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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Get stopped by the police now they want to see your drivers licence. So whats the difference?
  2. My cousin's husband died from covid which he caught while in hospital. He was in isolation already because he was having chemo so the only person he could have realistically caught it off was a member of staff. It's a shame, his progress on the chemo was going well. That's not to say he wouldn't have died from the cancer eventually but they will never know. To go through all that, the operation, the chemo etc and then get covid in hospital and die is tragic. No doubt some will say he had underlying conditions so he shouldn't be counted as a covid death but I'm sure if he hadn't caught covid he would still be alive, not a well man but alive
  3. I thought it was rubbish but won't say more except to say that the past few Bond films have been continuity disasters
  4. It goes back to the Blair Brown years and their open door immigration policy. It is documented that they did it to boost the pool of Labour voters. They recognised that they were losing core voters in their traditional heartlands because they were seen as dour and unappealing. Its also the reason Gordon Brown introduced so many extra benefits to bribe the voters
  5. Do what Israel does and send them to a third country that is paid to take them. The thing is, as soon as Israel started doing this the paperwork stopped going missing. But realistically, how could you send people back to places like Afghanistan at the moment? Even if they had passports?
  6. The conservatives can't do what they want to do because the snowflakes have the law on their side and won't hesitate to use it to prevent us infringing on these poor people's "human rights" While we follow the law and other countries choose to ignore it we are stuffed because we are the end of the line and have nowhere to move them on to like France does
  7. Banter is part of life in predominently male environments. Police/ army/navy/ etc its merciless My late friend Phil often said people with ginger hair should think twice about joining the RAF. But he loved the RAF despite the banter lets not just dismiss banter as irrelevent to the debate. If they are bantering with you its a good sign you are accepted and expected to return as good as you get
  8. There are black squirrels in the woods to the north of where I live. Apparently its just a local mutation not a different species
  9. The groove in the wood work is presumably at the point of balance?
  10. GP Surgeries are in crisis because all the doctors have left. A GP Surgery is a private business and usually a couple of the doctors are owners but the rest were self employed. When covid hit the surgeries closed their doors and the self employed doctors were let go. Those doctors that were let go are now working in vaccination centres where they get really well paid and its less stressful so they have no incentive to go back to being a GP. I went to a private GP , it cost £40 but i was seen the same day, I am still registered at my NHS GP but you cant even get anybody to answer the phone.
  11. 7s every time for pigeon. Big bird but small body under all those feathers Pattern counts
  12. Pictures of Belarus police standing by watching as migrants cut holes in the fence and crawl through into Poland are all over the internet. But does anybody believe Poland is their end destination? Poland wont give them any reason to want to stay so they will just keep on moving.
  13. I don't agree. MPs must be people with a bit of gritty experience of life and ideally able to bring more than just another bum on a seat to the work of the house. What ever your politics, its hard to not see that many conservative MPs are of a much higher calibre than their opponents on the other side of the house. They are people with careers outside their work as an MP and they are keeping them ticking over because they know that one day they will return to them. Doctors, Lawyers, accountants etc Now look on the Labour front Benches, Angela Raynor, not a GCSE to her name. A former worker in a care home she is bought and paid for by the unions. If she loses her seat what is she going back to? Liz Kendall, went to Cambridge, rich parents but never had a proper job in her life. Probably her greatest life skill is knowing when to keep her mouth shut. Which is what she is doing now.
  14. 7 Labour MPs have been openly paid by (politely called sponsored by) trade unions to lobby for and vote for what ever the union told them to vote for. That's been going on for near on a century now. Where is the difference? They can't do that and complain about Tory MPs doing the same?
  15. The biggest cause of food waste is dates on food. My step daughter will throw away a perfectly good bag of carrots ( or anything else) the day after the best before date has passed. Even though they are perfectly edible. She was heavily Indoctrinated since an early age at school. We can't get through to her that best before means nothing and sell by doesn't mean eat by. She just says well I'm not eating it
  16. They seem to be constantly having to rescue paddle boarders down here in Cornwall. Fortunately very few fatalities but they just haven't got a first clue about tides etc. The sea is not the same as a lake I don't know what you could do to prevent it
  17. Nail on the head. Why else would they pass through so many other countries to get to this one?
  18. If you tried to enter America without the proper paperwork (and now presumably covid certification as well) It would be go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200. And out again the next day Any possibility of sorting out your paperwork later (including claiming asylum) would be hugely difficult to the point that you could say its impossible. Same as Israel, people bring their paperwork because they know that without it there is no chance of ever getting in set the bar high and see who clears it
  19. In the place where I got my booster (A sports hall) there were about 12 desks each with number of seats in front of them. The people doing the jabs all appeared to be doctors judging by their age and demeanor. This is why the GP surgeries are in crisis. The average surgery consists of one or two partners and the rest of the doctors were self employed locums, even though they may have been there for years. When the pandemic hit and the surgeries stopped seeing patients a lot of the locums got laid off Now the Locums can earn mega money working in the vaccination centres (£1000+ per day) with no real hassle apart from it being a very long day. Why would they want to go back working for the GPs who treated them so badly? We have three doctors in our family so the info is good I confidently predict that GPs will go like dentists, a two tier system both private and NHS. They have been wanting to for years, I have already gone over to a private GP because I have been unable to see my NHS GP since june about my very painful knee. Phoned up Thusday morning totally cold, didn't know me from Adam. Saw me Thursday eve 7.30, I've got an ultrasound Monday 6.30pm after that? Lets see, sure its going to cost me but I don't care. Money is not a key issue, don't want the pain and the crutches
  20. can I ask what happens to the outboards once they get here? and the inflatables for that matter?
  21. I came back yesterday on a train from the South Coast into London and then on the underground across London to my flat. About 50% of people on the train were wearing masks and virtually nobody on the the underground. Masks are still mandatory on public transport but there is clearly no enforcement. Is it such a big thing to wear a masK? same in supermarkets (where its not enforcible any more) people not wearing masks or distancing when queuing for the checkouts. Whats the problem?
  22. I was bombarded with emails from my GP surgery to book my booster. I was away so couldn't get it done till this week. The GPs get paid for every one they do so they are pushing it like mad. Got my flu jab at the same time. Amazing what a cash incentive does, cant get an appointment to see a doctor face to face but they pester you to come and get your jab
  23. Bad enough in itself, but it really demonstrates how easy it would be to bypass proper testing, This may be a straight rip off, send your money and never hear from them again or it may be like the old MOTs of twenty years ago. You get a certificate back through the post but its not worth the paper its written on. How can we ever rely on the integrity of the documentation of people arriving here from abroad? This is the trouble with covid passports.
  24. Not really, vegetarianism or veganism can be a health choice or a protest against chemicals and battery farming. My mate in Wales is a vegetarian and grows a lot of his own food organically but will shoot any pigeons squirrels or rabbits looking for a free meal at his expense.
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