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Everything posted by MiLisCer

  1. Scot, Jeff has given you the link that you need above to the Hodgdon website - where you will find everything you need - although I do suggest you buy a manual. Mike
  2. Totally agree, I keep a mixed kennel (and I have a few kennels!) - dogs and bitches settle well together and the dog is a also a good indicator as to when the bitch is close to her season - so they can be separated. I've never had an unplanned litter as a result either. Mike
  3. There are some very good responses on this thread and as usual there are some not so! As has been pointed out they can verify now via the PNC that the person holds a ticket - BUT this does not mean that you are that person - if you have no verifiable photographic ID or another means of positively identifying yourself (for example being known with a PNC or CRO number - in which case you are unlikely to have a ticket anyway (But not impossible) then without your ticket, there is still a power of seizure.
  4. If these are not sold - I will have them both. Mike
  5. Those are the bits that help to protect your dogs legs from damage! Isn't ignorance bliss
  6. DON'T DO IT! do not get them cut with a clippers! - take the dead hair out of the coat with a pin comb and a marrigold rubber glove!! Trim around the ears and feathers with a scissors. If you clip them - they will turn in to a ball of wool, which looks awful and offers them little or no protection against the weather. Mike
  7. Good to meet you this morning Gerry. Hope Monty settles in well, CAESSR do a really good job making sure working bred rescue dogs find proper working homes. Mike
  8. Get yourself to Specsavers - book a hearing test and an appointment to get them made/fitted at the same time. They come in loads of different colours, with or without string etc - they take about 10 days to come back and really good. Cost was around the £100 mark including a hearing test. Mike
  9. I would assume from your descriptions, the firearms you refer to are in .22lr calibre. So will be used for target shooting and mini PR competitions, as well as those comps that involve move and fire courses. Although I do use my Sig 522 SWAT for bunny bashing too. If you look harder you will see you will be able to get the AR15 and clones in 5.56/.223 and now once again in 7.62 - these are primarily used for PR http://www.practicalrifle.co.uk/index.htm Although they are also used for other disciplines like Service rifle etc
  10. It is impossible to say without seeing the person and the gun, but it sounds like your mount is wrong - probably because the gun does not fit you correctly. It also sounds like your are trying to point (aim) it like a rifle - shotguns do not work like that!
  11. Whereabouts is Ashby in relation to Derby? - Reason for asking, there is a small friendly club at Uttoxeter (30 mins from Derby), we shoot 1st Saturday of the Month and Tuesday evening during the summer - plus longer range days at various venues. Google them or PM me if you want more details. Mike
  12. Speak to John at CAESSR - I house some of their dogs for them, they have a few really nice Springers in here at the moment and also a very nice Liver cocker dog. Mike
  13. Meindl Dovre Extreme gtx - not cheap but very comfortable even on a long hot day. Mike
  14. As you are in Scotland, speak to Chris Grey at Trudvang, he is a really nice guy and will advise you accordingly. Andy Cullen at Laochin would be my next port of call (In fact I would ring Andy first for his advice) Mike
  15. As a Boarding Kennel owner, it annoys me when kennels try and charge more for walking the dogs, or for feeding different feed or if it is raining or if the dog is white (You get my drift!) Our costs are inclusive of the dog being walked twice a day (regardless of the weather!) heating, food, fuss and attention. Some dogs take longer to settle in kennels, whilst some just slot right in to the routine from day one. If an owner wants to bring their own food, then that is fine by us - we will feed your dog(s) according to your requirements, most however, end up buying CSJ from us after their stay, once they see how well their dogs are doing on it. Mike
  16. Where in S Wales, there are a few decent shops - but a narrower area would help. Mike
  17. Nope - they are made in Australia - I am waiting for one to arrive from Chris and he has informed me he is waiting for the delivery to arrive. Mike
  18. The same thread is not the question!! - the question you need to ask is what calibre is your Mod' as if it is a .22 cal mod the .243 bullet is not going to be very kind to it, possibly with dangerous and disastrous results!
  19. From the Act as opposed to Pigeon Watch law!! The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 the owner and anyone else under whose control the dog is at the time will be guilty of an offence if it worries livestock on agricultural land. The dog must have been attacking or chasing livestock in such a way that it could reasonably be expected to cause injury or suffering or, in the case of females, abortion or the loss or diminution of their produce. An offence is not committed if at the time of the worrying the livestock were trespassing, the dog belonged to the owner of the land on which the trespassing livestock were and the person in charge of the dog did not cause the dog to attack the livestock. The definition of ‘livestock’ includes cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses and poultry. Game birds are not included. The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953
  20. I hope Chris has got the shrouds in by Friday then (Ive been naggin him for mine!!) Mike
  21. Try IMR 4831 - I am using this to push the 142gr Sierra's out to 1000 yds. (IMR 4831 is NOT the same as H4831) Mike
  22. There is a huge difference been lead bullets and monolithic bullets, lead being cast and mono' being turned. Due to their unpredictable ricochet characteristics they are not permissible on MOD ranges. (It should state it in range orders) Mike
  23. They don't get entered on your FAC, but the dealer will keep a record of the sale - he will only sell them to you if you have an FAC conditioned for expanding ammo (in that calibre) Mike
  24. Tim Small at Lechlade used to do Fur, Fin and Feather days. The day started before dawn, with the morning flight for the ducks and geese on BushyLeeze, followed by a fry up at the lodge on Lechlade, after breakfast it was fishing for the big rainbows, followed by a 3 course lunch at the Swan. Walk around after lunch to shoot the rabbits and the odd wild pheasant. The day was finished with the evening flight for the wigeon and geese. Such a shame he stopped doing these days, we went 9 years on the trot before he stopped them. Mike
  25. Mike will look after you there - you can fire fullbore rifle there too.
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