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Going camping for the foreseeable future

Guinea Fowl

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The rest of the original post was edited for Marriage reasons


The wife just got home and as i looked out the window i saw the car was packed full of stuff, hmm, me thinks what`s going on here?


It turns out THE MOTHER IN-LAW got her house repossessed, and she is moving in :unsure:




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Not wishing to highlight concerns re the lack of information that your wife provides(or doesn't so it seems), would it not have been a bit in order to consult you about this - I would be more miffed with my missus if anything like that happened


Still, at least you might be able to get a mother/daughter act going with the missus and the in-law. :unsure:

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Not wishing to highlight concerns re the lack of information that your wife provides(or doesn't so it seems), would it not have been a bit in order to consult you about this


Yep, but it happened so fast there was no time, they even had the animal control to take the dogs, and there was plumber bleeding the rads?


What can i do, ill just have to put up with it, it`s family so we have to help, BUT **** me.


Theres a saying thats says you can choose the wife but not the family, well is that true or what.

Edited by Guinea Fowl
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Drive them out, using psychological warfare. Just use whatever legal means necessary to get them out, or they will never leave.


I've never laboured under the misapprehension that blood is thicker then water. I am morally obliged to love my family, but I only like a few of them.

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Lay down the law mate...


If you're paying the mortgage and you're putting a roof over their heads, make sure they pay their way in cash and chores, or tell them to **** off.


And get the leeches down the Social to get their own place sorted ASAP.


I wouldn't stand for any of that ****. No way.

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the process for evicting someone from a domestic property takes months to get through to the baliff appointment


just exactly how and why did she get evicted?


bet it makes you wish you were on holiday this week? it would have happened but guess what by the time you got back they would have had to sort it themselves


incidentally, they should have got down to the council offices to get rehoused, now they are with you its a different ball game and a longer waiting list

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Im with toombsy-if it p****s you off then why stand for it?-your the man in the house so you need to tell them that they are not welcome and if they have to then one night is all they are getting.Would they put you up?You also need to sort your misses out-*** does she think she's doing?While they are with you tonight i suggest you eat pickled challots constantly and let them know in easy to understand language that they are not at home.Do it before the rot sets in. :unsure:

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Not sure on this one but won’t you have to inform your FLO that they have taken up squatters rights?


The fact you keep firearms in the house and you now have two pot smoking low life type people living there could cause you problems...

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This is what you do Matey,

***** your finger (be brave, it's worth it) and put about a dozen specks of blood on the bottom sheets of the beds they sleep in. Show them and say sorry, we've got a bed bug infestation. Nobody, but nobody would want to sleep there the next night


LOL Bill

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Whilst they are living at your home the council will have no interest in rehoming them as they are not homeless....so here's what you do...

Tell your Mum in law that you are kicking her out, effectively making her homeless then she can go to the council to get somewhere else....So you get rid of her but you make it look like you are doing her a favour.....


Failing that, I'd just kick em out anyway, once they are in and established in your home they will be harder to get rid of than herpes!

It's better to do the deed now or all the grief of having then there will no doubt cause a strain on your own relationship...

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Whats the point of Camping in this SHOCKING weather? :)


Right now that seem like a good choice, since my wife read this topic while i was at work, she is not happy to say the least.

I think it`l be best to not comment on this topic no more, well for now.


I shall report back on a later date :good:

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That'll be a lesson for all of us. Don't let anyone - even partners know your password, and log out after every visit. That don't apply to me because 'er indoors has little interest or knowledge of computers and this sort of tittle tattle. :good:


Set em to work digging the garden, weeding the path, trimming the hedges, painting and decorating etc and when they're all outside bolt the door. :)

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That'll be a lesson for all of us. Don't let anyone - even partners know your password, and log out after every visit. That don't apply to me because 'er indoors has little interest or knowledge of computers and this sort of tittle tattle. :good:


Set em to work digging the garden, weeding the path, trimming the hedges, painting and decorating etc and when they're all outside bolt the door. :)


My wife know my username so no need for a password, just read the topics as a guest.

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Tell her to get down to the social and get in a benefit claim in, probably be like a lot in these circumstances, do nothing to help themselves and be the first not to remark 'I don't take anything from the state' but be quite prepared to let you keep them......


Be careful though its things like this that can destroy a relationship-Keep her in check, make sure you hold the reigns.

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