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Extra judicial killings

Raja Clavata

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In light of the recent terror suspects slipping the net as it were, would it be acceptable for these people just to assasinated by state sponsored agencies and disappear for good? If not, are there any such circumstance where it is acceptable? It clearly happens elsewhere in the world...


What say you pigeonwatchers?

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I don't know what the answer is any more but as I get older and more cynical I can't but help think that our exposure to "terrorism" would be better reduced by our not following the Yanks into foreign lands. Isn't one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?


I blame Blair and how he set the precedent for world affairs back in the 90's - if only we had left them all too it and focused on our own border security and stricter / faster procedures to deport.


I wonder how life is in Switzerland and how it's changed from the 1980's? I wonder if the Swiss government feels under the threat of terror or the need to monitor each and every of its citizens 24/7?


Giving the State (indeed any State) more power to surveil, intercept and disappear will only end in tears. Besides, if we can't trust the police / security services entrusted to look after this Country's leaders (and open gates for them) then what hope is there for the wider truth and a working justice system?

Edited by Mungler
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In light of the recent terror suspects slipping the net as it were, would it be acceptable for these people just to assasinated by state sponsored agencies and disappear for good? If not, are there any such circumstance where it is acceptable? It clearly happens elsewhere in the world...


What say you pigeonwatchers?


one of the few things I ever admired thatcher for was the Iranian embassy siege and her orders of "leave no lose ends"



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In light of the recent terror suspects slipping the net as it were, would it be acceptable for these people just to assasinated by state sponsored agencies and disappear for good? If not, are there any such circumstance where it is acceptable? It clearly happens elsewhere in the world...


What say you pigeonwatchers?

But who decides who the bad guys are? If our politicians eventually turned this country into a police state, one day you could be the bad guy. One countries freedom fighter is anothers terrorist. Wasn't Nelson Mandela once deemed a terrorist,or at least a national threat? When the Afghans were fighting the Russians they were freedom fighters.......And once you go down this route where do you stop?

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Hell yes.If they are 100% then just eliminate with not questions asked.I do also think that peados should be treated the same.


And therein lies the problem. How (and who) decides that the decision is 100% justified? The benefit of hindsight has shown us that it is not often as simple as that, and that it is a system that is open to abuse on all levels.

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And therein lies the problem. How (and who) decides that the decision is 100% justified? The benefit of hindsight has shown us that it is not often as simple as that, and that it is a system that is open to abuse on all levels.


My answer was tongue in cheek fella,because very little is ever 100%.No way should we allow agencies to carry oot eliminations as that's an open ticket for any person that has an opinion against the accepted to become a target,and that's when 30,40,50% gets massaged and suddenly becomes 100%.It could work,if it was done in an honest way with proper barriers but the world is not honest.Who could be trusted to run said agency?As has been seen,esp lately there are bad corrupt apples in every cart and will get what/who they want by other means.The folk that uphold the law cant be trusted and think they are above the law and as you said all levels are open to abuse.

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The idea may have some merit but when mistakes are made, as the Electrician? fellah on the London Tube, who and how do you explain that it was 'collateral damage' and necessary to those that remain........


Also, will those that make these 'mistakes', some of which may be very significant, be brought to task or just brushed under the carpet as the 'greater good' even though proven wrong in hindsight was 'the right thing to do' or a 'just cause'?



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I don't know what the answer is any more but as I get older and more cynical I can't but help think that our exposure to "terrorism" would be better reduced by our not following the Yanks into foreign lands. Isn't one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?


I blame Blair and how he set the precedent for world affairs back in the 90's - if only we had left them all too it and focused on our own border security and stricter / faster procedures to deport.


I wonder how life is in Switzerland and how it's changed from the 1980's? I wonder if the Swiss government feels under the threat of terror or the need to monitor each and every of its citizens 24/7?


Giving the State (indeed any State) more power to surveil, intercept and disappear will only end in tears. Besides, if we can't trust the police / security services entrusted to look after this Country's leaders (and open gates for them) then what hope is there for the wider truth and a working justice system?

Very good points

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But who decides who the bad guys are? If our politicians eventually turned this country into a police state, one day you could be the bad guy. One countries freedom fighter is anothers terrorist. Wasn't Nelson Mandela once deemed a terrorist,or at least a national threat? When the Afghans were fighting the Russians they were freedom fighters.......And once you go down this route where do you stop?

Me! I will decide who the bad guys are? Please

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