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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Just agreed to our second year with TT-totally unlimited Broadband and ALL phone calls includind 100 minutes to mobiles/month =£26/month.
  2. So,if we are to follow the law to its full extent-if I'm driving down a public road on my way to a days shooting and I hit a pigeon with the car then I may as well hand my guns in
  3. Got mine on this site from "sitsinhedges"-reeeeeally cheap and very good quality,I think he's a bit far from you though but I'm sure someone on here will be able to help.
  4. If I HAD to have one of the four it would be the Miroku-the rest are far from ideal.As a starter gun you may find that versatilioty is the name of the game so look for a multi choke sporter with a decent name on it-this keeps the resale price (when you come to sell/px) higher.A single trigger ejector is also desirable and theres plenty to choose from if you shop around.If money is an issue look for a Browning Medalist-price will be a little higher than equivalent guns but so will the residual value.Try as many guns as you can for fit-Brownings fit some people like a glove yet others feel like they are swinging a wobbly fence post.Dont be tempted to buy the first thing that comes along or just because its local-you need to be able to travel for the best buys.
  5. I've had several items go "missing" over the years,if I buy anything online now I try and warn the seller but the situation seems a bit better since the MK sorting office closed and moved to Northampton.Whenever I rang the complaints line I got the same answer-"If it happens again then ring and tell us"-well thats what I've bin doing you pond scum.
  6. Some of the wiser guys are on the money here-dont blame the pellet.If the pellet shoots tight groups on paper and you are not dropping pigeons then you are not hitting them in the right place and need to reduce your range until you sort this out.With respect-this pellet and the S200 are a very capable combination so maybe the problem is closer to home?
  7. If PCP's werer banned for some stupid reason and I had to buy a springer then the TX would be top of my list.I think you need to chrono it to see how good they are because the firing cycle is so refined that they feel under powered-not the case!! And its made in England.
  8. I must be missing summit-did you or did you not clearly state that your m8's FAC air matches your cz.22 everytime-where have I miss quoted you? And still trying to find how an FAC air gun firing an approx 20gr pellet at just over 900fps can match the 22lr firing a 32 gr bullet at up to 1700fps-without even mentioning the limited shot count of the 510 extra that ,I assumne,you are using for comparison.
  9. Must admit that I hid a wry smile on the other side of my face when my shooting pal spent his hard earned on 2 of these and a magnet.Strange thing is,though,in the right conditions ( i.e. a keen wind-which pigeons tend to fly best in anyway) they work a treat-birds tend to flare at the last moment but if your hide is where it should be this is not a problem.If the wind is strong enough to hide the noise then I judge that to be a good time to use them.
  10. SS.your third post states that .22lr out to 60-70 yards and your FAC air out to 60 but you are hoping to push this out to 75. The comment regarding the FAC air matching the .22lr "everytime" was made by Vampire-I never implied that the remark was yours and apologise if my post was misleading. In my opinion,having spent far too much of my life behind various firearms (and I,m not trying to belittle Airguns cos I have spent a kings ransom on them over the years and love using them) the .22lr blows the FAC air into the weeds in 99% of shooting scenario's-even at 60 yards if there is any wind then the higher velocity and heavier bullet makes the Rimmie so much more easy and effective than the FAC air.I'm left wondering now why you restrict your lr to the shorter ranges?If it wont clover leaf at 100 yards then maybe there is something not quite tickety boo with it? The only other reason I can think of is (and I mean this with the greatest respect) that you are simply not confident shooting at longer ranges-in which case I can see why the FAC air is the better option.
  11. bruno22rf

    Ticking pipes

    Get the system cleaned and refilled with protector-you can do it yourself for under £20 if you buy the stuff from the bay.
  12. Still struggling to believe what I'm reading-FAC Air so far (according to previous posts) has greater range than .22lr (thats what your post reads SS) and will match a CZ.22 EVERYTIME.I can only assume that you never shoot Rabbits at 100 yards with your lr's -as for the ,17 being a better tool for serious bunny control I must live in an area where the wildlife is blessed with sharp hearing cos one shot with a Hummer clears land of all living things for 1/2 mile-the .22 with subs on the other hand can be used to clear several rabbits before a group gets wise and scarpers,you can usually carry on then and do the same in the next field.I sometimes wonder if people,even those who have them,realise just what an effective round the humble .22lr is.
  13. Dont worry if you dont win -they make carp boots now-buy some Dobbies cheapies cos they last as long.
  14. Well there he is,Benefit cheat squad and he has NO defence-why has he not been arrested for falsely claiming benefits?There's no shortage of witnesses.
  15. Snares would be the most effective way but you need to know how to use them-they MUST be weathered and you need to know the tricks of the trade.Failing that invite someone along with a .22lr and a couple of boxes of subs,set up in the busiest places and play the waiting game shooting them silently until you get bored and move on.
  16. I dont understand ,Salop sniper,how your FAC air at 30ft/lb can match (and you suggest exceed) a .22lr range wise with a .22lr capable of quadrupling your Airguns power and ,using something akin to Tenex,will clover leaf at well over 100 yards? I'm considering getting shot of my Rimmy now.
  17. Watch her like a Hawk and make sure that someone visits her every day.Make sure that she is drinking and take food in for her-I spent 12 days in hospital in Feb and swear I will never go into a NHS hospital when I get old-I would rather rot at home.Take care of her like she did for you.
  18. I think location is more important than actual size but you need to be sensible-you would be lucky to be granted an FAC for shooting in a window box.If you have 250 Acres of stoney ,flat ground criss crossed with public footpaths you are less likely to be granted an FAC than if you have 50 Acres in the middle of nowhere with no public access and plenty of natural backstops.Talk to your local FEO before applying.
  19. I am amazed that they managed to find tiny fragments of lead in a Deer yet they missed a Horse in Beefburgers.
  20. If its Rabbits then go for a .22lr-.17 is far too noisy to clear Rabbits.22lr's are cheap as chips-you can get a scoped CZ for around £250 that will kill bunnies till the cows come home if you use subs and a moderater-price of rounds is not worth considering unless you use a couple of hundred a night.Dont be fooled into thinking that a .22 sub is not up to the job-its quieter than any FAC airgun that I have ever heard,is less bothered by the wind and carries enough energy at 100 yards to kill a man.With a bipod fitted and decent ammo (Eley or RWS in my case) the gun will head shoot rabbits at 100 yards in the right conditions-maybe more if you are good enough.
  21. I will take your Gout and raise you a double transplant (inc removal of the intestines)-further raise you a heart attack,stroke,2 Lumber punctures,a Hickman line (into the heart) open uretheraplasty (thru the crotch-cut and rejoin the urethera) and numerous injections into my eye.I can add to this list(like over 20k injections) but it means going back a few years
  22. If I know that someone has permission on a piece of land then I wont go asking the farmer-its bad manners,how would you feel? Go and ask the guy that has permission first-there could be thousands of reasons why he doesnt shoot there very often.
  23. Wickes is THE place to find knobs.
  24. You dont need any anti virus gizzmo's to get rid of this rubbish.Computer on till offending screen comes up/turn computer off using power off button on laptop itself (small button)/restart computer and select SAFE mode-allow to load fully till desktop is displayed/type RESTORE into your "search programs and files"box at the bottom left of your screen (normally click on the windows symbol to display it)/select "Restore your computer to an earlier date"option and simply pick a date before today-its simple from here on in-0just follow the instructions.Sometimes you need to do all this twice,it might also help if you turn off the internet.POO-while i was writing this you fixed it.
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