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About derek720

  • Birthday 24/05/1959

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    kingswinford west midlands

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  1. I had these years ago, and I have shot a few still got the empty cases, but I will keep the rest of them. and I should have saved some of the Remington RXP green case with the power piston wad
  2. Does anyone remember these? I still have about 150 left
  3. the difference between hardwood and softwood is if a tree looses its leaves in the winter (Deciduous) its classed as a hardwood
  4. I am so sorry to hear you news Cat . I hope your son makes a full recovery
  5. I shot it on Monday 83 on the red and 88 on the black. wanted to get 180 but must try harder next year .But a very good shoot again
  6. this was the first time i have shot it will shoot it next year 92 on the red and 87 on the black should have done better but a very good shoot
  7. me and the wife voted out
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