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Hmr Test.....since new mod attatched!!!

Evil Elvis

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And I half expected a Therapy T-Shirt :hmm:


There was one underneath the coat!!!!!!!! <_< Are you psychic?


Can I ask, as the mod is on the FAC, how do you go about getting a new one? Do you have to give the shop your old one for disposal to stop you having two?


These are sold as "airgun mods". The old one has gone back to the edgar brothers for review. I have replaced like with like, But my fac only says hmr + 1 mod...doesnt specify any particular model. :P

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Nice shooting Evil <_<




Can I ask, as the mod is on the FAC, how do you go about getting a new one? Do you have to give the shop your old one for disposal to stop you having two?


You can ask for a one for one or exchange at RFD if its not listed on your ticket for example "Sak mod for 22LR"

If you have written on your ticket the make of mod, and you are found to have a different make on inspection then there may be problems.


I exchanged a Sak for an ASE at a RFD no prob :hmm:


diversed a bit then. yes you do need to give in your old mod

Edited by Dougy
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Nice shooting Evil <_<






You can ask for a one for one or exchange at RFD if its not listed on your ticket for example "Sak mod for 22LR"

If you have written on your ticket the make of mod, and you are found to have a different make on inspection then there may be problems.


I exchanged a Sak for an ASE at a RFD no prob :hmm:


diversed a bit then. yes you do need to give in your old mod



If its recorded make and serial number on your ticket and you wish to swap mods then you also need to do a variation to your FAC


Les :P

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thats why its best to just have them listed as sound moderator in the caliber then you can swap without having to go for a 1 for 1. Obvioulsly this is sketch legality wise if you go to the letter of the law but in reality you shouldn't have a problem as most firearms teams have better things to worry about.

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yeah i remember you saying, thats why i check the mod after every few shots Im paranoid now....its an edgar brother scirrocco sm11


which they are now releasing as a specific hmr mod with stainless steel baffels in.


Ok, I have checked the packing tube and mine is also an Edgar Bros, not a PH (attention to detail eh? :lol: )


Mine is a SM11, as was the one that blew up. I have had no problems with the new one.



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