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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. I've also just ordered some of these http://www.7dayshop.com/catalog/product_in...ducts_id=107160 Keep trying besty57, mine went through ok.
  2. The trouble with online purchasing for cartridges is the price of delivery, any discount/cheap price you get is normally lost in the postage price. If you do find a good supplier though, let me know.
  3. A very nice offer Phil, just wish I was closer. Hope you have a great day.
  4. Yeah Rob, they are clay carts. Have a look Rob, they've got a good selection but give them a ring before you go to buy just to check they have what you want in stock. I called in the other day for just 3 boxes for my bro and he gave them to me for £4.00 a box for Eley HB Pigeon Fibre 32g! (wish I'd asked for 1000 at that price) http://www.deepblueshooting.com/department/cartridges/50343
  5. Hi Rob, I've found Deep Blue to be as cheap as anywhere when looking for cartridges but as has already been said it depends what your after. Eley HB Pigeon Fibre 32g 500 = £88.00 / 1000 = £168.00 Eley HB Pigeon Plastic 32g 500 = £84.00 / 1000 = £159.00 Eley First 28g Fibre 500 = £74.00 / 1000 = £139.00 Hull Comp X 12g Plastic 28g 500 = £70.00 / 1000 = £129.00 ATB John
  6. Yes, go to link that Rizzini gave and download the form then print it out and use that one ......... job's a gud un.
  7. Welcome back (don't think you've missed much!!).
  8. Yeah, they came on the special buys for 27th Dec. It say's Available in: Black, Blue or Silver so you'll pick one colour and not get all 3.
  9. Very sad news. My thoughts are with the families and friends. R I P
  10. From 11.30 today until 4th Jan.
  11. It looks good remmy1100, enjoy it. Is it around Newcastle area or further afield?
  12. Cheers Shaun , got to follow what the lads are saying. Great morning, great tea, (my bro say's) great sarnies, and great bunch of guy's (and besty57's girlfriend). I'd never shot clays before so I was well chuffed with my 23 and my bro had only fired my gun twice (4 carts) before today so he would have been happy with a 1 so his 7 was tops for him. It was good to put faces to names (some I think I missed, sorry) and we will be back for another round for sure. Oh, and excellent shooting by markm, I don't think he would have mentioned it so I will.
  13. Weather looks ok for tomorrow, hope we don't get the mist we've had lately.
  14. If you mean that all your swearing (if there was any) was censored, it'll be the swear filter that will not show certain words (swearing). Hello & to PW
  15. I can't get too my permission until 22nd Dec so that's when my farmer will be getting his drink, I also buy a little present for everyone in the family. Farmer = slab of lager (he doesn't drink spirits) Farmers wife = bottles of wine The kids = big tin of roses choccies (I bet the Farmer and his wife also get into these) Farmers mother = box of biscuits & choc liqueurs I must say though that we get on very well with the farmer and his family and always have a chat every time we go shooting. He is more like a friend now than just the man who allows us onto his land (long may it last).
  16. Hello & to PW, hope you enjoy it here.
  17. So, will he be making the tea/coffee & bacon sarnies (I'll get my coat !!)
  18. Shaun, do we just meet at the farm yard? (I've had a look on google maps for it and it brings up a farm, hope this is correct)
  19. Me and my bro will be there.
  20. Oh ******, this working for a living really messes with the shooting opportunities. Maybe next time.
  21. Rob, It's the A clamp fitting you need for that bottle and not the DIN fitting. Forget what I just posted, I've had another look and now I'm confused as to what fitting you need. :blink:
  22. I think it's an A clamp set up that you need. Have a look here http://www.deepblueshooting.com/department...spf-hose/430177
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