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shooting feral cats?

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Follow the link for the full information from Defra;




Atb, ft


( oh well ) sorry ft coudn't help that........... well thats big cats sorted but they aint the same as feral cats,, any how a couple of years ago in Myddfi just over the mountain here, there was a "big cat" spotted the police took it very seriously sent the helicopter and aru and they searched for it for hours, oddly enough they didn't find it :good:

thing is there so much mountain, moor and forstry around here, they couldn't even find a dead body that had been dumped back in 2001, just at the end of the fmd out break, they thought they knew were it was, but they didn't find a bone, the wife and kids were riding in that area all summer as well, so you would have thought they would have smelt something, I mean a dead ewe stinks for days so a human phew :good:

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In Germany any cat found more than 200 metres from the nearest dwelling may be legally shot. An idea to adopt, perhaps?


Right well i could be wrong but to be honest i did alot of research on this years ago and was very intrigued by what i was told and what i had read somewhere.


so anyway the last i heard was:

A cat is classed as a ferel when it has traveled (i belive) 200 or 300 yards away from the house that owns it. however it is very difficult to know who owns the cat so as a general rule of thumb if you have a problem cat if it is 2/300 yrds from any house you are safe. and it is then legal to shoot it.


so it is much like germany.

I was talking to a friend who tbh knows what he is talking about and he came up with the same statement. this i would like to add does not mean go and kill any cat further than 2/300 yrds away from a house as you will most likely start trouble if people see you as not many people like to see cats killed. but i belive that is the legalities on the matter. i for one have never had the pleasure oops i meant the misfortune of having to kill one but i have heard they are extremly tough lil bu*gers so if ur gonna do it make sure the jobs a good en.




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Ok guy's I have spent quite a few hours trying to get to the bottom of this, but I can't find any offical site that actualy states anything about controlling feral cats. So I have just emailed the Welsh Assembly Government and asked them for information on the legal status for controlling these cats, ie trapping, shooting etc. I did say in a earlier post that one of the cat welfare groups have stated that the cats are classed as vermin and as such have to be controlled, but they don't say where they got this information.


I'll let you know when or if I get a reply, :lol:

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Sorry chaps I obviously didn't make it clear, if you substitute Feral for Big the same ledgeslation applies;


Big cats are not a protected species in this country and owners and occupiers of land may kill them if they feel this is necessary to prevent damage to livestock. The actual method of control is at the discretion of individual landowners and occupiers, provided that the method used does not contravene current legislation, such as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996, and the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. They are also free to authorise someone else, such as a pest control company, to carry out this control on their behalf.


They are not a protected species, and like dogs if they are damaging your livestock (Sheep, pheasants, rabbits partridges etc) and you have the relevant clause on your FAC, you may dispatch them humanely.


Atb, ft

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They are not a protected species, and like dogs if they are damaging your livestock (Sheep, pheasants, rabbits partridges etc) and you have the relevant clause on your FAC, you may dispatch them humanely.


So what is the relevant clause, and how is it worded. ??

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"The shooting of vermin, or in the course of carrying on activities in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife"


should just about cover it I should imagine. I can't imagine any FEO granting you an FAC for big cats or aliens in the UK

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They are not a protected species, and like dogs if they are damaging your livestock (Sheep, pheasants, rabbits partridges etc) and you have the relevant clause on your FAC, you may dispatch them humanely.


So what is the relevant clause, and how is it worded. ??


You may have read about a farmer who shot some dogs that were worrying his sheep, he was prosecuted and convicted of shooting them because he did not have the words " and for the protection of livestock" written on his certificate, I believe.


There is more, but most of it was on the bumf i got with my FAC application and cannot place my hands on it at the moment. The clause above is a quote from the DSC1 book. I will try and find the clause and post it for you in its entirety.



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I can't imagine any FEO granting you an FAC for big cats or aliens in the UK


I can't either. I only emailed Defra because a group of us were intereted in what would happen if you shot one and I was nominated to inquire :lol: . They wouldn't let you shoot aliens round here anyway, it's them that picks all the veg!


It is an interesting letter because so many mammals are not proscribed in any way. As long as it's done humanely, you can kill them.




PS, Just found it. No 1 as stated before by Alx4,


1/ The shooting of vermin or, in the course of activities in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife.

2/ the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans.

Edited by flytie
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I cant help it but every time I read your thing at the bottom of your post the two words just leap into my head, oh well !!

peter green or fleetword mac at their best.


well it looks like it's solved then well done ft :blink:

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I cant help it but every time I read your thing at the bottom of your post the two words just leap into my head, oh well !!

peter green or fleetword mac at their best.


well it looks like it's solved then well done ft :rolleyes:

No probs :rolleyes:


Regarding "Oh Well", I can't help it, it's my favourite song :blink: sorry!


I like Peter Green and the Splinter Groups "Dangerous Man" too, I might have to have a change :rolleyes:



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I can't either. I only emailed Defra because a group of us were intereted in what would happen if you shot one and I was nominated to inquire :blink: . They wouldn't let you shoot aliens round here anyway, it's them that picks all the veg!


It is an interesting letter because so many mammals are not proscribed in any way. As long as it's done humanely, you can kill them.




PS, Just found it. No 1 as stated before by Alx4,


1/ The shooting of vermin or, in the course of activities in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife.

2/ the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans.





The conditions you quote above are I presume the Expanding ammo conditions as printed on your FAC. It must be remembered that these are the standard expanding ammo conditions which are printed on all fac's where the holder is authorised to have expanding ammo.


These conditions are only relevant to the ammo and not to the rifles listed on your fac. Therefore unless your rifle conditions state "the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans" you can't.



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The conditions you quote above are I presume the Expanding ammo conditions as printed on your FAC. It must be remembered that these are the standard expanding ammo conditions which are printed on all fac's where the holder is authorised to have expanding ammo.


These conditions are only relevant to the ammo and not to the rifles listed on your fac. Therefore unless your rifle conditions state "the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans" you can't.




Charlie, I think I need that one explaining to me :blink: . I know I am a bear of very little brain, but that does not compute for me, sorry :rolleyes: .


Not all those conditions listed are granted for expanding ammunition on every FAC. You have to apply for them, unless you are fortunate enough to be granted them all immediately on application. And I would find it hard to believe that the ammunition fired from my rifle would have different conditions applied to it than the rifle. Seeing as how I was granted it for use with expanding ammo. Or am I being completely stupid? Not that that would be a surprise :rolleyes:


Yours in expectation, ft

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Does it really matter whether it is on your ticket or not ! If i was out lamping and a tiger come out the bushes and made a bee-line towards me.....It is going to get shot(repeatedly) and then the police can argue about it later.


Not that,that would happen in this country because so called BIG CAT'S are not here !

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Does it really matter whether it is on your ticket or not ! If i was out lamping and a tiger come out the bushes and made a bee-line towards me.....It is going to get shot(repeatedly) and then the police can argue about it later.


Not that,that would happen in this country because so called BIG CAT'S are not here !


BB, The one trying to get into my partridge pen last august was big enough thank you. It wasn't happy with what happened, don't know about wild.


I take it you do not believe the reports from the Central Scientific Lab (Sandhutton) that claim to have seen two while using thermal imaging equipment in the Forest of Dean while doing their boar contraception malarkey. No............ Me neither :blink:



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Not sure whether I posted this here this awhile back.

I was out lamping with the, now, retired keeper. He was driving, I was in passenger seat, both lamping out each side. I clock, he shoots, and vica versa.

He slams on the brakes and wispers, "Cub". Eyes in the headlights. I get out with rifle and ask if he's sure, I can only see eyes as it is partly obscured by a bush. Def he says. Been shooting together for many years, so the trust is there.

So, leaning on door frame, adjusts for body shot and lets rip. Went to pick it up, ruddy great ginger cat. Ok, I'm over 6' and had hold of the the root of the tail and it's head still dragged on the ground. So, guesstimate, it's body was over 3' long.

Should have really gone back next day and got it out from where we left it, but after more foxes.

Always makes me wonder, IF.

Edited by wy111
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Not sure whether I posted this here this awhile back.

I was out lamping with the, now, retired keeper. He was driving, I was in passenger seat, both lamping out each side. I clock, he shoots, and vica versa.

He slams on the brakes and wispers, "Cub". Eyes in the headlights. I get out with rifle and ask if he's sure, I can only see eyes as it is partly obscured by a bush. Def he says. Been shooting together for many years, so the trust is there.

So, leaning on door frame, adjusts for body shot and lets rip. Went to pick it up, ruddy great ginger cat. Ok, I'm over 6' and had hold of the the root of the tail and it's head still dragged on the ground. So, guesstimate, it's body was over 3' long.

Should have really gone back next day and got it out from where we left it, but after more foxes.

Always makes me wonder, IF.


Well i am sorry but you are a fool for shooting at a set of eyes in a hedge :welcomeani:


I never ever shoot unless " I "can identify what i am shooting at.I dont care if my mate with the lamp says 15 hail mary's and swears on his kids life it is a fox,unless i can see through the scope it is a fox i wont let the bullet go.!!

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Well i am sorry but you are a fool for shooting at a set of eyes in a hedge :welcomeani:


I never ever shoot unless " I "can identify what i am shooting at.I dont care if my mate with the lamp says 15 hail mary's and swears on his kids life it is a fox,unless i can see through the scope it is a fox i wont let the bullet go.!!


Probably why you got no mates then that you can trust.

We have been shooting together for over 20 years and know recognition. He was on the drivers side and looking to the left, where I could not a full view as in the passernger seat.

The only fool is one who talks and not walks

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Probably why you got no mates then that you can trust.

We have been shooting together for over 20 years and know recognition. He was on the drivers side and looking to the left, where I could not a full view as in the passernger seat.

The only fool is one who talks and not walks


I have lot's of mates thanks.

And you are worse than a fool because you dont know how stupid you are shooting blind into a hedge at something you can't make out.The onus is on the one pulling the trigger,not your pal with a lamp.

I have probably killed more foxes than you have seen,so dont say i can talk and not walk.The only difference is i have done it safely.

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I have lot's of mates thanks.

And you are worse than a fool because you dont know how stupid you are shooting blind into a hedge at something you can't make out.The onus is on the one pulling the trigger,not your pal with a lamp.

I have probably killed more foxes than you have seen,so dont say i can talk and not walk.The only difference is i have done it safely.

Spot on BB, "never shoot where you can't see" is one of the basic tenets of our sport.


I don't know BB but would be happier shooting with him than with someone whos shoots blind into a hedge. Even if I knew the land like the back of my hand and was sure of the backstop, the idea of shooting something you have not identified :welcomeani: oooerrrr missus :good: . Not something to be proud of.



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How did you get on with putting an advert in the paper? did you get any bad feedback? Seem's a professional way to do it but possible not without a backlash?


Did you get any hassle?


We got more reaction from the posted notices in the shops and all the reaction was very favourable, it was seen as a responsible thing to do.

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