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Everything posted by nagantino

  1. They allow 1000 for every calibrate, 9mm, .45ACP, .38 Special, .357 Magnum etc and 1000 shotgun even though you might own many shotguns. I've never heard of your particular conditions but a phone call will sort that. They are very reasonable and " not out to get ya".
  2. John, thanks for that. The guy in the shop tried a choke gauge but told me it was an American device. It read 3/4 and 1/2. When your on them, your on them.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/8mMYa7l.jpg I'm pretty sure I'll buy this one. It's got good blueing on the barrels and has nice case hardening still. It's tight also. When I was looking at it in the shop the lock and metalwork generally seemed to have a lacquer or varnish on it. It was only noticeable cos some seemed to have have been worn off in places.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/sq1hCQV.jpg Found this one today. It's very plain.
  5. Well I got it to post but in the wrong place. This belongs below under Another Yeoman Query.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/7SkfgSs.jpg
  7. Well that one your showing in the photo is almost the exact one I plan to buy. The engraving and colour are the same, but where you have engraved screwheads on the right of the box lock, mine has steel pins. I set out to buy a used English S/S but they are too expensive and not too many to choose from. I live in Belfast. I photographed it on my iPad, in the shop, but the image keeps showing as too large to post. With that double screw configuration, I would say yours is an early one
  8. I'm going to buy a side by side for decoying pigeon and crow. There's something about a S/S that's very satisfying, so, I set out around the various dealers and I have turned up a few. What I have noticed is that while a Yeoman is a plain gun, some are plainer than others. Today I looked at one with lovely case hardening and a little engraving, with Aguirre Y Arrunzibal nicely picked out, clean and sharp. Also the diamonds cut on the gun I looked at today are fine and crisp. The model I looked at last week had less attractive diamonds and almost no engraving and the name missing altogether. It also had a loose fore end which made me set it aside. Fixable? They are all solid shotguns but I wondered ......are there older and later models of the old stand by?
  9. Tricky for me. All but one of my permissions are owned by a recovering alcoholic. I did give him a small painting but he seemed bemused that I even acknowledged him. My best field......I can't find the owner. It's given me some great days and I would gladly buy him/her a bottle of something tasty.
  10. MR GREENGRASS, a super image. Can I ask a technical. How do you retain the size of the image when posting? when I tried to post an image taken on an SLR the forum would not allow it, Image too Large, so I had to reduce the file size but lost the detail.
  11. Of course it could. I was just surprised and delighted to see it. It made the bogland all the more intrueging.
  12. Just surmising it was poached. I don't shoot deer but if I did I would take the antlers. Leaving it in the earth to clean it makes sense though. The photo was taken in Co. Armagh.
  13. I'm trying to relearn posting photographs to the forum so I lectern this one. I was taking photos in the early summer and it was only when I got home that I spotted the antlers in the photo. I've an idea the deer was poached, cut up and left. Who knows.
  14. It pervades all aspects of the media also. To be fair, the like of "bullet head " is an attempt to explain to the uninitiated exactly what your talking about. The use of "clip" instead of "magazine" is my favourite, but crime novels are are full of them. " He slipped the safety catch off his .9mm revolver. "
  15. Well jeezzz. But even ugly guns need lovin. I mean after a few pints .......it's only fair.
  16. Which bullet are you using? I only shoot from 100 yards now as I use a smallish target and after that the sights and eyes begin to fail, but 100 is enough for me. This usually means my day is over early as the rest of the lads want to move back to 200 then 300 etc. From memory I was loading 34 grains of Varget and a 74 grain bullet. Getting the Parker Hale was a nice touch. I'm selling a Parker Hale twin zero folding sight soon. I never fitted it even, and it's like new.
  17. Dave, many thanks for posting the photos. The gun is great fun to shoot but it's the idea of where it might have been that gives me the greatest satisfaction. I've seen many websites that sell SMLE parts but it might be harder to find parts marked 1916, which is why this post caught my eye.
  18. What a coincidence. I own a 1916 SMLE 111* with the South African mark. It's not all matching but the wood furnishings are all marked 1916. The nose and rear sight doesn't match either, drat. Now it gets spooky. The guns serial number is ...........1916. Yes, like yours it's had a new barrel so the barrel shows 19 2 16. It cost £115.00. With a new barrel I'm clinging to the idea that it's seen a lot of action. The rifle is in great nick and shoots well. I find posting photos a drag but I'll try later.
  19. I kinda agree with Rim Fire but hey, it's a forum. I contacted a gamer dealer who told me they only take from established Estates. So what am I to do? Not shoot? It's all been said better than me here. I shoot them and take one or two. I PUT the rest into the hedges for the fox etc. I had a great Saturday shooting woodies and did this. The next day after mass I walked over the field to the said hedges........not a single one was left and hardly a feather either. It's all part of the great circle of life.
  20. If you visit a good dealer he will give you good advice. Speak to Gordon at Hollow Farm he will sort you out. And read this...... PSNI Firearms & Explosives Branch in partnership with NI Direct and supported by Ignite.it are hosting an information event to share with you the new PSNI online Firearm Application form. We will be presenting in a number of venues across Northern Ireland from 21 November 2016. We will be holding 2 sessions per day in each location. We will have laptops and tablets available to allow you to complete the application form yourself. You are not required to bring any documentation with you to complete the application form. You will require an email address in order to complete the online application form. If you do not currently have an email address we would be pleased to assist you in creating one. You can either forward your details to paul@ignite.it or contact him on 08000 488638 and we will have it set up for you by the time of the event; alternatively we can assist you on the day of the event. The online events are at the following locations. There will be 2 events per day at each location. · 21 November 2016 – Derry Central Library - 4pm – 5.45pm, 6.30pm – 8.15pm · 22 November 2016 – Antrim Civic Centre (Steeple Centre) 4pm – 5.45pm, 6.30pm – 8.15pm · 24 November 2016 – Dungannon Library – 3.45pm – 5.30pm, 6.15pm – 7.45pm · 29 November 2016 – Omagh Library - 4pm – 5.45pm, 6.30pm – 8.15pm · 1 December 2016 – Lisburn City Library - 4pm – 5.45pm, 6.30pm – 8.15pm We would appreciate if you could notify Gwen Sweeney of your attendance by Monday 14th November. Please email or telephone Gwen: E-mail: gwen.sweeney@psni.pnn.police.uk Telephone – 101 EXT 33650 Please arrive 15minutes prior to each session. Tea and coffee will be made available.
  21. It's a bit of a pain. I finally did it thro Imagur. And even then I was surprised it worked.
  22. "12G bullet molds ".;........do you mean molds for Slug? The Lee molds are cheap enough and do the job. The Lyman is a superior mold but is expensive even in the States. It's well made though.
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