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james bulger


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watching a programme about the murder of james bulger and having a 3 year old upstairs it has upset me to think what these 2 evil ******** did. thompson and venables tried to abduct another a child, planning to push them under a bus or taxi. they are now free aged 26 with new identities. what the ****! i know they were only 10 when they did it, but they have got evil in them. 10 year olds dont plan murdering people. if i knew where one was now i would sacrifice my life to prison and kill the ****! plus my mrs read a magazine article which"irresponsibly" described what they did to him. watching him playing on his little bouncer has choked me up. i feel sorry for all his family but mostly feel for little james and the horrendous torture and death he experienced. i only hope venables and thompson's new identities fail, and someone does the right thing. i dont get upset about much but this has got to me!

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ive heard quite a few people making comments about how scousers are "still bleating on" about jamie bulger......

the fact is, the city of liverpool was completely horrified by the sheer evilness involved in this crime and it took along time for that shock to fade away... i could cry right now for that poor child if i gave a second thought to what venables and thompson did to him.

the fact that they have cost the system so much money and lived a relitivley cushy life inside,only now to be released,again at the tax payers expense and be given a new life on a plate...well it just sickens me.... if i ever came face to face with either of them i would not indulge in many of the terrible revenge scenario's you hear folk suggest... no...it would be over in a matter of seconds for them.

i sincerely hope they are exposed. i sincerely hope they are dealt with appropriately.... i also hope it happens soon....

as a farther of a 4 year old boy myself, i dont know how anyone could deal with a situation like this... i guess that jamies parents live on to see justice served , they must be sickened to the pits of their stomach's at the thought of these two ***** walking free.


may you poor tiny soul rest in peace jamie......


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It was pure evil what they did, i have 4 kids myself the youngest is only 2, if anything happened to her, like that i dont know how i could live with the pain,i would try not to think of the killers, but think of james family, and the nightmare that they will have to live with for the rest of there lives, they are more important than the scum that killed him, and i would offer my prays for james and his family.

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very, very sad. they dont deserve a second chance.


Now, why would you let your 4 year old child run around a shopping centre? why was the child not on reins or in a pram. how long would you leave your child out of sight? i know i never NEVER do. You cant really pass blame to the mother, as those kids would have done it to some other poor sod, but why did she not have control of the child?

Who is to blame? the parents? the kids? the local authorities?

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watching a programme about the murder of james bulger and having a 3 year old upstairs it has upset me to think what these 2 evil ******** did. thompson and venables tried to abduct another a child, planning to push them under a bus or taxi. they are now free aged 26 with new identities. what the ****! i know they were only 10 when they did it, but they have got evil in them. 10 year olds dont plan murdering people. if i knew where one was now i would sacrifice my life to prison and kill the ****! plus my mrs read a magazine article which"irresponsibly" described what they did to him. watching him playing on his little bouncer has choked me up. i feel sorry for all his family but mostly feel for little james and the horrendous torture and death he experienced. i only hope venables and thompson's new identities fail, and someone does the right thing. i dont get upset about much but this has got to me!


No you wouldn't, you revenge walt. Now just form an orderly que and await the Outrage Bus's arrival.

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Hello:) im knew to this(: how do you speak to one person privatly? Sorry but I have nothing to add to your descution(n) thanks. Love xx


The is a private message facility, cec123. Just click on the member's name and you ought ot be presented with their profile page, from where you can send them a message. Doing this via the member's profile means that you can usually see their age, which may help to set the tone of your message.


Best of luck, oh and ;)



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very, very sad. they dont deserve a second chance.

Evil scum, in the mould of monsters like Myra Hindley and Ian Brady. It is so maddening to see the way these fiends are being looked after and the amount of help they are given. What is more frustrating is to have to listen to the apologists for them, expecting Society to forgive and forget and to give them a clean slate. Well, not in my name.....Ever! Rob.

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you are right with what you are saying Rob. Something that life has taught me since i had kids, is that they are the future (que lyrics) and without helping them now, we dont really stand a chance. As much as its sad when things like this happen, i still have a lot of faith in mankind. Im not a beliver in an eye for an eye, although i cannot say that i would not feel different if it was my child. Understanding and controling your anger against these people who commit terrible crimes is what gives us the upper hand in life. Its what seperates us from them. I would be happier if i understood why they do this, but i dont think any of us ever will.

What i am getting at, is that we (as a race) should not let ourselves be distorted by their evil ways. Dont give in to the anger. ;)

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Round of applause for that man, again you have made me laugh out loud and brightened my day considerably.


Cheers Lefty ;)





What happened was awful and premeditated. But are kids of 10 years old born evil or wrong and at 10 are they irreparably broken?


Well you can get them that are just wired up wrong, but these two passed the nutty test.


I dunno, sending a pair of 10 year old to the gas chamber, it doesn't sit well. Yep a couple of wrong 'uns (one notably more than the other by all accounts) but....

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What happened was awful and premeditated. But are kids of 10 years old born evil or wrong and at 10 are they irreparably broken?


Well you can get them that are just wired up wrong, but these two passed the nutty test.


I dunno, sending a pair of 10 year old to the gas chamber, it doesn't sit well. Yep a couple of wrong 'uns (one notably more than the other by all accounts) but....



I agree, but they could have been held in prison for 8 years and then you could have sent a couple of 18 year olds to the gas chamber. Then the world would have been rid of 2 more vile pieces of ****.


The parents of baby P should have been right behind them.


******* new identities my ****, I hope The Sun does find them and exposes them

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I couldn't watch that programme last night. I have one under 3 yrs and can't bear to think about something like that happening to him. I remember from the time and the CCTV pic of them leaving the shopping centre will haunt me to my last days.


I thought they were shipped out to Australia with new IDs. They will answer properly one day.

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one of them lives in Blackpool with his boyfriend (or did until recently), he went to a "naughty boys" school there, apparently he tried to strangle another pupil with an electric cord, hes been given a totally new identity, if it was a dog you'd have it put down they should have done the same with these scumbags!


Edited by Badgerpig
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Should have been in young offenders institution till 18, then put in the nastiest slammer in the UK with hard labour for 18 hours a day. (breaking rocks with rubber hammers or something).


Then after 20 years of this should be released into somewhere quiet (like cotswolds) when the plod are on dougnut break.


This should be advertised accross the worlds media where they will be dropped and at what time. Mothers only should be allowed to attend the massacre. As us blokes all too well know - women can be really evil - could you imagine those two guys standing there with all them mothers comming towards them in rage.


**** pants and **** pants again

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Dont know the answer to this one, but one thing I do know is all this " I would swing for them and they should have been topped stuff is ********" they were like it or not 10 year old KIDS evil kids yes but kids never the less and as anyone with kids knows kids can be evil little **** to each other at times, these two being just a couple of the more extreme examples shown over the years, and yes other examples walk the streets.


Now you tell me ( I have brought up 7 kids and have 13 grandkids so have some experience of kids!) who amongst you would or could kill a kid of 10 regardless of what they have done, so no they could never have been "topped " by society and they could never have been incarcerated for life, so they had to be released at some time , but what then? you tell me I dont know? and you dont know,and those who think they do, know even less, especially if we have a "I will swing for them mentality" shown by people who in truth would not "swing for them" if push came to shove.


cheers KW

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Should have been in young offenders institution till 18, then put in the nastiest slammer in the UK with hard labour for 18 hours a day. (breaking rocks with rubber hammers or something).


Then after 20 years of this should be released into somewhere quiet (like cotswolds) when the plod are on dougnut break.


This should be advertised accross the worlds media where they will be dropped and at what time. Mothers only should be allowed to attend the massacre. As us blokes all too well know - women can be really evil - could you imagine those two guys standing there with all them mothers comming towards them in rage.


**** pants and **** pants again





Why do we have a natural instinct to promote violence? Something went wrong with those two on that horrid day, but ask their parents, and they will tell you that they had never given any indication that this would happen. We cannot alter the past, but we can have an influence on the future.

Why not channel all them feelings of hatred and disgust, into a positive action? Dont sit and rant about "i would smash them in the head with a hammer...ect...ect.." , but go out to local youth centres and explain to the kids the dangers of guns and how they can be used for good. Make sure you are always their for your own kids, rather than passing judgment on those of others.


To dwell on the past, only breeds hate and suffering for the future.

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............To dwell on the past, only breeds hate and suffering for the future.

Nicely put MM, I think a few people tend to revert to this type >

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