local nursery is £39 a day but I guy I work with in London is paying £1100 pcm for a nursery in Putney :blink: and the only thing that includes is food for lunch and nothing else!! Nappies are charged at £2 each. He figured out that he would be just as cheap to put his daughter in boarding school if she was old enough

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and thats precisely why my missus dont work.

she dont get no bennefit or income for that choice, but to go out and earn a wage only to hand the majaority over and have someone else bring up your child in its most formative years just doesnt make sense.... not to us anyhoo...

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and thats precisely why my missus dont work.

she dont get no bennefit or income for that choice, but to go out and earn a wage only to hand the majaority over and have someone else bring up your child in its most formative years just doesnt make sense.... not to us anyhoo...



Absolutely spot on.

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and thats precisely why my missus dont work.

she dont get no bennefit or income for that choice, but to go out and earn a wage only to hand the majaority over and have someone else bring up your child in its most formative years just doesnt make sense.... not to us anyhoo...


Can't argue with that! We're lucky in that the grandparents look after our little one during the mornings while my wife is at work.

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i pay£420 pcm for 3 days a week, my employer does a voucher scheme which saves a fair bit in tax per month. Yes, ideally i would rather not use childcare, but this is a difficult choice that a lot of people have to make - we spent a lot of time reading ofsted reports to find the best (in our opinion) child minder, my wife then gets to keep her foot on the career ladder (and gets a break from childcare!!!) and gets 2 days in the week of quality time with my daughter.

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We do get childcare vouchers at work and I agree with the comments about someone staying at home to look after the kids if all you are doing is working to hand over your cash to the nursery. We put my boy in for 1 day a week just so that the misses gets a break and has some personal time to herself. It cost me about £150 a month after the vouchers have been used so it's not the end of the world but i must admit in the current climate we are thinking about cost cutting and the nursery cost is up for review!

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Our youngest is 1.5Yrs old and if we put him into any type of local day care it would not be worth the Wife going to work and we need the money to pay the bills.

So we both work from home sort of and he is home with us.


It isnt easy as all he wants to do is play and we have work to do, but we have no one else who can assist us, so we get on with it.


Not easy but so much more enjoyable then sending him off to day care in my opinion



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No childcare is cheap.

And if it was cheap you then would worry if it was suitable for your child.

I think like most have said here you really have got to sit down and work out is it really worth both of you working yourselfs in to the ground.To pay for it.

If that is the case then am afraid it do not lead to a happy home for you or the children.

Have you got any member in your famliy that can help out.


When i had my children both Sweepy and myself agreed that i would stay at home with them till they were both of school age.

It was hard and money was tight .But we got though it . The lot of the time i was on my own as Sweepy was working away or long hours and i had no family that were able to help me (that was hard).But i think i was so lucky to have had that time with the boys.

And now they are both at school. I am back out earning the wage.

I do feel for mums that do have to work and leave their little ones with someone else.And they have my upmost admiration.

But at the end of the day you really have to put the children first.

And if they going to suffer because money is tight because of paying for childcare.Then you really have to sit down and have a rethink.

Hope it works out for you .


Edited by Mrs Sweepy
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Surely you are getting help with those payments from the revenue? Up to 80% of child care costs I believe - depending on your salary.


Pushkin :blink:



Only help you get are childcare vouchers that are taken off your gross monthly. £243, so saves about £60 in tax, insurance etc etc.

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my sister does childcare and I think charges about £4.50 per child per hour, that includes food nappies etc for that she has to provide the space go through all the offstead bullocks and spend half her time collecting kids from school etc She does like it and she is over subscribed as she is good and the kids do benefit from interaction with others and in her case she tends to take them out on trips etc a lot. Far better than the average money making nursery which are cropping up all over the place. It lets the mothers stay on the career ladder and get some time out.

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having brought up seven kids (only the 14 year old still at home now thank god) never needed childcare as the decision was made to bring the kids up ourselves, not pay someone else to do it for us. hence I worked and neither wife did,


cheers KW

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my sister does childcare and I think charges about £4.50 per child per hour, that includes food nappies etc for that she has to provide the space go through all the offstead bullocks and spend half her time collecting kids from school etc She does like it and she is over subscribed as she is good and the kids do benefit from interaction with others and in her case she tends to take them out on trips etc a lot. Far better than the average money making nursery which are cropping up all over the place. It lets the mothers stay on the career ladder and get some time out.



Totally agree with you alex, at times we have problems getting our kids back, whilst I agree about parent child interaction (or lack of it during the day when both parent work). The interaction with the few other children who go there is fantastic.

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I have one 3 year old little girl, we are lucky me and the missus work different times of the day, so theres always one of us at home to look after the little one. The downside is, is i only get 3 hours sleep :blink: but ill do anything for my child.


The other problem with the kids at home is, they miss interaction with other little ones, so i tend to take her to happy heels so she can have a good play.


Ill rather safe the cash now on childcare and use the cash for a decent school when it`s time for that, rather then this government **** that try to teach kids thats it`s not christmas but some bloody winter holiday season ******....


And so that she can get the best education possible.

Edited by Guinea Fowl
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