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About Beardo

  • Birthday September 18

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    Love all aspects of shooting especially Pigeon decoying, Lamping Fox and Rabbit, Deerstalking.

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  1. Current BASC and Deer Society guidance sadly is no shooting - this may affect your BASC insurance so be warned.
  2. Beardo


    i've got a copy sitting in front of me - it's the knot bible it's such a good shoelace knot isn't it! i got that from Ian Fieggen's site years ago - really good site with excellent illustrations for knots. https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/secureknot.htm
  3. yeah i combined the two i made and left it for ages - was lovely in the end, the longer it was left the better it tasted. Amazon do Kings Ginger 50cl bottles a lot cheaper than most... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kings-Ginger-Liqueurs-50/dp/B00439W5I4/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_2?adgrpid=53616280792&hvadid=259038810213&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006524&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6127682637539906087&hvtargid=aud-613701470069%3Akwd-296713273879&keywords=domaine+de+canton&qid=1554813001&s=gateway&sr=8-2-fkmrnull
  4. So i sent back an email requesting a section 7 on Feb 12, damned if i'm paying £10 a rifle per month for storage. Got a call this morning from a FLO based up in Huntingtdon - went through the normal questions. He tried to get me to lower my ammo hold amounts as he said Cambs didn't like that much. I politely explained they'd already been granted by Herts and it makes sense when buying expanding heads. So he relented. No visit apparently. Granted renewal.
  5. we used to have such a good firearms team but it's been decimated in the last couple of years - went from Herts to Herts & Beds, and now it's Herts, Beds & Cambs! 3 big counties with one tiny team.
  6. I've been waiting since before Christmas for my license to be renewed - so sent an email to the now merged 3 counties FAC dept saying i was worried i would be holding unlicensed firearms. License lapsed 26/01 - finally got an email today saying yes you have unlicensed - you need to place your firearms with a dealer, and you will be contacted in due course to review your application and suitability to renew. Am i right in thinking i can ask them to issue a Section 7 temporary license?
  7. Beardo


    that is sad news, he was a nice guy
  8. Beardo

    Lyman tumbler

    as a note on this - paypal as a gift contravenes our forum rules
  9. Common Speedwell, could be another Speedwell variety
  10. very pleased with Airgun Doctor, feels like a different gun now. well priced and quick turnaround.
  11. sent off to Airgun Doctor on Saturday
  12. ok thanks will see if he accepts couriered air rifles.
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