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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. bruno22rf


    Dont Hayter use Briggs & Stratton engines?-if so get a Honda
  2. Buy the pellet that gives the best results in your particular gun then buy as many from the same batch as you can-you can still buy Sizers that you can push your pellets thru to ensure that they are all good-Size em then store them in foam or similar if you can be bothered.I use AA fields and could not say,hand on heart,that the quality (or lack of it) has ever caused me to miss.
  3. Tesco's own Jelly Beans are v.good but I like Pork Crunch with Apple Sauce most.
  4. My shooting buddy has one of these-fantastic quality and stupidly accurate-took my longest ever pigeon with it at 160 yards (thats good for me!!!)
  5. ZZZZZZZ-just like a normal "last one to the Kid and Fiddler buys the beers" for me and the lads.
  6. Dont you just love it?-I always thought that the old "Innocent till proven guilty " law was reasonable yet here we are,in the majority,suggesting that this "underkeeper" get a kick in the Gonads.While I have no reason to doubt the OP's honesty,why are people suggesting violence as a solution when we dont know for certain any of the facts?.The OP only joined in January so why is he more trustworthy than this underkeeper (who may have been a member of this forum for many years)-I dont get it,but I do wish your wife a speedy recovery.
  7. I have never seen Rooks do any major damage-they will pick up grain but usually only if its on the surface where germination is unlikely anyway.As for egg predation I consider them more of an opportunist than a dedicated egg thief.I would say that numbers have dropped in the last 20 years and I only shoot Branchers now if we are going to eat them or a landowner demands it.
  8. bruno22rf

    Got ink

    Sorry m8,but I've got to be honest-I think its terrible.
  9. bruno22rf

    Ride on Mowers

    I use a STIGA ride on at work,easy to maintain and blades (3) are simple to sharpen but best of all they have just started fitting Honda engines.Mulching decks are great but you will need to cut the grass every week in the growing season.If you get the chance of a used Stiga check that there is a deflector plate fitted under the fuel tank on the chassis-if not then grass cuttings build up and ignite on the exhaust-this then toasts the plastic fuel tank.If you smell burning plastic get off and run like ****
  10. bruno22rf


    £300 a pair of tyres for a ZX9R??-did they see you coming?-plenty on the bay for far less-Diabalo's for my Gixer 1000 were less than £180 fitted and a new Yuasa battery this year was £37-fitted free in the service (£110 cash- oil+filter+air filter+plugs+bike picked up in a van and returned cos I refuse to get it wet)-pays to shop around and pay cash with no paperwork,you usually get a better deal in the winter when the shops are quieter.
  11. My mistake-when I was made redundant I was on a "fixed term contract" of 6 months that an employer can renew constantly and thus never pay you redundancy-quick look on tinternet shows that this was made illegal in 2002.I was made redundant in 1999-apologies for incorrect advice.Employers can still employ you on a 6 month fixed contract but only for 4 years since the law changed.
  12. Normally 2 years before you are entitled to redundancy but over the last few years most people are on a 6 month contract that just seems to "auto renew"-in which case you get diddly squat-great innit.
  13. A 10 foot one should be goiod for 2 people.any bigger and you tend to lose the bounce+be very careful if you intend to have 4 people on at the samw time unless you live right next to your local A&E
  14. I thought that,if your car was virtually brand new,if someoine crashes into it then the car is replaced by another new vehicle? Any repair on a brand new car is going to lower its resale value when you come to sell.
  15. bruno22rf


    seph234-transplant was from a young lady who carried a donor card.I'm not sure what the criteria to be eligible is at the moment but I would speak to your Diabetic Consultant about going on the list or being reffered to the Transplant team.You would be on Immunosuppressants for the rest of your life that have side effects but this would be disscussed with you.
  16. Ask your mate to machins a series of plugs that can be tapped thru the bore-if he increaes the size by,say 5 thou,each time you should find that you can repair the tube-should only take 3-4 attempts if you start with a plug the same size as the "piston" that pushes the cartridges.
  17. If you're a big fella then go with the HW100 cos they are a clinical killing machine.If you are not Schwarzenegger then get the AA S410 or 510 cos they are brilliant guns-If you are desperate get the BSA-nuff said.
  18. bruno22rf


    seph234-had type 1 Diabetes for over 30 years then a Pancreas/Kidney transplant 8 years ago-not one drop of injected Insulin since.
  19. bruno22rf


    Started taking them when I was about your age (15 ish years ago) when I had type 1 Diabetes and had no real side effects at lower doses.Take them just b4 you go to bed so that you are asleep if any side effects do present themselves,only one I have noticed is aching muscles in the morning.As suggested previously though-a diet change would be wise but find out if your father has a high count as it could be hereditory.Good luck with the Diabetes-one thing I dont miss!!
  20. You make I larf,evo,you spent a small fortune on a Daystate and seem impressed that it has lasted 8 months-I've had nooky sessions last longer than that and paid much less
  21. I'm right handed and shot as normal till I lost my right eye about 10 years ago-switching to the left shoulder only took a couple of weeks to get used to before I could match my previous performance.
  22. Are they the metal bodied darts? If so for gods sake dont put them in this gun.
  23. O.K.-steel helmet on....couple of years back when my mate got his HW100 we were sighting the beast in and moving the target further and further away till it was a ranged 100 yards.It was still producing very acceptable groups at this range and we started our walk back to the car leaving the gun zeroed as was because I was picking up my S400 next day and we would return and zero both guns at a sensible distance.You can probably guess the rest-couple of fields crossed and a lone bunny sat 2-3 yards out in the field caught my mates eye.There was very little cover between us and time was not on our side so my mate decided to "have a go".About a week passed between the sound of the gun and the noise of lead on bone and the rabbit failed to even twitch as it went over-we ranged it at 105 yards!! Rather not get any flack over this cos I did'nt take the shot and the permission belongs to my pal so I'm not about to tell him to not take the shot.He is known to a few on this site who will,I have no doubt,confirm that he is a superb shot (in fact the best I have ever shot with)
  24. When you decide on which to buy-check out your local "Go Outdoors" store-they will beat any price by 10% (except ebay but a lot of ebay sellers are shop based) Just download the relevant page from tinternet and take it with you.They stock JP clothing but you might be wise to ring and see what others they sell.
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