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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Situation is only going to get worse - Hertfordshire constabulary have just revealed that their arrests per burglary rate is 2.5% which roughly means one person is arrested for every 48 houses that are broken in to, maybe spending less money/resources on catching/prosecuting car drivers doing 32 in a 30 might help?
  2. If you get chance try the Aldi chicken strips copy of McDonalds chicken selects, about £2.80 - get the ones with the BBQ sauce and they are better than Ronald's.
  3. bruno22rf


    Any updates on this matter??
  4. Only really use it if a recipe has failed to deliver heat wise and then only as a last resort, much prefer Buldak Hot Chicken flavour sauce (I cannot tase Chicken in it - just sweet heat). The production of Tabasco sauce is an interesting read btw.
  5. It was worse than that - the Hen was running along the hedgerow on the edge of a small wood where more guns were walking and to shoot at it would have put them in the line of fire. BUT the other reason I did not even consider the shot was that it was totally unsporting.
  6. I would imagine this is connected to your circulation, blood heavy with glucose I guess would travel more slowly? Added to the fact that Diabetes causes circulation issues anyway.
  7. All good suggestions ie layers etc, but an electric gilet can be adjusted/turned off and, often more important for older bodies, actually produces heat rather than just attempting to retain possibly already insufficient heat.
  8. Amazon do one for around £40 with battery, it has heating pads front and back and is multi adjustable so should fit anyone. Had mine for around 6 weeks, heating lasts for at least 4 hours on low which is about all you need.
  9. Apologies for wandering off topic to the OP. Game shooting - disliked the fact that most birds were shot at close range and ,in one case, literally blown to pieces after being shot by several guns, then being scolded for not shooting a running Hen pheasant. I have shot game over the years but only if asked to by a landowner wanting one for the pot other than that I always shoulder my gun and swing through birds but never pull the trigger.The "little bird" population has increased dramatically by controlling the greys in the woodlands that I cover, I see no massive reason to shoot the odd Jay.
  10. Thighs tend to retain moisture better but you can get the same with breasts if you put a tray of boiling water in the oven as you cook them, Air Frying is even easier - just pour about 100ml of boiling water into the bottom of the fryer before cooking the chicken. If you are heading towards Tandoori style chicken then (after marinading) put the chicken on a skewer and cook at a high temp in the oven before lightly burning the meat with a blowtorch. You can do the same with the veg.I don't think that the taste of the meat really has any effect as curry is normally quite a strong flavour so it's the texture that matters.
  11. Most likely evicting a few students as we speak to give him somewhere to live.
  12. That again is entirely their choice and I don't blame them (but then we know just how choosy some keepers can be as to what they shoot 😉) I have nothing to do with game shooting, went once and didn't like it so never tried it again.
  13. And I have seen a group of Magpies take 8 or 9 ducklings from a nest with the duck unable to do anything about it - and this was in a tiny garden area in the middle of a large hospital. My main vermin control perm is parkland and the owners do not want Jays shot although Magpies are allowed if on the feeders or the shooter deems the shot to be safe (there are members of the public within 40-50 yards most of the time so opportunities are rare), the number and variety of songbirds has increased massively by controlling the grey menace so the parks policy seems to be working. On top of all this - I simply have no intention of shooting a Jay and gain more pleasure watching them on the feeder than I could ever hope to have if I shot one.
  14. Debatable, plus there are far less Jays than Magpies.
  15. Some more pics would be good + how much does your RFD charge?
  16. Cannot begin to understand the pain you must be feeling, this will slowly fade away but the memories will live on.My thoughts are with you.
  17. I'm doing the same as you - exercising my right to voice my opinion on this subject. If I feel the need to question another members loyalty to field sports I will start another thread and not troll this one.
  18. Thank you, every day's a school day!!
  19. That looks superb, no expert but will the Squirrels smell the bait? I suppose if you leave some on the platform they will soon learn where the rest is?
  20. So the Hares are not wild? If you enjoy this kind of thing then crack on, personally I find it cruel and totally unnecessary.
  21. In comparison to their black and white cousins they are a drop in the ocean. I love to see them so I would not consider shooting one.
  22. Shooting Jays is a massive no no in my book, see them on my various perms but not interested in shooting them.
  23. Not criticizing you Sir - just in case you think I am. Was genuinely interested in what the Komado brings to the party. I have a Weber and the prices in the UK are the same here, ridiculous. I'm such a tart that I buy the instant BBQ's whenever I can so my Weber doesn't get dirty - drives my Mrs up the wall!!.
  24. But this is not in the wild, those birds are not hunting to feed themselves - they are hunting for the pleasure of the owners.
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