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About bruno22rf

  • Birthday 13/03/1962

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  • Interests
    shooting,metal detecting,aviation

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  1. Never tried the soups from Lidl before despite shopping there for many years, just tried the Cream of Tomato (62p) and the French Onion and Red Wine (£1.09) and they are surprisingly good, I would say the Tomato is better than Heinz (£1.75) any day of the week.
  2. Armed trespass, you should have called the police straight away - if he is the vindictive type he could tell the Police that you threatened him or were simply aggressive and you could end up in a whole world of pain.
  3. The words PEST GUARD to me implies that this is a company or indicates some kind of officialdom surely? + "I am fully insured and responsible PEST CONTROLLER" would also give more than a passing nod to such an occupation.
  4. You can bulk it out with red lentils if you wanted to keep the cost down - you would never know they're in there.
  5. There is no such Company listed and that is not a trade card AFAIK, I might be a little cynical in my old age but why try and make it look like you are a Pest Controller ? Nothing wrong, per se, but I think you may have over thought your card? Just my opinion of course and I'm happy to apologise if my impression is wrong.
  6. exceptional, nuff said.
  7. bruno22rf


    I cannot help but wonder why ask this question in the first place? 30 seconds on the interweb or youtube would have answered every question you might have - TX200HC.....HUNTER CARBINE or am I missing something here?
  8. I agree, then spend the rest of your life wondering why you didn't buy the better AA in the first place 😏.
  9. Try the Lidl frozen fish, they do a variety -the battered/breaded fillets are very good.
  10. Somebody should suggest to Starmer that releasing this scumbag to a crowd in Southport would solve many problems.
  11. This whole situation would be funny if it were not so tragic. The scum had got in a Taxi the week before armed with a knife and intent on a school massacre but had been talked out of it by his father, he had been expelled numerous times from school for carrying a knife and had a Al Qaeda training manual and had been making Ricin at home. He had been flagged up to Refrain. On the other hand a guy in Milton Keynes had his guns removed for using "colourful language", it really does beggar belief.
  12. I would love to think of them reading my medical history, it's a bit like a novel.
  13. Was in Asda last year actually buying a new set of kitchen knives and noticed that one pack had been opened and a large carving knife was missing. Called a member of staff over and as he removed the box he told us that this was an almost daily occurrence!!! Surely a camera would be a wise move or at least check the dozens of cameras already in the store but ,as usual, nobody cares.
  14. Just read this thread and it got me thinking about one of my boys. When he was just over a year old our local Vet informed us that he had an enlarged heart and a damaged aorta after being hit by a flat out Dalmatian. He prescribed a drug that "might help" at a cost of £96/month (I did find some cheaper online) and we were advised to not work him or give him too much exercise and with any luck we may get 2 or 3 years out of him. Now keeping a Springer sedate is impossible and he is typical of the breed so that was a non starter and the cost of the prescription we decided was not really worth it for a possible 3 years life span so he only had them for 4 months. He is now 10 and people often mention how active he is for such an age, we have also saved around £10k in meds.
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