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HELP! I've got a tick on my leg!


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I discovered one in my bumcrack once after an army exercise.


Zapp, this must be one of the quotes of the year and nobody has slaughtered you for it :look:


Thanks for sharing :look: :hmm:;)

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Zapp, this must be one of the quotes of the year and nobody has slaughtered you for it :look:


Thanks for sharing :look: :hmm:;)


Thats not all, one of his mates had a tapeworm and he had to examine his pooh and look for it.


I am losing confidence in his integrity as he does seem to have spent alot of time around the back door.....


He was an army man after all, now if he was navy then you would have expected nothing else.

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I discovered one in my bumcrack once after an army exercise.


No help to you of course, but a paratrooper armed with the sharp bit of a biro lid soon had me smiling again :look:




So, once your fun with the parra had finished, who got the tick out and how?



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Luckily my mrs had a set of fine tweezers I could borrow. She wasn't too pleased about what I was using them for but hey, I've got to do something to annoy here now and again!


I tried the cotton and straw trick but the tick was too small. He was flat when I got him off so I assume he hadn't eaten much? I didn't squash him and managed to get his mouth parts out all in one.


Cheers for all the great replies. I wondered how many of them would include ideas which I know are bad! :look:

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another vote here for the tom tick remover thing from the vets.

i have to deal with loads of ticks through the year between me and the dogs and it always works, its painless, its quick and its almost impossible to leave any of the tick in the skin.

well worth 3 quid!

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Zapp, this must be one of the quotes of the year and nobody has slaughtered you for it :look:


Thanks for sharing :look: :hmm:;)



Thats not all, one of his mates had a tapeworm and he had to examine his pooh and look for it.


I am losing confidence in his integrity as he does seem to have spent alot of time around the back door.....


He was an army man after all, now if he was navy then you would have expected nothing else.



So, once your fun with the parra had finished, who got the tick out and how?




Right, if you lot are going to twist the notion of another man poking around my back doors in an attempt to remove a small creature into some kind of gay euphamism I am taking my ball home and you cant play with it anymore.


So there



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Kay, thanks for that. I'll love you forever for pointing that link out to me :lol:


Its not obligatory to love me :P i spent a weekend with that lady at Shugborough game fair last Feb she is a very inspiring :P i urge anyone to go & find them at the various events they get invited to , gamefairs & the like


there links on the bottom of my profile it gives you the plases they will be attending & if you need tick pickers you can get them off them

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The last time I had a tick it was on my nuts. Why do these creatures pick such disgusting places to feed? I was quite happy that this one was on my leg. At least it was easy enough to reach. I'm going to get a tick puller set next time I pass the vets. They should stock them and I'd rather buy locally.

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Think yourself lucky. It could have been on your **** :lol:


How can such an innocent word be censored?


What happened to having a **** of butter or the **** on the door?


But you can have doorknob


What if Mr and Mrs **** had a child who is now on this forum?


Can I say willy? Yes I can. How is that more acceptable than ****?

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In todays politicaly correct society the way to remove ticks is

to ask them politly if they would mind moving on.

They may refuse to move on, so your next step would

be to take legal advise and start procedures within the law.


Whilst this is hapening because the tick is established on you he

now has legal rights of his own and is entilted to bring family members

and recieve payments.


If you cause him stress or threaten him with harm you will be contravining

his human rights and prosecuted, if proven guilty you will be liable to

fines or imprisonment.


So for your own safety it would be beter if you only stayed on concreted

land only. Do not attempt to go into grass land because that would

be deemed as an invertation to visiting ticks.





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Someone in my more distant family was diagnosed with Lymes something like 12 years after the Tick bite that probably caused it. She remembers getting bitten, and a white-ish circle forming around the bite. I don't know much more, but she has been unwell for all this time and really she has been doing not much more than managing symptoms till now.


I have never had one, but I do carry the O Tom and another tool.

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