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1st Muntjac


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Met up with Harfordwmj earlier to try and sort a fox which had been causing a spot of bother with the land owners chickens...


Hwmj bought his new .22lr along to add a few bunnies to the bag, and I had the .223 all setup for some late night foxing with the lamp.


We we're sat up hidden away just downwind from a warren I know, sadly for Hwmj not many bunnies we're showing - He dropped one with the rimmy and then we relaxed again...


10-15 mins must have passed when we noticed a dark shape appearing from the cover about 100 yards further up the field... Got straight onto a tractor tyre and I.D'd it as a Muntie.. I wanted to check that it was indeed a buck and not a doe with fawn, so I said to hwmj that I would wait until he showed me a bit more than just the top of his grazing head between me and the buttercups...


He started to mooch out from the cover, and I placed the crosshair on his vitals and squeezed 55grn of Norma Softpoint off... Well, he didn't even flinch straight down on the spot... When we got there the shot placement looked spot on and the blood splash against the grass showed all the right signs :angry:


A quick call to poacher turned gamekeeper, Stealth Stalker and we found ourselves gralloching the beast ready for SS's game larder where he will hang for 3 or 4 days to mature


Chuffed is not the word :blush:


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A quick call to poacher turned gamekeeper, Stealth Stalker and we found ourselves gralloching the beast ready for SS's game larder where he will hang for 3 or 4 days to mature



Oi!! thats slanderous :blush:


So much for my early night.


Well done mate, he will make fantastic eating, Mrs SS thanks you for filling the larder fridge with tasty venison :angry:

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Nice evening out. However I do feel the story should have said:


"Gary was playing pong on his blackberry, whilst hwmj was on the keen lookout for bunnies. Hwmj then spotted the muntjac and gave a very subtle pssst to Gary on the other side of the tractor. He carefully placed his brick of a phone down and got his rifle. Then he said, 'let it come out'...."


Always missing the key bits Gary. Tut tut tut.

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lovely, be nice to see it on the BBQ, I've a pair in the garden each morning at the moment and can't help but feel they'd be better off on the BBQ rather than eating my plants :angry:


guess if you're not far away then odds are your ground is over run with them as well!

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nice work chaps - can't wait to crack on to our munties - still waiting for the go ahead (it's only a matter of time)


and the rifle is a Titan 3 - 'cos i got one too :angry:

incidentally i found out the other day it's based around a Sauer 202 action

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