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Vince Green

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    NW London and now Cornwall

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  1. That's always been the case in American politics. So much money is required to put a candidate through all the campaign process. Organisations and donors don't back a candidate for no reason. They do it to buy influence. Its not just presidents either. I happens at every level of American politics.
  2. Trump was appalling too. OK he came over better than Biden but what he said was mostly untrue, rambling or both. Well below the standard you would expect from a Presidential Candidate
  3. That's not the original carb setup on a triumph herald . They had a single carb as I remember Are they compatible carbs and manifold?
  4. In the 20s and 30s a huge amount of house building was taking place in the London suburbs. There was an influx of Welsh and Geordie ex miners who came to do the labouring. It was better than going down the mines and they were real grafters Digging foundations and drains must have seemed like a breeze to them. As a throw back to those days there is still a Welsh language church in Harrow Middx
  5. Very many back in those days. The only difference with these ones was the scale of the disaster made them memorable. In South Wales men died literally every day in accidents. There was no compensation for the families so the loss of the breadwinner had dire consequences for the whole family.
  6. I don't think anybody in the football world gives a toss about the Euros. It is to football what Eurovision is to music. All put together for the benefit of the TV companies who get hours and hours of coverage. At the end of a hard season I'm sure the England players don't want to be stuck in Germany for weeks They would rather be resting or on holiday somewhere with their families. What I am seeing is a load of very burnt out players thinking the sooner we lose this the sooner we all get to go home and have a break.
  7. Vince Green


    Just to be straight, the ECHR does not make laws, it has no ability or remit to make laws. It is a glorified magistrates court.
  8. The urban foxes round here are closer to black than the traditional foxy brown colour. A bit like some German Shepherds have a darker coat
  9. Vince Green


    Having been on rifle ranges since the age of eleven I am surprised my hearing is as good as it is. We used to shoot Lee Enfields and Bren guns as cadets WITH NO EAR PROTECTION can you believe that now ?? Even at the age of 18 as a TA paratrooper (562 Para) we got no ear protection for live fire or blank fire on exercise which was often crazy loud. Now they tell me I have 'flat spots' but I can live with that at the moment
  10. Vince Green


    Same as Chiropodist. My late mother (90) used to go to a local clinic about once a month to get her feet done. Then suddenly the clinic closed and my mother was given a list of private chiropodists who would call at her house. She had the money so it actually got me out of the job of running her to the clinic and waiting then bringing her home again. The chiropodist charged £40 a visit. He was in and out in ten minutes. But taking my Mum to the clinic cost me half a day by the time it was all done. So actually it worked out better.
  11. Vince Green


    We are starting to get used to the idea that if you want to get anything done you are going to have to pay or wait years. I paid to have a scan on my back for trapped nerve /sciatica. Alternative was get put on a long waiting list that never got to the top The way it works is that they just keep pushing you back with time wasting appointments like "we need to get an Xray" that's waiting six months for the xray then another six months to go back for the results. "well there's nothing on the XRay maybe we should send you for physio' Always kicking the can down the road. My cousin waited seven years to get her knees done. Seven years of agony and imobility. If she had the money it would have be done in a fortnight
  12. About ten years ago my son worked for a digital marketing company in London His job for about six months was to ghost on social medium platforms for a very big female star So when she posted things like "a really good concert last night the audience was fantastic. I always love coming to xxxx" it was actually him writing on her official sites on her behalf. He would chit chat with the fans who thought they were talking to her. It was all official legal and the company he worked for acted for quite a few other big names So Steve you may well have been talking to somebody on Tom's payroll but I'm pretty sure Tom won't be sitting on his ipad somewhere answering his own emails
  13. We don't at this stage know whether the will is actually legally drawn up or is it a hand written job on one of those blank forms they sell on the Internet?
  14. Straight to a solicitor, quick as possible to get it in writing that he expects a full account of the money Forget CA they don't cut it in a situation like this. As a beneficiary he is entitled to full accounts of the proceedings including probate .
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