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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. Your permission looks very nice, enjoy it. :blink:
  2. Here's the manual for you to look at, it'll be version 4 you want. :blink: http://www.chronoscopes.info/manual/index.html
  3. I had the same thoughts about an accident, that cannot be as strong as normal doors with a centre pillar.
  4. Those pics are fantastic, well done Kay.
  5. If your looking for a cb-625 Chronoscope then try Combro direct, they sell them for £39.95 and have all the spares for them and by all accounts they are very good to deal with. http://www.chronoscopes.com/index.html
  6. Great shooting, I just wish I got those numbers on my permission.
  7. They've all flown north! I've been running up the A1 today from Newcastle to Haggerston/Beal area and seen thousands on the rape fields .......... I struggled to keep my eyes on the road, which is not good in 32ton of tipper wagon. I seen the big numbers between Purdey lodge and the Lowick Rd so if anyone has permissions around those areas then I would get extra carts in.
  8. Good pictures of the lads, they look like they've had fun.
  9. Still probably too noisy for the horsey people.
  10. I just get the missus to tie me to the chair (ding dong) with a blindfold on.It is a nightmare just seeing those trees full every time I come out the house.
  11. Alan, It sure does m8ie. "cluck cluck jibba jibba" See answer above. No guns allowed whatsoever ........ I've tried to explain my air rifle is silent but with no luck. Plus I'm at work through the week from 6 til 5.30ish and it seems some of the horse owners are there 24/7!
  12. jojusa


    My wife got me thermal gear (longjohns & short sleeved t shirt) from primark for only a few quid and they've been pretty good in the recent bad weather.
  13. This is a picture taken from my kitchen window just to show how close my nearest field is (the other side of the fence).................... that I don't have permission for. I have asked and unfortunately the farmer does not want to upset all the people who have horses on his fields. And this is the temptation (that I resist) I see every day of the week. These fields have not been shot for over 20years and the pigeons and corvids know it, at times the numbers are into the 100's if not 1000's but the farmer rents these fields out so I don't suppose all those feeding pigeons give him much concern. But it's playing havock with my knees as every time a big flock flies past the window I shoot out of my chair as if my backside is on fire. My wife is also starting to worry that I'm developing some sort of strange exercise regime to help my six pack (read that as beer barrel)! Oh, to be so close ........ yet so far!
  14. Well done to the lad, he looks very pleased. (It'll be a while before I'm out with my lad as he's only 3 1/2)
  15. Very sad news but it seems he put up a hell of a fight. R.I.P. Phil
  16. How do you manage to cover all that land, my missus would be twisting if I had that amount of land to shoot on as I'd never be in.
  17. Thought I'd update the list, The list so far; robmiller jojusa KillerChef92 Bazooka Joe Hulse hodge911 radio1ham Blackbart darren mc Lambpie kennyboy30 stuey smiiithy doctorken hawkeye dankidd cap1len Hezbear Wriggler Sen Fuddster charliespaniel robbies2 rayo kiddy1 daveydw Marty_J scaffman73 moz JOHN_BOY ROBLATCH dazag12 fat1e bry_k stevo_shooter Tom&Dexter shaun4860 Raffaz Deker rodkeza 2bangs mosa paddykoi besty57 lurchers Eskdale hawks sanibel686 ace32 Albertan J tonythetiger steyrman RC45 (part-time Geordie) Moggymalone Kilvy Remmy1100
  18. I must agree with pigglet on this .............. and I have 4 Baikals in my cabinet. Good, hardworking guns to be used in any weather and your not to be worried about the odd scratch or ding.
  19. Yeah, what happened Mike. (I wonder if he's still hung over from New Years eve? )
  20. Hello & to PW, my YOUNGER and more UGLY brother !!! Good to see you've eventually joined up, if there's any info which I can't pass on to you (which is probably a lot ) then you'll get it from the guy's on here. :yp:
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