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henry d

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About henry d

  • Birthday February 17

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    Fishing, outdoors stuff, nailing jelly to the wall, cat herding

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  1. We are obliged under maritime law and the UNHCR to assist or rescue anyone at sea and all vessels are required to do this, it is also a humanitarian thing to do. You don't ask why you just assist. Cheerio!
  2. Really? Open mouth then jump in with both feet. Here are the facts available Here... https://fullfact.org/online/asylum-seeker-free-iphone/#:~:text=Asylum seekers do not receive,the progress of their claims. Screenshot here...
  3. Do they ask/tell about Elvis and a certain 14 year old?
  4. And...? How long should those who promote killing be given? 3 years from arrest, and 6 since starting his open offending.
  5. henry d


    4M out of 67M plus... minority bollards touted as a majority. Whose streets?
  6. Come on, you're being selective here again, or possibly you're just posting rubbish from elsewhere. If they get meals in their accommodation then it's £8-86 / week. How do you brush your teeth, wash your hands, buy sanitary wear, etc with that? As for phones that's a lie.... Care to comment on the inconsistencies in your post and where you get them from? Thomas Mair?
  7. So which tier for this person? https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/man-who-commented-online-britain-needs-650-thomas-mairs-sentenced-posting-extremist
  8. How many times? If they are illegal then they cannot work, they aren't on benefits as you may know them, just £49-18 per week
  9. Yes, pretty much. The tories didn't do much appart from the costly Rwanda plan to try to appease their fan base and lab haven't really done much apart from scrap the Rwanda deal. So how do we pay for the massive cost of care for the elderly by a shrinking younger population? Stop all migrants (including students) and increase taxes?
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