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Vince Green

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    NW London and now Cornwall

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  1. A lot of the fault seems to lie with our crazy judges. Even when the Home Office refuses an application the judges overturn the ruling because the appellant's son likes chicken nuggets etc Getting rid of some of these judges would be my first priority.
  2. You have to remember a lot of judges end up in the house of Lords when they retire. The judge wouldn't want to do anything to damage his chances would he?
  3. A lot of it seems to come down to how we interpret the ECHR but other countries in Europe that are also signatories don't appear to have any problem interpreting the rules very differently.
  4. The only way we will stop them coming is to stop making them so welcome when they get here. The vast majority are allowed to stay despite most not have the skills or qualifications to ever earn enough to support themselves and pay their own way in this country. It's not that difficult
  5. Let's be honest about it, net zero doesn't exist, can't exist and will never exist in the real world. It's a woke concept that exists only in the minds of a certain type of environmentalist.
  6. They are clever, because people tap their card every time they buy anything, so small transactions just blend in with the dozens (or even hundreds) of lines on your statement each month. So they take a small amount from lots of people regularly and nobody notices.
  7. Yes Internet plates are a big problem . It's where a lot of the false number plates are obtained by people up to no good. No checks, it's not legal but, as usual, nobody appears to be doing anything about it. The clue is no small makers name on the plate.
  8. Holiday car hire fraud is notorious. My son hired a car a few years back in Spain. No problems with it except it was a bit old and tatty. He returned it OK no problems at the time and went home. Several weeks later they put through a charge on his card for about £250 for a "missing spare wheel" It's a well known scam but his card company wouldn't get involved because he had signed the hire agreement and in doing so had accepted their terms and conditions. The moral of the story is be careful who you hire from.
  9. It's almost a foregone conclusion which way this is going to go. But it's not the rise of the "far right" that is happening here. It's total disillusionment with the wet muddled thinking namby pamby Euro socialist dream.
  10. This should be resisted by the police. It's their fault for allowing themselves to be used in this way. A police officer not only has the right he / she has the duty to refuse an instruction to engage in political activity like this.
  11. Exactly right, academics have to produce research papers to progress their careers. Nobody is ever going to publish a research paper that find there is no problem, nothing to worry about here. Besides, the person doing the research is not likely to be impartial to start with
  12. Vince Green


    Yes and when they open the boxes they will probably find they are full of old newspapers and pizza menus. Anything significant will be long gone. Same with Dunblane
  13. Vince Green


    Probably true, and what ever emerges there will always be debunkers and disbelievers. I have always believed that Oswold was just the fall guy. No way could a left handed shooter get off two shots on a right handed bolt action rifle that fast. Also modern digital enhancement of people's home movies now clearly shows the bullet went through Kennedys head from front to back. Meaning it couldn't have come from the bookstore. Will we ever know the truth? I doubt it
  14. Trump is Putin's poodle. Putin holds so much dirt on Trump that Trump will never openly go against him. Trump on the other hand appears to have finally lost any self control he might once have had. He is a sociopath.
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