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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. This country has sold all of its weapons so our lads use sticks with ribbons on and bells on their feet-you can watch them at most country fairs.
  2. I would estimate that the vast majority of guns on this forum who use Magnets,Flappers,Floaters or even all three plus many other types of decoy,shoot,by far,most of their pigeons as they come into the decoy pattern-some ,of course,are shot on the ground but pigeons are wary and relatively easier targets to shoot as they glide into the pattern and before they spot that all is not as it should be.The best advice I can give when using a rimfire is to keep ranges as far as you are confident you can hit the birds-put your decoys(and if you only have 5 then make sure they are good quality ones with some movement in them) at this maximum range and pick the fields where the birds are already feeding.Rimfires are not really ideal for pigeon decoying-it can be done but you are making life difficult for yourself-have you considered getting a shotgun?+whereabouts are you?
  3. Stripping it down depends on its age-newer machines have non-replaceable bearings and the entire drum has to be replaced should a fault occur.
  4. Is that not the same as the Original mod.5?If so then "Micks Guns" have had one for sale for quite a while.
  5. Were there any pigeons actually feeding in your field when you arrived?If not then ,at this time of year when there is an abundance of food,you will have the devils own job of enticing them in.Why are you using a rifle?You are making things hard for yourself-you need sitting targets and the majority of pigeons are shot as they fly over the pattern-maybe 1 in 50 actually land on average.If I use a rimfire for pigeons its usually because they have been shot at constantly and soon learn that landing near hedgerows is dangerous and thus they pitch into the centre of the field where they feel safer-but again only if the field has something tempting on the ground.You might be better, if pigeons are feeding on your land, to arrive early and watch where they are feeding then set up as close as you can and try without the decoys.Use a moderator cos the high pitched crack of a rimfire unsettles them.Good luck-the sound of a pigeon being hit at 80 yards with a silenced .22 is worth the effort
  6. I,m with UKPoacher on this-agree 100% with everything that he has said (most unlike me!!)
  7. bruno22rf

    Red Arrows

    Am I the only one who thinks that they are a waste of money? What purpose do they serve?If its an aid to recruitment then what a sham-we have a tiny Airforce with out-dated a/c and with stations being closed daily and pilots being laid off.At least the American display teams are combat trained and can be converted back to fighting status in a matter of days-the only use for the arrows in combat would be to block roads and cause a tailback.Its time we woke up to the fact that if most European countries wanted to invade us we could do little but bend over and take it.Decades of politics have raped the RAF of its ability to defend our shores-when will the general public realise that we need to dramatically increase spending on protecting our backsides and not on painting the sky pretty colours in obsolete aircraft.
  8. Looking for a 12volt 17aH (or thereabouts)battery for my magnet-anyone know of any good deals in the MK/Bucks area?
  9. At that range and in those wind conditions I would not have even considered taking the shot.We are all different,however,and I have met some outstanding,almost natural,rifle shots (The Duncan,for example)and it looks like you,si-bore, are also blessed.I,for one,am not going to question your capabilities-I,m far too flaming jealous.
  10. I bought one months ago but it was faulty and attached itself to my gun-Its back from the repair shop now but since then the only thing its tempted with wings is a dropped panty-pad.
  11. Well now, I have had a quick read thru my posts on this thread and I simply fail to see where I have tried to "belittle" you,staffyspen.I really could,nt give a monkeys if you bought the gun from your Nan-my concern is that you are stating ,quite openly,that your gun is capable of exceeding the legal limit.I then suggest that,as we have no idea who is on this forum,we all be a little more cautious what we write in case a forum member gets in trouble.If you insist on throwing your toys out of the pram when someone tries to keep you out of trouble then so be it.
  12. With the greatest respect,lineshooter,it does,nt make a difference if it was the pellet or his lucky underpants pushing the gun over the limit-the fact remains that he publicly stated that his gun was AVERAGING 12.6 ft/lb and thus illegal.Using an Air Rifle that is "capable"of exceeding a muzzle energy of 12ft/lb without a FAC is a criminal offence-talking about it on a public forum is asking for trouble.I hate to be a party pooper but we need to watch our backs.
  13. Had a look on Chambers and no joy-what model is it because if its the S-16 then just putting "changing the seals on a Logun S-16" into Google brings up a load of info.
  14. What the heck is going on in this section?.First we have a chap who seemed determined to show a picture of a protected bird that he had shot and now you,staffypen, are freely admitting to owning an Airgun capable of power over the legal limit i.e. a Firearm.We have no idea of the people on here or why they are here-I can call myself "destroyspigeonsalldaylong"but that does not mean that I am not an anti employed by the RSPCA.Lets be a bit more sensible shall we?
  15. Which Logun is it?+Fill the bottle (i,m guessing its the S16?)and wait a couple of days before reconnecting the bottle to your air source-has it lost its pressure?-If not then you know its the gun side that needs fixing-if it has then its the bottle.If you look up Chambers gun spares on tinternet you will most likely find a parts diagram-the seal responsible should be easy to spot.Prise the old one out and then you can either pay a gun dealer a kings ransom for one or measure the seal and buy a handfull for peanuts from an engineering merchant or even a local garage/DIY sore.
  16. Been a lover of HW,s since I started shooting (35 years ago)and it hurts to admit it but the TX200 is a far better rifle than the 77,80 or 95 form HW-cant compare the other models cos I,ve never owned them.
  17. Take it back to the shop-not only can it mess up the gun but it can push the velocity over the legal limit.When you collect it next time get a chrono test from the dealer to prove its power output-this problem is caused by combustible lubricants seeping forwards onto the piston seal.
  18. Canals will be full of the pests-easiest way to catch loads is to buy about 3 traps from Ebay and tie a length of nylon rope to each one-about 15 metres should be enough for most rivers.Pop into your local fishmongers and ask for fish heads-i,ve never been charged for this bait and it works every time.Pop the bait into your freezer in lumps about the size of a golf ball.Best time to catch them is overnight so put the traps into the water with the bait inside in the evening and peg the rope to the bank firmly.Take a bucket of fresh water with you next morning and open the traps carefully (thems have a nasty nip)and tip them into the bucket.Leave them in the bucket for at least 12 hours to purge them of river water.Do us all a favour and eat the beggers.If anyone has traps in the M.K. area and wants to catch some but is unsure how to go about it or has no permission-p.m. me as I have a stretch of water so full of them that I would hesitate to walk thru it!!
  19. bruno22rf

    Cool Plate

    Saw a great No. plate today in the Winchester area -SHOOT-just wondering if the owner is a member of this forum?
  20. My sister has an R32 but hates driving it cos she is constantly being challenged at traffic lights by boy racers-she also has a (lime green!!!)DB9 but has never had the same reaction.
  21. Yours are the clips I watch out for-with a bit of work I reckon you could make a saleable DVD-I would certainly pay for an hours worth of your filming.
  22. As far as I know it would be illegal to post firearms in this way-whats to stop people posting ,say,shotguns in 2 or 3 parcels a few days apart? As the item has already been posted however,I suggest that he rings the manager where it was posted and ,calmly, ask him/her to spell their name as the police were looking to interview anyone who might be responsible for the theft of the firearm-A similar event happened to me a couple of years back with an Air Rifle(still classed as a firearm)-after I had spoken to the relevant manager my parcel arrived the following morning after being missing for 3 weeks-might just have been coincidence but who knows?
  23. Run the machine at 90 degree,s with a biological powder at least once a month and avoid liquid detergents-if all else fails then try the vinegar tip or soda crystals.There is a brilliant website all about washing machines that is well worth a visit-washerhelp.
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