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  1. Only just read this. Yep, the clue is the rounded lug at the top of both clamp areas. That'll fetch a few bob.
  2. Sheer guesswork here, but I would imagine that you're talking about the filleting version which I have. They were made in '67. Identical really except the filleting version's blade tapers all along its length to a point.
  3. Has anyone watched the second part of this BBC documentary? It doesn't reflect some folk in a good light.
  4. wymberley


    I don't know but have wondered if we all haven't bought one although we didn't buy it as such. If you stripped any make/model down to kit form, just how many individual parts/materials would have originated there?
  5. I'm in trouble with The Boss ( no not that one, the one I'm talking about costs enough as it is). I had a fall on Saturday evening on some rough ground and got it in the neck when I arrived home - words like stupid, old, etc, etc were flying around and I have to admit that the really choice ones used because I didn't have my phone with me were justified. I was shooting from a fixed stance in a normally productive spot, but something which I could move relatively easily to more even ground a few yards away would be good and could also be very handy for other locations as well. I do have a one legged table (also supported by the rear bumper with the tailgate raised which is very handy for where I can drive, but something free standing would also be a bonus for where I can't Consequently, does anyone please have any experience of the Subject bit of kit? MTIA
  6. Yep. Mine was somewhere north of 3.5". Yep.
  7. Understood, light-hearted reply hence emoji. Because of medical problems I've hardly used the Frontier since I got it but had it on the WMR. Got stuck in and did a zero check on Saturday. Somewhat breezy so 1" high at 80 yards is fine. OK, here comes the excuses - Oppo turns up and is a bit of a distraction and I'm 80 so really need to concentrate and I've now got a couple of flies on the white target backing - but they haven't moved. Couple more shots and job done even though I must have dropped 2 shots. Packed up and collected target and as you've guessed the flies were still there and were, of course, bullet strikes. Oppo noticed that both were as near as makes no difference the same height and immediately above the existing other strikes albeit on different individual targets. My backstop was a pile of top soil which had started to sprout and was quite dark and we finally twigged that both of us had trouble trying to see the very fine reticle marks this scope has because there's so many lines and dots, etc, etc. In 2 out of 11 shots I had inadvertently used a line 3 MoA lower than the main one - not ideal and don't really want to keep the illumination on in bright sunlight so Genesis it is.
  8. Cheers. Could it be some form of adjustable tension meter not necessarily shooting orientated.
  9. What is the printing on the left hand side of the body in the centre picture?
  10. Cheers. I've now done it but a little different from what you said - I haven't fitted the one I didn't like which meant a swap as the wrong one was already fitted. With some 71 reticles on offer from Hawke I was hoping that someone might be able to offer a suggestion as to possibly why the TMX isn't currently one of them. Don't understand, "only WMR" though which is a great little calibre which demands some decent glass. I think we must be different generations as back in the day we used to dial the telephone whereas shooting is up a tad, left a bit and is commonly known as 'precision guesswork'.
  11. I already have both of those mentioned and one of the two is currently fitted and the other at the moment is a spare.
  12. The absolute (if ever) range is 150 yards so magnification is not a consideration. For my 22WMR as I'm dithering and can't make my mind up.
  13. Thank you everybody who has posted not just on this one thread but also the others relating to my purchase of the FX Crown. The weather has been against me but I finally got it all together this afternoon. What everyone was telling me actually happened. I dropped the reg' pressure down to 135 bar; dropped the hammer spring dial from the 21 where I'd had it to 18, didn't really want to go any lower unless necessary in order to keep the bullet path flattish for these 80 year old eyes. A quick check with the chrono reflected 918 for the JSB 25.39, 843 for the H&N 30.86 and 805 for the JSB 33.95 and reference to the Infinity Suite showed all was well with the H&N again performing best with a 0.6" grouping at a 60 yard zero. That'll do and especially as the changes downwards in term of hammer spring loading and reg' pressure actually kept the velocity acceptable and enhanced the accuracy. The bonus is the fact that shot counts have gone up from just over 50 ish to well north of 70s and possibly into the lower 80s. I've now got the slug liner but that can wait.
  14. I think, perhaps, that 'in breach of the conditions' equates to 'lacking in good reason'. if somehow one had lost all other permissions other than the nominated land then there would be no need for an open cert' - whether or not Firearms would decide to 'close' it is a mute question - and if then one were to lose that last one, then however you term it you have no need and therefore no entitlement for an FAC. Extreme circumstances I admit.
  15. Surely, If you can't name an alternative land because you haven't any then open or closed you are in breach of the FAC requirement. I imagine that having lost the one named land it would be necessary to inform Firearms of an alternative ASAP. I got caught out through no fault of my own. Instead of acting in a gentlemanly fashion and informing their tenant or myself first of all, the Estate told the police that they were taking the deer in house and would not in future be allowing 243 or bigger to be used on the Estate other than by their own staff. The first I knew of it was the police on the phone asking what I was going to do with my 243. Fortunately, I also had permission on some land which an old friend had bought as an investment from said tenant's parents - a rare bit of local land which wasn't owned by the Estate - and which I was already shooting over anyway prior to the sale. As it happened I was toying with the idea of stopping the deer shooting anyway as although I could grass them, it had got so I couldn't pick them up owing to a Service injury so it was easy to negotiate a 223 for the fox instead.
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