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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. I'm picking my nose-its that or watch the Eurovision
  2. Just think,Beardo,when you first started,you knew nothing!!(mind you-I think you've even forgotten that)
  3. Rub a small amount of Liquid detergent onto the inside lens (Fairy Liquid seems best) in small circles and let it sit for about a minute-then use a (lint free) soft cloth (microfibre is best-if you cannot get one then pm your address and I will send you one) to polish them clean.
  4. bruno22rf


    hendersons-if you contact the Air Historical Branch they will put you in touch with a company that holds all service personel records-they may require proof of ID but for a fee they can send you his records.
  5. Fenboy-you just about read my mind
  6. bruno22rf


    Looks like Aspinell died on the same day as Eaglen-but I cannot find records for either of them-may have been Coastal Command?
  7. If you really want 10 O rings then you could join the BSA owners forum and ask or just take the old one,along with the piston,to your nearest engineering workshop and ask them to measure the groove dia in the piston and the thickness of the O ring.I would suggest that,if you are looking for maximum power,you think about buying a gun designed to work at the top end of the legal limit rather than "super tuning" a Meteor.
  8. bruno22rf


    ordnance-that's an odd one-I cannot find any details of any crash where anybody called Eaglen died-I have searched my records for Bomber and Training command.
  9. Your household cover rarely covers motoring cases and if it does it usually only works to defend you-not to claim damages.
  10. bruno22rf


    There is no freedom in this country m8-its a total myth.
  11. Cut a piece off a used 12g cartridge case and pack the mount nearest the barrel-mole was pretty much on the button as ever
  12. If you google Chambers gun spares you should find a diagram of the gun.
  13. Surely you have honoured your part of the deal so now the ball is in her court.A verbal contract is as good as a written one so long as you have a witness?Make your payment to the fencing company and let them sort her out-the dispute is between them.
  14. I use 2 positions on a normal hunt.....1/ Sit,Lay,Stand or lean on any object more steady than me ( so thats most things) & 2/ Laid on my back with a look of shock and suprise on my face-I use this second position if I ever hit anything
  15. Paddy Galore-I think you will find that Immuno Suppressants react to Grapefruit juice rather than Pineapple?
  16. Here here,Figgy,.....times,they are a changing.
  17. Can anybody,seriously,explain a reason why you would ever need 15 power settings? Buy the AA S510 or a .22lr.
  18. Ultimately this is all that Farage wanted-the referendum that,as a democracy,we are all entitled to.I have voted UKIP from the start-its amazing to witness the change in political pace now that the 3 main parties have had a warning shot fired across their bows.
  19. Quick tip re. taking multiple tablets or if you tend to Gag-try taking them with a Yoghurt drink
  20. Yep-the GP then told me that he thought I might have Bowel Cancer and he would refer me to the hospital for an internal examination.When the appointment came thru it was nearly 3 months away so I went private and less than a week later I was given the all clear.Come the revolution I'm thinking the GP gets it first
  21. bruno22rf


    kyska-we bought our bread maker as it was winner of the "which" tests-its a pile of poo
  22. bruno22rf


    Dont Hayter use Briggs & Stratton engines?-if so get a Honda
  23. Buy the pellet that gives the best results in your particular gun then buy as many from the same batch as you can-you can still buy Sizers that you can push your pellets thru to ensure that they are all good-Size em then store them in foam or similar if you can be bothered.I use AA fields and could not say,hand on heart,that the quality (or lack of it) has ever caused me to miss.
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